American Politics and Government Midterm
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139132991 | Politics | The struggle over power or influence within organization or informal groups that can grant or withhold benefits or priviliges. | |
139132992 | Institution | An ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society. | |
139132993 | Government | The preeminent institution within a society. | |
139132994 | Order | A state of peace and order. | |
139132995 | Liberty | The greatest freedom of the individual that is consistent with the freedom of other individuals in the society. | |
139132996 | Authority | The right and power of a government or other entity to enforce its decisions and compel obedience | |
139132997 | Legitimacy | Popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority. | |
139132998 | Aristocracy | Rule by the "best"; rule by upper class | |
139132999 | Theocracy | Rule by religious leaders. | |
139133000 | Direct Democracy | A system of government in which poilitcal decisions are made by the people directly rather than by their elected representatives. | |
139133001 | Initiative | A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment. | |
139133002 | Referendum | An electoral device whereby legislative or constitutional measures are referred by the legislature to the voters from approval or disapproval | |
139133003 | Recall | A procedure allowing the people to vote to discuss an elected official from office before his or her term has expired. | |
139133004 | Republic | A form of governments in which sovereign power rests with the people. | |
139133005 | Popular Sovereignty | The concept that ulimate political authority is based on the will of the people. | |
139133006 | Universal Sufferage | The right of all adults to vote for their representatives. | |
139133007 | Limited Government | A government with powers that are limited either through a written document or through widely shared beliefs | |
139133008 | Majoritarianism | A political theory holding that in a democracy, the governent ought to do what the majority of the people want. | |
139133009 | Elite Theory | A perspective holding that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their self-interest. | |
139133010 | Pluralism | A theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups . Political decisions making is characterized by bargaining and compromise. | |
139133011 | Political Culture | The patterned set of ideas, values, and ways of thinking about government and politics that characterizes a people. | |
139133012 | Political Socalization | The process by which political beliefs and values are transmitted to immigrants and children in a society. | |
139133013 | Civil Liberties | Personal freedoms, such as freedom of speech, that are protected for all individuals in a society. | |
139133014 | Bill of Rights | The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. | |
139133015 | Conservatism | A set of beliefs that includes advocacy of a limited role for the national government in helping individuals | |
139133016 | Liberalism | A set of beliefs that includes advocacy of positive government action to impose the welfare of individuals | |
139133017 | Libertarianism | A political ideology based on skepticism or opposition toward most government activities. | |
139133018 | Natural Rights | Rights held to be inherent in natural law, not dependent on governments. | |
139133019 | Social Contract | A voluntary agreement among indivduals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rule. | |
139133020 | Confederation | A political system in which states or regional governments retain ultimate authority except for those powers they expressly delegate to a central government. | |
139133021 | State | A group of people occupying a specific area and organized under one government. | |
139282980 | Bicameral Legislature | A legislature made up of two parts, called chambers. | |
139282981 | Great Compromise | The compromise between the New Jersey and Virginia plans that created one chamber of the Congress based on population an done chamber representing each state equally. | |
139282982 | Separation of Powers | The principle of dividing governmental powers among different branches. | |
139282983 | Madisonian Model | A structure of government proposed by James Madison in which the powers of the government are separated into three executive branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. | |
139282984 | Checks and Balances | A major principle of the American system of government whereby each branch of government can check the actions of others. | |
139282985 | Federalist | An individual who was in favor of the adoption of the U.S. constitution and the creation of a federal union with a strong central power. | |
139282986 | Anti-Federalist | An individual who opposed the ratification of the new constitution. | |
139282987 | Unitary System | A centralized governmental system in which ultimate governmental authority rests in the hands of the national, or central, government. | |
139282988 | Confederal System | A system consisting of a leagure of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers. | |
139282989 | Enumerated Powers | Powers specifically granted to the national government by the constitution. The first 17 clauses of Article 1, section 18 | |
139282990 | Elastic Clause, or Necessary and Proper Clause | The clause in Article 1, Section 8, that grants Congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute its specifically delegated powers | |
139282991 | Police Power | The authority to legislate for the protection of the health, morals, safety, and welfare of the people in the United States. | |
139282992 | Concurrent Powers | Powers held jointly by the national and state governments. | |
139282993 | Supremacy clause | The constitutional provision that makes Constitution and federal laws superior to all conflicting state and local laws. | |
139282994 | Dual Federalism | A model of federalism that looks on national and state governments as co-equal sovereign powers. | |
139282995 | Cooperative Federalism | A model of federalism in which states and the national government cooperate in solving problems | |
139282996 | Federal Mandate | A requirement in federal legislation that forces states and municipalities to comply with certain rules. | |
139282997 | Incorporation Theory | The view that most of the protection of the Bill of Rights apply to state governments through the Fourth Amendment's due process clause | |
139343139 | Establishment Clause | Part of the first Amendment prohibiting the establishment of a church officiallt supported by the national government. | |
139343140 | Free Exercise Clause | The provision of the 1st amendment guaranteeing the free exercise of religion. | |
139343141 | Prior Restraint | Restraining an activity before it has actually occured. | |
139343142 | Symbolic Speech | Expression made through articles of clothing, gestures, movements. and other forms of nonverbal communication. | |
139343143 | Commercial Speech | Advertising statements | |
139343144 | Clear and _Present Danger Text | Determining when governmetn may restrict free speech | |
139343145 | Obscenity | Sexually offensive material | |
139343146 | Slander | The pblic uttering of a false statement | |
139343147 | Libel | A written defamination of a person's character | |
139343148 | Gag Order | An order issued by a judge restricting the publication of news about a trial or a pretrial hearing to protect the accused's right to a fair trial. | |
139343149 | Writ of Habeas Corpus | An order that requires jailers to bring a prisoner before a court or judge and explain why the person is being held. | |
139343150 | Exclusionary Rule | A judicial policy prohibiting the admission at trial illegally sezied evidence. | |
139343151 | Civil Rights | 14th amendment, equal protection under law. | |
139343152 | Separate but Equal Doctrine | The doctrine holding hat separate but equal facilities do not violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. | |
139343153 | White Primary | A state primary election that restricts voting to whites only. | |
139343154 | Grandfather Clause | A device used by southern states to disenfranchise African Americans. It restricted voting to those who granfathers had voted before 1867. | |
139343155 | Poll Tax | A special tax that must be paid as a qualification for voting. | |
139343156 | De Facto Segregation | Racial Segregation that occurs becuase of patterns of raical residence and similar social conditions. | |
139343157 | De Jure segregation | Racial segregation that occurs because of laws or administration decisions by public agencies. | |
139343158 | Civil Dishobedience | A nonviolent, public refusal to obey allegedly unjust laws. | |
139343159 | Suffrage | The right to vote | |
139343160 | Feminism | The movement that supports political, economic, and social equality for women. | |
139343161 | Sexual Harrassment | Unwanted physical or verbal conduct or abuse of a sexual nature that inferes with a recipients's job. | |
139343162 | Affrimative Action | A policy in educational admissions or job hiring that gives special attention or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups in an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination. | |
139343163 | Reverse Discrimination | Discrimination agains members of a majority group. |