AP La salud AP
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226332658 | El aliento | breath | |
226332659 | El antibiótico | antiobiotics | |
226332660 | La aspirina | aspirin | |
226332661 | El bigote | mustache, pelo que nace sobre el labio superior | |
226332662 | El cabello | hair (on head) | |
226332663 | Las caderas | Hips | |
226332664 | El cáncer | cancer | |
226332665 | La cara / el rostro | face | |
226332666 | El catarro | cold | |
226332667 | Las cejas | eyebrows | |
226332668 | La cintura | waist | |
226332669 | La columna vertebral | spine | |
226332670 | El cuello | neck | |
226332671 | La cura | cure | |
226332672 | El curandero | healer | |
226332673 | Los dedos | fingers | |
226332674 | El dolor | pain | |
226332675 | La enfermedad | illness | |
226332676 | La espalda | back | |
226332677 | El examen físico | physical exam | |
226332678 | La fiebre | fever | |
226332679 | La frente | forehead | |
226332680 | La garganta | the throat | |
226332681 | Los hombros | shoulders | |
226332682 | La inyección | injection, shot | |
226332683 | La lengua | tongue | |
226332684 | La mejilla | cheek | |
226332685 | La muñeca | wrist | |
226332686 | Las nalgas | Buttocks | |
226332687 | Los oídos | ears, inner ears | |
226332688 | Las orejas | ears | |
226332689 | Los párpados | eyelids | |
226332690 | Las pastillas | pills | |
226332691 | Las píldoras | pills | |
226332692 | El pecho | chest | |
226332693 | El pie | foot | |
226332694 | La pierna | leg | |
226332695 | El pelo | hair (skin) | |
226332696 | La radiografía | x-ray | |
226332697 | La receta | prescription | |
226332698 | El régimen / la dieta | diet | |
226332699 | El remedio | remedy | |
226332700 | El resfriado | cold | |
226332701 | La rodilla | knee | |
226332702 | La salud | health | |
226332703 | El talón | heel (of foot) | |
226332704 | La temperatura | temperature | |
226332705 | El tobillo | ankle | |
226332706 | El torso | torso | |
226332707 | El yeso/La escayola | cast | |
226332708 | Atender/Asistir | to attend | |
226332709 | Auscultar al corazón | to listen to the heart | |
226332710 | Bostezar | to yawn | |
226332711 | Cuidar | to care for | |
226332712 | Doler | to ache, to hurt | |
226332713 | Hacer ejercicio | to exercise | |
226332714 | Empeorar | to get worse | |
226332715 | Enfermarse | to get sick | |
226332716 | Estornudar | to sneeze | |
226332717 | Fallecer | to die | |
226332718 | Fracturar | to break, fracture | |
226332719 | Lastimarse | to get hurt | |
226332720 | Mantenerse en forma | to keep in shape | |
226332721 | Mejorarse | to get better | |
226332722 | Morir | to die | |
226332723 | Operar | to operate | |
226332724 | Padecer | to suffer | |
226332725 | Ponerse | to become (involuntarily) | |
226332726 | Recuperar | to recuperate | |
226332727 | Respirar | to breathe | |
226332728 | Romper(se) | to break (an arm,etc) | |
226332729 | Sentirse | to feel | |
226332730 | Sufrir | to suffer | |
226332731 | Toser | to cough | |
226332732 | Consciente | conscious | |
226332733 | Eficaz | effective | |
226332734 | Grave | serious | |
226332735 | Manso | gentle | |
226332736 | Peligroso | dangerous | |
226332737 | Estar roto | to be broken | |
226332738 | Sano | healthy | |
226332739 | guardar cama | to stay in bed | |
226332740 | las pestañas | eyelashes |