AP Vocab
AP English Biersach
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304575139 | Exculpate | To clear of guilt or blame | |
304575140 | Vindicate | to clear of blame, accusation | |
304575141 | Vilify | to make vicious statements about | |
304575142 | Demonize | to represent as evil or diabolic | |
304575143 | Laud | to give praise to | |
304575144 | Excoriate | express strong disapproval of | |
304575145 | Deign | do something that one considers to be below one's dignity | |
304575146 | Execrate | to denounce as vile or evil; to curse; to detest | |
304575147 | Fulminate | criticize severely | |
304575148 | Impute | attribute or credit to | |
304575149 | Disabuse | free somebody (from an erroneous belief) | |
304575150 | Bowdlerize | edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate | |
304575151 | Hector | to bully | |
304575152 | Cauterize | burn (a wound or snakebite, etc.) with hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding and prevent infection | |
304575153 | Suborn | induce to commit perjury or give false testimony | |
304575154 | Insufflate | blow or breathe hard on or into | |
304575155 | Genuflect | bend the knees and bow in a servile manner | |
304575156 | Deprecate | express strong disapproval of | |
304575157 | Ostracize | to exclude from a group, banish, send away | |
304575158 | Titillate | excite pleasurably or erotically | |
304575159 | Assuage | make less intense or severe | |
304575160 | Remonstrate | argue in protest or opposition | |
304575161 | Extrapolate | to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information | |
304575162 | Conjoin | To unite | |
304575163 | Beguile | to deceive; to charm; to enchant | |
304575164 | Castigate | inflict severe punishment on | |
304575165 | Stomach | put up with something or somebody unpleasant | |
304575166 | Extirpate | pull up by or as if by the roots | |
304575167 | Lacerate | to tear or rip | |
304575168 | Dissemble | (v.) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression | |
304575169 | Loathe | to hate or dislike greatly | |
304575170 | Intercede | act between parties with a view to reconciling differences | |
304575171 | Mitigate | make less severe or harsh | |
304575172 | Ruminate | ..., reflect deeply on a subject | |
304575173 | Apprise | ..., make aware of | |
304575174 | Obviate | ..., prevent the occurrence of | |
304575175 | Countervail | ..., To offset. | |
304575176 | Belabor | ..., to work at or to absurd length | |
304575177 | Contuse | ..., to bruise | |
304575178 | Foist | ..., to impose by fraud | |
304575179 | Absolve | ..., to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt | |
304575180 | Impale | ..., pierce with a sharp stake or point | |
304575181 | Portend | ..., foreshadow | |
304575182 | Aver | ..., to affirm; declare to be true | |
304575183 | Exalt | To raise in rank, praise, or intensity | |
304575184 | Presage | ..., predict | |
304575185 | Proselytize | ..., convert to another faith or religion | |
304575186 | Rescind | ..., to take back, repeal | |
304575187 | Revile | ..., to attack with words | |
304575188 | Remunerate | to reward, pay, reimburse | |
304575189 | Covet | ..., to desire something belonging to another | |
304575190 | Adumbrate | to foreshadow | |
304575191 | Quibble | ..., to complain about little things | |
304575192 | Cajole | ..., influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering | |
304575193 | Embolden | ..., give encouragement to | |
304575194 | Abrogate | ..., to abolish, to do away with | |
304575195 | Belie | ..., represent falsely | |
304575196 | Cohere | ..., to hold or stick together | |
304575197 | Commingle | ..., to mix together | |
304575198 | Disparage | ..., express a negative opinion of | |
304575199 | Placate | ..., to soothe or pacify | |
304575200 | Eviscerate | to take away something essential | |
304575201 | Proscribe | ..., to prohibit | |
304575202 | Enthrall | ..., to captivate or charm | |
304575203 | Hoodwink | to mislead by a trick, deceive | |
304575204 | Impugn | to call into question; to attack as false | |
304575205 | Oust | drive out of a position or place | |
304575206 | Scuttle | to run hurriedly | |
304575207 | censure | ..., to criticize harshly | |
326917241 | Halcyon | calm and peaceful | |
326917242 | Prescient | having foresight | |
326917243 | Perspicacious | wise; insightful; acutely intelligent | |
326917244 | unctuous | exaggeratedly or insincerely polite | |
326917245 | fortuitous | occurring by happy chance | |
326917246 | indefatigable | tireless, incapable of being fatigued | |
326917247 | inane | without sense or meaning; silly | |
326917248 | exemplary | serving as a model; outstanding | |
326917249 | mellifluous | pleasing to the ear | |
326917250 | nebulous | Vague | |
326917251 | sordid | filthy | |
326917252 | snide | arrogantly insulting | |
326917253 | eminent | standing above others in quality or position | |
326917254 | scrupulous | careful | |
326917255 | notorious | known widely and unfavorably | |
326917256 | benign | harmless | |
326917257 | acerbic | bitter | |
326917258 | catty | Saying mean things about others | |
326917259 | affable | friendly | |
326917260 | quixotic | idealistic but not practical | |
326917261 | munificent | extremely generous | |
326917262 | prodigal | wasteful, a person given to extravagance | |
326917263 | decorous | proper; tasteful; socially correct | |
326917264 | politic | characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing | |
326917265 | sartorial | related to clothing and tailoring | |
326917266 | funereal | Mournful, appropriate to a funeral | |
326917267 | puerile | childish; immature | |
326917268 | specious | plausible but false | |
326917269 | peripatetic | wandering | |
326917270 | inimical | unfriendly | |
326917271 | Laconic | brief and to the point | |
326917272 | nefarious | extreme wickedness | |
326917273 | fungible | interchangeable. | |
326917274 | Loquacious | extremely talkative | |
326917275 | sardonic | bitterly sarcastic; mocking; sneering | |
326917276 | sibilant | hissing sound | |
326917277 | supercilious | Looking down on others; proud and scornful | |
326917278 | untoward | not favorable | |
326917279 | sage | a wise person | |
326917280 | verdant | Green in tint or color; immature in experience or judgement | |
326917281 | winsome | charming, attractive, pleasing | |
326917282 | repugnant | (adj.) offensive, disagreeable, distasteful | |
326917283 | petulant | Easily irritated | |
326917284 | itinerant | wandering from place to place; unsettled | |
326917285 | diurnal | having a daily cycle or occurring every day |