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329996646 | Kellogg-Briand Pact | Promised to keep peace, and outlawed war. | |
329996647 | 64 | How many nations signed the Kellog-Briand Pact? | |
329996648 | Stimson Doctrine | US will not recognize territorial gains by force. | |
329996649 | Manchuria | Manchukuo is also known as? | |
329996650 | Germany, Italy, Japan | Who quit the league of nations? | |
329996651 | Ethiopia | Who did Italy invade? | |
329996652 | First Neutrality Act | No arm sales to any other country, and if you travel you are traveling at your own risk. | |
329996653 | Second Neutrality Act | No loans or credits, and no arms. | |
329996654 | Rhineland | The first place Hitler takes is? | |
329996655 | Could have been avoided | When Hitler marches into the Rhineland, France does not move against the Germans. If the French had went on offensive, they could have defeated the Germans there. WW2 _________________. | |
329996656 | Franco | Dictator of Spain? | |
329996657 | Third Neutrality Act | Cash and carry ships to the US. | |
329996658 | China | Japan takes __________, who the US continues to support. | |
329996659 | Rape of Nanking | Was a mass murder, and war rape that occurred during the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanjing (Nanking), the former capital of the Republic of China, on December 13, 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. During this period hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. | |
329996660 | Panay | Japanese planes fired on this US ship on the Yangtze River. | |
329996661 | Schuschnigg | Who called Hitler's home and told him to put Nazis in his government? | |
329996662 | Austria | The first place Germany invades was? | |
329996663 | Navy | When Germany invaded Austria, the US began to build up their ________. | |
329996664 | Sudetenland | Providence of Czechoslovakia. | |
329996665 | Chamberlain | British Prime Minister? | |
329996666 | Daladier | French leader? | |
329996667 | Hitler | The Sudetenland was wanted by Chamberlain and Daladier, so they met with ______ and tried to convince him not too take it. | |
329996668 | The Munich Pact | "Appeasement". Giving into Hitler's demands and allowing him to take the Sudetenland. | |
329996669 | Peace in our time | After the Munich Pact, Chamberlain goes home and says __________________. | |
329996670 | Czechoslovakia | Hitler takes all of ______________. | |
329996671 | Albania | Italy took _________. | |
329996672 | Germany | England and France declare war on who? | |
329996673 | Poland | Germany attacks _________, causing Russia to move in the east. | |
329996674 | Non Agression Pact | Hitler and Stalin both sign this treaty. Staling offered this treaty to France and England and they said no. | |
329996675 | 2 | How many months does it take until Poland falls? | |
329996676 | Blitzkrieg | What was the "lightening war"-bombing from the air and land. | |
329996677 | Sitzkrieg | Waiting period. | |
329996678 | Siegfried line | Germans built the _____________ for defense. | |
329996679 | Maginot line | The allies (Britain and France) had the ______________ for defense. | |
329996680 | British, French | Germans move and cut the ______ and _________ lines. | |
329996681 | Six | Germany invaded France, and it was defeated and secured in _________ weeks. | |
329996682 | Italy | ________ from the south supported Germany. | |
329996683 | Degaulle | Who was a freedom fighter? | |
329996684 | Underground fighters | What were freedom fighters? | |
329996685 | Dunkirk | A battle in which 1/3 of a million British troops floated to safety to England. | |
329996686 | Puppet | There was a _________ government in France, at the capital. | |
329996687 | Vichy | _______ is the capital of France. | |
329996688 | Petain | Who was the leader of the puppets? | |
329996689 | Churchill | Chamberlain resigns and __________ takes over PM of England. | |
329996690 | Battle of Britain | 24 hour raids on England's cities. | |
329996691 | Havana act | If any nation in Americas were attacked, all would defend. | |
329996692 | Hull, and Havana, Cuba | Who was secretary of state, and where did he meet? | |
