AP Span 2nd column wkst
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309205542 | la basura | trash | |
309205543 | la capa de ozono | ozone layer | |
309205544 | el combustible | fuel | |
309205545 | el consumo de energía | energy consumption | |
309205546 | la contaminación | pollution | |
309205547 | la deforestación | deforestation | |
309205548 | el desarrollo | development | |
309205549 | la energía (eólica, nuclear, renovable, solar) | (wind, nuclear, renewable, solar) energy | |
309205550 | la fuente | source | |
309205551 | el medio ambiente | environment | |
309205552 | el peligro | danger | |
309205553 | el petróleo | oil | |
309205554 | el porvenir | future | |
309205555 | los recursos | resources | |
309205556 | agotar | to use up | |
309205557 | aguantar | to put up with, to tolerate | |
309205558 | amenazar | to threaten | |
309205559 | cazar | to hunt | |
309205560 | conservar | to preserve | |
309205561 | contagiar | to infect, to be contagious | |
309205562 | contaminar | to pollute | |
309205563 | desaparecer | to disappear | |
309205564 | destruir | to destroy | |
309205565 | echar | to throw away | |
309205566 | empeorar | to get worse | |
309205567 | extinguirse | to become extinct | |
309205568 | malgastar | to waste | |
309205569 | mejorar | to improve | |
309205570 | prevenir | to prevent | |
309205571 | proteger | to protect | |
309205572 | resolver | to solve, resolve | |
309205573 | respirar | to breathe | |
309205574 | urbanizar | to urbanize | |
309205575 | dañino(a) | harmful | |
309205576 | desechable | disposable | |
309205577 | híbrido(a) | hybrid | |
309205578 | renovable | renewable | |
309205579 | tóxico(a) | toxic | |
309205580 | el aparcamiento | parking space | |
309205581 | el coche | car | |
309205582 | la decepción | disappointment |