AP French Flashcard Set 8
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134076117 | un toit | a roof | |
134076118 | un plafond | a ceiling | |
134076119 | un mur | a wall | |
134076120 | un volet | a shutter | |
134076121 | en haut | upstairs | |
134076122 | en bas | downstairs | |
134076123 | une baignoire | a bathtub | |
134076124 | une serviette | a towel | |
134076125 | un savon | a bar of soap | |
134076126 | un lavabo | a bathroom sink | |
134076127 | une armoire | a closet | |
134076128 | un meuble | a piece of furniture | |
134076129 | un tiroir | a drawer | |
134076130 | un aspirateur | a vacuum cleaner | |
134076131 | un climatiseur | an air conditioner | |
134076132 | un rideau | a curtain | |
134076133 | un oreiller | a pillow | |
134076134 | un matelas | a mattress | |
134076135 | un drap | a sheet | |
134076136 | un plancher | a wooden floor | |
134076137 | le sol | the floor | |
134076138 | un divan | a couch | |
134076139 | un fauteuil | an armchair | |
134076140 | une couverture | a blanket | |
134076141 | s'allonger | to lie down | |
134076142 | avoir sommeil | to be sleepy | |
134076143 | un evier | a kitchen sink | |
134076144 | un four | an oven | |
134076145 | un appareil menager | an appliance | |
134076146 | une poubelle | a garbage can | |
134076147 | une poele | a frying pan | |
134076148 | le grenier | the attic | |
134076149 | la cave | the cellar | |
134076150 | le sous-sol | The basement | |
134076151 | un atelier | a studio | |
134076152 | le rez-de-chaussee | the ground floor | |
134076153 | une boite a lettres | a mailbox | |
134076154 | le courrier | the mail | |
134076155 | frotter | to rub | |
134076156 | astiquer | to polish | |
134076157 | balayer | to sweep | |
134076158 | faire le menage | to do housework | |
134076159 | faire la poussiere | to dust | |
134076160 | ranger | to put away | |
134076161 | se reposer | to rest | |
134076162 | bricoler | to fix |