Vocabulary for AP Lang
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326898865 | Abnegation | unwillingness to admit reality or truth; denial | |
326898866 | Abtruse | difficult to understand | |
326898867 | Acrid | strong and sharp | |
326898868 | Affront | insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V: insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally | |
326898869 | Anachronism | something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context | |
326898870 | August | (adj.) majestic, inspiring admiration and respect | |
326898871 | Cacophony | a loud harsh or strident noise | |
326898872 | Chagrin | embarrassment; mortification; disappointment | |
326898873 | Clandestine | secretive, concealed for a darker purpose | |
326898874 | Contumely | rudeness | |
326898875 | Deprecate | disapprove; belittle | |
326898876 | Desultory | marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose | |
326898877 | Eclectic | made up of a variety of sources or styles | |
326898878 | Egregious | conspicuously bad or offensive | |
326898879 | Enamored | inflamed with love | |
326898880 | Eschew | to avoid, shun, keep away from | |
326898881 | Facile | easily done | |
326898882 | Fickle | likely to change on a whim or without apparent reason | |
326898883 | Generic | applicable to an entire class or group | |
326898884 | Harbinger | something that indicates what is to come; a forerunner | |
326898885 | Hypochondriac | a person suffering from abnormal anxiety about his or her health; one who imagines he or she is sick or has symptoms of a disease | |
326898886 | Impute | to blame or to charge | |
326898887 | Inept | unsuited; inappropriate; lacking skill; incompetent; CF. inapt: (of statements or ideas) inappropriate | |
326898888 | Intrepid | very brave, fearless, unshakable | |
326898889 | Juxtapose | to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast | |
326898890 | Labyrinth | complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost | |
326898891 | Machiavellian | cunning, deceitful, and underhanded in business or politics; aiming to maintain power by whatever means necessary | |
326898892 | Mellifluous | sweet and smooth sounding | |
326898893 | Nomad | a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons | |
326898894 | Ostentatious | showy; intended to impress people | |
326898895 | Paradox | a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. | |
326898896 | Pathos | a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow) | |
326898897 | Pensive | dreamily or wistfully thoughtful | |
326898898 | Philistine | a narrow-minded person with no interest in the arts | |
326898899 | Poignant | deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell | |
326898900 | Prate | to talk idly or foolishly at great length | |
326898901 | Propinquity | nearness, closeness, proximity | |
326898902 | Redress | to set right, remedy; relief from wrong or injury | |
326898903 | Reticent | quiet; reserved; reluctant to express thoughts and feelings | |
326898904 | Satiate | fill to satisfaction | |
326898905 | Staccato | marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds | |
326898906 | Succinct | briefly and clearly expressed | |
326898907 | Sycophant | a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage | |
326898908 | Tenacious | holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent | |
326898909 | Tyro | beginner; novice | |
326898910 | Vainglorious | boastful; excessively conceited | |
326898911 | Verbose | using more words than are needed; wordy | |
326898912 | Virtuoso | a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit | |
326898913 | Vivacity | liveliness; animation | |
326898914 | Wanton | immoral, lewd |