329996693 | Britain | Germans did not invade _________ because they thought they were "down and hurt bad" and unable to fight offensively. | |
329996694 | Churchill | "Never have so many owed so much to so few" | |
329996695 | British, 900 | The Royal Air force was whose? How many planes? | |
329996696 | Luftwaffe, 2600 | German air force that had how many planes? | |
329996697 | Hoover and Roosevelt | Who was involved with the "good will policy" | |
329996698 | Third | In the 1940 election, Roosevelt wins the ____ term. | |
329996699 | Lend Lease Act | The US sent 7 billion in aid to Britain, China, and Russia; no longer neutral. | |
329996700 | British | US began to escort ships to Iceland and then the ______ would pick up. | |
329996701 | Two | Germany invades Russia, now Hitler is fighting a ____ front war. | |
329996702 | Atlantic charter | Roosevelt and Churchill meet and promise to support each other. | |
329996703 | 90, 60 | Japan was importing _____% metal and _____% oil from the US. | |
329996704 | Vietnam | Indochina is also known as? | |
329996705 | Japanese | Roosevelt froze _______ assets in the US. | |
329996706 | Metal, oil, tools, China | Roosevelt put an embargo on ____, _____, and ______ that Japan wanted, and decide to lend lease to _____ instead. | |
329996707 | Cease, trade | Japan sent diplomats to the US. They wanted to _________ aid to China, and restore _____. | |
329996708 | China, French indochina | US withdrew from ____ and ____________. | |
329996709 | December 7, 1941 | Japan attacks pearl harbor in Hawaii. Sunday morning. | |
329996712 | Pearl Habor | After ______ we declared war on Japan. | |
329996713 | Germany, Italy | _____ and ______ declare war on the US. | |
330057089 | Materials, men, money, propaganda | 4 things needed to convert to wartime society: | |
330057090 | Propaganda | Dehumanize the enemy: | |
330057091 | Axis | The US would out produce the ____ powers combined. | |
330057092 | 16-65 | How old could you be to register for the army? | |
330057093 | Government issue | GI stands for? | |
330057094 | Women's army corps | WAC stands for? | |
330057095 | non-combatants | Women flew the _______________. | |
330057099 | Tuskeegee airmen | Famous African American airmen | |
330057100 | California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona | Where were internment camps located? | |
330057102 | 400, 10 | The Japanese that were put in camps lost about _____ million dollars, and were paid back ____ percent. | |
330057103 | 20,000 | President Reagan issued an apology to the Japanese and gave them __________ dollars. | |
330057105 | 60, job security | Women were receiving _____% of mens pay, but had no _______________. | |
330057106 | Rosie the Riveter | A women worker was known as? | |
330057107 | Roosevelt | ___________ took over the mines, after the strike. | |
330057108 | Strikes | AFL and CIO promised no _______. | |
330057109 | National War Labor Board | Arbitration. | |
330057110 | Randolph | Tried to organize a march on Washington. | |
330057111 | 34 | Riot in Detroit, ___ killed. | |
330057112 | War Production board | Controlled war production and materials. | |
330057113 | Office war mobilization | Everything controlled by government Truman supervised. | |
330057114 | Office price administration | Fixed rents, set prices. | |
330057115 | Food, clothing, gas | People had to sacrifice ______, _____, ______. | |
330057116 | Tax, bonds | Two ways to raise money: | |
330057117 | Patriotism | Enemy is evil. | |
330057118 | Propaganda | Movies, posters, radio, magazines, paper. | |
330057119 | Marshall | US army chief of staff. | |
330057120 | Eisenhower | European allied leader. | |
330057121 | Defeat Hitler, unconditional surrender | Objective of the US: | |
330057122 | Polar route | Over iceland to Murmansk (russian port). | |
330057124 | Scorched earth policy | Burn as you retreat. | |
330057125 | Oil | What controlled Stalingrad? | |
330057126 | Counter offensive | Russia was on the _____________ at Stalingrad. | |
330057129 | North Africa | Operation Torch was where? | |
330057130 | Rommel | German commander? | |
330057131 | D-day | Operation overlord was what famous day? | |
330057132 | The World | "It had to be successful" | |
330057133 | US commander | "Now the Germans will have to pay for their infatuation of Hitler" | |
