AP US Chapter 32 terms
Bush's administration/agenda to Terrorism
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201040949 | Jihad | Islamic holy war | |
201040950 | USS Cole | A destroyer that was attacked by Al-Qaeda suicide bombers in Aden. | |
201040951 | War on Terror | After 9/11, President George W. Bush declared a worldwide "war on terrorism" aimed at defeating international terrorist organizations, destroying terrorist training camps, and bringing terrorists themselves to justice. | |
201040952 | Karl Rove | senior adviser and deputy chief of staff; proponent of war; helped Bush get into power; said to have leaked Valerie Wilson's identity | |
201040953 | Ralph Nader | Consumer rights activist; presidential candidate in 2000 that many blamed for take votes away from Al Gore | |
201040954 | George W. Bush | 43rd president of the US who began a campaign toward energy self-sufficiency and against terrorism in 2001 | |
201040955 | Colin Powell | He was chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War and later became the first African-American Secretary of State. He proposed the idea of the Powell Doctrine | |
201040956 | Condoleezza Rice | secretary of state under GW Bush. first African-American woman secretary of state. | |
201040957 | Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act of 1996 | Ended Federal entitlement status of welfare In its place, federal govt. gave block grants to states to administer welfare. "strings" attached to these grants: 1. recipients must work within 2 years. 2. Recipients cannot receive benefits for more that 5 years. | |
201040958 | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | This act was intended to increase accountability in education by requiring standardized tests to measure school achievement. Many critics, especially teachers, say the law undercuts leaning and fails to take local needs into consideration. | |
201040959 | States' rights | the right of states to limit the power of the federal government | |
201040960 | Medicare | a federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older | |
201040961 | Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act of 2001 | passed by the Bush administration; provided Americans with a tax rebate, reduced tax rates, provided several tax breaks to families, education, and those with retirement plans, and phased elimination of the estate tax by 2010 | |
201040962 | Baby boomers | The generation of children born between 1946 and 1964 | |
201040963 | hegemony | the consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others | |
201040964 | neoconservatives | a group that championed free-market capitalism liberated from government restraints, anti-Soviet positions in foreign policy, questioned liberal welfare programs, and called for the reassertion of traditional values of individualism and the centrality of the family | |
201040965 | multilateralism | A philosophy that encourages individual nations to act together to solve international problems | |
201040966 | unilateralism | the doctrine that nations should conduct their foreign affairs individualistically without the advice or involvement of other nations | |
201040967 | Sept. 11 attacks | Coordinated attacks by Al Qaeda members on Sept. 11; targets included WTC, Pentagon, etc. | |
201040968 | "ground zero" | the site of the World Trade Center before it was destroyed | |
201040969 | Taliban | fundamentalist Muslim group, gained power, restored order, but imposed an extreme form of Islam on Afghanistan, supported Al-Qaeda | |
201040970 | USA Patriot Act of 2001 | A US federal law designed to stregthen the federal government's ability to investigate, prosecute, and seize the assets of terrorists. | |
201040971 | Bush Doctrine | foreign policy based on the idea that the United States should take preemptive action against threats to its national security | |
201040972 | Preventative war | a war fought with the intention of preventing an adversary from becoming stronger in the future | |
201040973 | "axis of evil" | Created in 2002 by George W. Bush to show the "bad guys" which include: Iran, Iraq, and N. Korea | |
201040974 | weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) | chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons that can kill large numbers of people | |
201040975 | Saddam Hussein | President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. Waged war on Iran in 1980-1988. In 1990 he ordered an invasion of Kuwait but was defeated by United States and its allies in the Gulf War (1991). Defeated by US led invasion in 2003. | |
201040976 | "coalition of the willing" | Nations outside of the US that participated in the invasion of Iraq in 2003; highly criticized because its constituents were mostly small nations that could provide no real, sustainable support for the invasion; part of Bush's justification for the invasion without approval from the United Nations Security Council | |
201040977 | insurgency | an organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict | |
201040978 | Terri Schiavo | woman who had been in a vegetative state for 15 years, supreme court ruled that her husband could remove the feeding tube, she died 15 days later. | |
201040979 | Hurricane Katrina | Considered to be the one crisis of the Bush administrations second term and in is inefficiency to deal with the crisis. It destroyed 80% of New Orleans and more than 1300 people died, while the damages were $150 billion. | |
201040980 | stem-cell research | using adult or embryonic stem cells that can be made into specialized cells | |
201040981 | intelligent design | a creationist school of thought that proposes that natural selection cannot account for the diversity and complexity of form and function seen in nature | |
201040982 | ownership society | Social policy term coined by Bush in which citizens take responsibility for their own social welfare and the free market plays a greater role in society | |
201040983 | subprime lending | lending to home-buyers who don't meet the usual criteria for being able to afford their payments | |
201040984 | "underwater houses" | Depreciated value of homes; home values that are NOT worth what they were initially paid for | |
201040985 | Sarah Palin | former governor of Alaska who was the first female to ever be nominated for VP as a Republican; McCain's running mate in 2008 | |
201040986 | Barack Obama | Illinois Senator who won the presidency in 2008, first African-American President, advocate for universal healthcare, an end to the Iraqi War, and economic recovery. |