Look, if you want to get into the college of your choice you have to take the SAT’s. There is really no two ways about it. Just about every college out there requires that you take this test in order to be admitted into the school. That said, one of the things that is really important in regard to the SAT’s is when you schedule it. The different SAT scheduling strategies that you employ will ensure that you have the best chance of getting the score that you want and subsequently getting into the college that you want. If, however, you elect to ignore these strategies there is a chance that you could be seriously hurting yourself.
The best thing that you can do is take the SAT’s early. If you wait until the last minute and get a poor score then you are out of luck- there is no more time. The fact of the matter is that if you take the SAT’s during your junior year of high school you will have several more opportunities to take them again in order to improve upon your score. By taking the SAT’s early and often you are giving yourself the best chance of attaining the score that you need at some point in time. For example, if you take the test early in your junior year of high school and do not get the score that you were looking for you can sign up to take the test again the next time it is offered. Of course, you will spend more time studying for the test the second time! Since colleges will accept your best score there is no reason not to take the test several times.
An additional strategy that may be useful is scheduling your SAT’s around help classes. You want to be as prepared as possible, right? In that case, you should make sure that you are taking a class to prepare yourself before your actual test date. In order to find out when these classes are held you are going to want to speak with your guidance counselor at your high school so that they can give you more information. Your guidance counselor is the person that will be able to tell you everything that you need to know about your SAT’s, including when the test preparation dates are. For some, taking these preparatory classes can help to increase your SAT score by several points- it could be enough to make a difference in terms of getting into the school of your choice.
The bottom line is that there is some strategy involved with scheduling your SAT. If you put some thought into when you sign up to take the test there is a good chance that you will do better than the people that give it no thought at all. Taking the SAT’s is serious business and should be treated as such. If you want to get the best results then think about the scheduling strategies that you are going to employ.