AP World History Flashcards
from Princeton "cracking the AP World Exam"
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347797298 | Agriculture Revolution | resulted in food surplus, farming and the basis to starting strong civilizations. Also, crop rotations, planting crops with higher yield. | 0 | |
347797299 | Enclosure | (Enclosure Movement) public lands that were shared during the Middle Ages, enclosed by fences allowed for private farming and private gain | 1 | |
347797300 | Urbanization | natural growth of the increased efficiencies in farming and agriculture | 2 | |
347797301 | Textile | cloth, linens, clothes | 3 | |
347797302 | Domestic System | cotton woven at homes or small shops as a part of an inefficient, high labor | 4 | |
347797303 | Adam Smith | wrote "The Wealth of Nations"(1776) that economic prosperity and fairness is best achieved through private ownership | 5 | |
347797304 | Free market economy | (capitalism) individuals sell their products and services in a free and open market. | 6 | |
347797305 | Laissez- faire | (capitalism) when government remove themselves entirely from regulation | 7 | |
347797306 | Karl Marx | German economist and philosopher who spent a good part of his adult life living in poverty, pointed out that factory workers had genuine opportunities but were being exploited | 8 | |
347797307 | Friedrich Engel | wrote that the working class would eventually revolt, wrote it with Karl Marx | 9 | |
347797308 | Socialism | mix between government having control and free market | 10 | |
347797309 | Capitalism | people control FOP | 11 | |
347797310 | Communism | government has all of the power | 12 | |
347797311 | Factors of Production | land, labor and capital, that is needed to create/ invent/ product | 13 | |
347797312 | Luddites | (were afraid of machines) destroyed equipment in factories in the middle of the night to protest working condition and pitiful wages. As a result they executed workers | 14 | |
347797313 | Factory Act of 1883 | British Parliament passed the law that limited the hours of each work day, restricted children from working in factories and required factory owners to make working conditions safer and cleaner | 15 | |
347797314 | Labor Unions | unions were vehicles through which thousands of employees bargained for better working conditions or threatened to strike, there by shutting down the factory | 16 | |
347797315 | Standard of Living | family became individual, the standard family was middle class, happy/ healthy= loyal & productive people | 17 | |
347797316 | Social mobility | ability of a person to work his way up from one social class to the next, became more common place | 18 | |
347797317 | Suffrage (men & women) | ... | 19 | |
347797318 | Charles Darwin | came up with the biological theory of natural selection through sociology "Evolution" | 20 | |
347797319 | Social Darwinist | applied Charles Darwin's biological theory of natural selection to sociology. "survival of the fittest" | 21 | |
347797320 | Rudyard Kipling "White Man's Burden" | poem that describes how when European Nations conquered the rest of the world, those endeavors were " burdens" duty of Europeans to conqueror each "half- devil and half- child" so that they could be converted to Christianity and civilized in the European fashion. | 22 | |
347797321 | Ethnocentrism | the dominant ethic group believed they were the center of the world "higher/ superior" | 23 | |
347797322 | 7 years war | fought both is continental Europe and also in overseas colonies between 1756 and 1763; resulted in Prussian seizures of land from Austria and English seizures of colonies in India and North America | 24 | |
347797323 | British East India Company | (tea and cotton) a joint- stock company that operated like a multinational corporation with exclusive rights over British trade with India | 25 | |
347797324 | Robert Clive and "Corporate Troops" | raised an effective army that riddled the subcontinent of the french, successfully conquered the Bengal region (Bangladesh) | 26 | |
347797325 | Sepoys | Troops that served the British East India Company; recruited from various warlike peoples of India | 27 | |
347797326 | Indian national Congress | well educated Indians began the path towards independence | 28 | |
347797327 | opium wars | Chinese English fought a war over the opium trade | 29 | |
347797328 | Treaty of Nanjing | British military forced China to sign the treaty, 1st of the "unequal treaties" which Britain was given considerable rights to expand trade with China | 30 | |
347797329 | White Lotus Rebellion | led by Buddhists who were frustrated over taxes and government corruption | 31 | |
347797330 | Taiping rebellion | were led by a religious zealot claiming to be the brother of Jesus, recruited an army nearly a million strong and nearly succeeded in bringing down the Manchu government | 32 | |
347797331 | Sino- French war | 1883 the Chinese lost control of Vietnam to the French who later established the French Indochina | 33 | |
347797332 | Sino- Japanese War | Chinese was defeated when the rising imperial power of Japan wanted in on the action | 34 | |
347797333 | Spheres of Influence | European powers were rushing to establish a greater presence in China. France, Germany, Russia and of course Britain carved up huge slices of China for themselves | 35 | |
347797334 | Open Door Policy | U.S. pledged its support of the sovereignty of the Chinese government and announces equal trading privileges amount all imperial powers (basically Europe and the U.S.) | 36 | |
347797335 | Boxer Rebellion "Harmonious Fists" | an organized response to the Manchu governments defeats and concessions to the western powers and Japan | 37 | |
347797336 | Matthew Perry | from the U.S. arrived in Japan on a steam boat, Japan never seen one before and they quickly realized that their isolation had resulted in their inability to compete economically and military with the industrialized world (1853) | 38 | |
347797337 | Treaty of Kanagawa | (1854) grossly favored the U.S. and other countries. They were in leadership of the Samurai, the revolted against the shogun who had ratifies these treaties and restored Emperor Meiji to power | 39 | |
347797338 | Russo- Japanese war | (1904) victorous Japanese kicked Russia out of Manchuria and established its own sphere of influence there. Japan was now not just an imperial power but a world power | 40 | |
347797339 | "Boer, Africaners" Boer War | (1899- 1902) the British reigned supreme and all of south Africa was annexed as part of the ever expanding British empire - Boers= south African dutch -Boers later discovered diamonds and gold in the Transvaal, the British quickly followed the rights to the resources had bloody battles | 41 | |
347797340 | Ottoman "beys" | "beys" were local leaders that had more influence over developments in Egypt that the rulers in Istanbul. Ottoman rule at this time was very weak | 42 | |
347797341 | Muhammad Ali | defeated the French and the Ottoman and gained control of Egypt in 1805 | 43 | |
347797342 | Abbas I | was Muhammad's successor that halted his westernization attempts. He reinvigorated under subsequent rulers, who worked with the French to construct the Suez Canal | 44 | |
347797343 | Suez Canal | completed in 1869 connected the Mediterranean sea to the Indian Ocean around the cape of Good Hope. | 45 | |
347797344 | Berlin Conference | conference about splitting up Africa | 46 | |
347797345 | Thomas Paine | student of enlightenment, Common Sense explained. Americans natural rights and appealed to the colonists to form a better government | 47 | |
347797346 | John Locke | life, liberty, and property | 48 | |
347797347 | Montesquieu | believed in the 3 branches of government | 49 |