330057136 | East | Bombed area ____ to throw Nazi's off. | |
330057138 | Battle of the Bulge | Last major counter offensive. | |
330057139 | Suicide | How does Hitler die? | |
330057140 | MacArthur | Commander of American forces? | |
330057141 | Nimitz | Naval commander? | |
330057142 | MacArthur | "I shall return" | |
330057143 | Australia | MacArthur escapes to _________. | |
330057144 | Bataan | 65 mile death march (thousands died). | |
330057145 | James Doolittle | Raid on Tokyo. | |
330057146 | Japan | James Doolittle was successful because he caused _____ to pull back its navy and air force, and to defends its homeland. | |
330057147 | Battle of the Coral Sea | 1st non victory, Japan was unable to gain control. | |
330057148 | Americans, Australians | When Japan attempts to invade Australia, he is held off by _____ and ______. | |
330057149 | Stalingrad | Turning point of eastern europe: | |
330057150 | Midway Islands | Turning point of the pacific: | |
330057151 | Midway Islands | US stops and defeats Japan at where? | |
330057152 | 4, 1, 1 | At Midway Islands Japan lost ___ carriers, battleships and the US lost ____carrier, and _____ destroyer. | |
330057153 | Solomon Islands | Battle of Guadalcanal took place where? | |
330057154 | Sullivan | At Guadalcanal there was terrible fighting, this is where the ____ brothers died. | |
330057155 | US | ____ wins Guadalcanal. | |
330057157 | MacArthur, Nimitz | Which two commanders were present at the Battle of Leyte Gulf? | |
330057158 | Kamikaze pilots | Fly planes loaded with bombs into ships. | |
330057159 | Truman | President Roosevelt dies, and ___________ becomes president. | |
330057160 | Oppenheimer | Who headed the Manhattan project? | |
330057161 | "The trinity test" | New Mexico atomic bomb explosion: | |
330057162 | Hiroshima | First atomic bomb was at where? | |
330057164 | Nagasaki | Second atomic bomb was at where? | |
330057166 | 20,000 | Air raids over Tokyo caused ____ dead. | |
330057167 | Hirohito | Who from Japan surrenders? | |
330057168 | Tokyo Bay | Where did the Japanese surrender? | |
330057169 | VJ day | The day the Japanese surrender is known as? | |
330057170 | More than 1 trillion dollars | Cost of the war? | |
330057171 | 100 million | How many deaths from the war? | |
330057172 | 292,000;670,850 | US deaths and injuries from WW2? | |
330057173 | 4 | Germany was divided into ____ sections. | |
330057174 | US, MacArthur | Japan became occupied by the _______ especially _______. | |
330057175 | Nuremberg | Nazis were tried where? | |
330057178 | Unsuccessful | League of nations was _________. | |
330057179 | DC | Plans for the UN were drawn up in ____. | |
330057180 | Yalta | Where were the UN plans presented? | |
330057181 | 50, San Francisco | How many nations sign the UN charter, and where? | |
330057182 | 23,000 | How many workers for the UN? | |
330057183 | General assembly | All member nations have a vote. | |
330057184 | Britain, US, France, China, Soviet Union | Who were apart of the Security council? | |
330057185 | Veto power | The nations in the security council had what kind of power? | |
330057186 | Emergency | Anyone in the security council can call an _______ meeting. | |
330057187 | 10, 2 | ___ other nations are in the security council, and rotate every ___ years. | |
330057188 | International court of justice | 15 judges, every 9 years they rotate. | |
330057189 | Trusteeship | Territories become independent. | |
330089907 | Laurie's mom | "The popular thing is not always the right thing" | |
330089908 | Churchill | "Never have so many owed so much to so few" | |
330089909 | Schindler | "He who saves one life saves the world entirely" | |
330089910 | Schindler | "The war brings out the bad in people, never the good, always the bad" | |
330089911 | FDR | "Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date that will live in infamy" | |
330089912 | Clinton | "When they were young, they saved the world" | |
330089913 | Captain | "Two types of men that are going to be on that beach today, the dead, and those that are going to die, okay let's go" | |
330089914 | Miller | "Earn this" | |
330093463 | Battle of Normandy (D Day) | Turning point of western europe: |