Chapter 19 Flashcards
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337874886 | Marie Curie | French scientist; with husband Pierre, discovered radium and coined "radioactivity," providing med. with important new diagnostic and curative tools | 0 | |
337874887 | Albert Einstein | (1879-1955) a revolutionary theoretical physicist; helped to found the field of quantum physics; published general theory of relativity and the equation E=mc2, which made a bigger imporession on the scientific world than any new theories since Newton | 1 | |
337874888 | Sigmund Freud | (1856-1939) father of modern psychiatry; believed innate drives governs the behavior of people; concept of balance of forces in each person- libido, super ego, and ego | 2 | |
337874889 | darbar | 1911 visitation by King Emperor George V in Delhi, since capital Calcutta was a hot zone of resentment for the British; first ever appearance of a monarch in the colony | 3 | |
337874890 | Cixi | conservative "dowager" empress; disliked foreigners; sent Chinese officials abroad and instituted reform, though insufficient for keeping pace with modern industrialization at the beginning of the 20th century | 4 | |
337874891 | Sun Yat-sen | (1866-1925) failed a coup in Guangzhou in 1895; helped found the Guomindang, China's leading rev. party, in 1911; elected 1st president of the United Provinces of China; Three People's Principles- nationalist, democracy, and Wester tech; inspired Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong | 5 | |
337874892 | Guomindang | China's leading revolutionary party (GMD); founded in 1911; an element of the changing of China's government | 6 | |
337874893 | creole | an elitist in Latin America; joined in commerce with the Europeans; treated their nations as private estates | 7 | |
337874894 | mestizo | a person of mixed race and culture; leaders contesting for power who demanded a dramatic break with the past control by the creole elite | 8 | |
337874895 | Porfirio Diaz | (1830-1915) dictator in Mexico from 1876 on; caused the development of mining, oil drilling, railways, increasing exports of raw agricultural products; good for creoles, bad for urban workers and rural peasants; after winning presidency unfairly, sent into exile by rebels | 9 | |
337874896 | Franciso "Pancho" Villa | (1878-1923) from northern border region of Mexico; radical leader fighting for control during civil war | 10 | |
337874897 | Emiliano Zapata | (1879-1919) from Morelos; a radical who declared the rev. Plan of Ayala; Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees; radical and agrarian rev. | 11 | |
337874898 | Young Turks | a group of progressive army officers and liberal professionals; seized control of the government under the Ottoman sultan in 1908 | 12 | |
337874899 | 14 points | plan for post-war Europe; no secret alliances/treaties, self-determination of peoples; formation of League of Nations; Wilson's | 13 | |
337874900 | Treaty of Versailles | concluded the war; Germany to pay war debts, never have an armed force exceeding 100,000 and accept all blame | 14 | |
337874901 | League of Nations | created in 1920 for int'l. cooperation, to adjucate disputes among nations and to prevent future warfare; 3 congenital defects: U. S. refusal to join, issues of national identities and increasing anti-colonialism | 15 | |
337874902 | Ataturk | (1881-1938) Musafa Kemal; led an armed resistance of the division of Turkey; drove out the foreign troops stationed in Turkey and preserved the geographical territory and political independence until full sovereignty | 16 | |
337874903 | Mohandas K. Gandhi | (1869-1948 leader of the Indian nationalist movement; 1919 began to reorganize the Congress around India's peasantry; 1920 began the 1st of his non-cooperation campaigns; 1930 led the Salt March, a protest movement that mobilized the country | 17 | |
337874904 | Nicholas II | (r. 1894-1917) tsar who furthered heavy industrialization under two progressive ministers; allowed the birth of some representative political institutions; rejected the democratic reforms demanded by intellectuals, workers and political organizers | 18 | |
337874905 | Joseph Stalin | (1879-1953) took over Russia after Lenin's death in 1924; 1928 instituted nationwide, state-directed 5-year plans that covered the basic economic structure of the whole country; made kulaks for political prisoners; sought to achieve "combined development" | 19 | |
337874906 | collectivization | Stalin's approach to increasing agricultural productivity; more than half of all Soviet farmers compelled to live and work on newly formed collective farms of 1,000 acres or more | 20 | |
337874907 | Franklin D. Roosevelt | elected in 1932 during the Depression; instituted social welfare programs; provided financial relief for the unemployed; public works projects to create construction jobs; subsidies to farmers to reduce production and eliminate surpluses; federal support for low-cost housing and slum clearance | 21 | |
337874908 | Civilian Conservation Corps | established by F. D. R; to promote conservation and reforestation; provided jobs to some 3 million youth | 22 |