AP Human Geography Unit 1
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297685389 | What are 3 types of regions? | dry lands, wet lands, cold lands, high lands. | |
297685390 | Scale | The relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole. | |
297685391 | Large Scale | A relatively small ratio between map units and ground units. Large-scale maps usually have higher resolution and cover much smaller regions than small-scale maps. | |
297685392 | Small Scale | Map scale ratio in which the ratio of units on the map to units on the earth is quite small; usually depict large areas | |
297685393 | Spatial Scale | The relationship between any phenonmenon and the Earth as the whole | |
297685394 | Global Scale | Interations occurring at the scale of the world, in a global setting. | |
297685395 | Regional Scale | Interations occuring within a region, in a regional setting. | |
297685396 | Local Scale | A spatial scale that is essentially equivalent to a community. | |
297685397 | Arithmetic Density | The total number of people divided by the total land area. | |
297685398 | Physiological Density | The number of people per unit of area of arable land, which is land suitable for agriculture. | |
297685399 | Agricultural Density | The ratio of the number of farmers to the total amount of land suitable for agriculture. | |
297685400 | Clustered | clustered together but not coherent. | |
297685401 | Dispersed Concentration | when phenomenon are relatively far apart | |
297685402 | Distance Decay | The diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin. | |
297685403 | Space-Time Compression | the reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as a result of improved communications and transportation systems | |
297685404 | Map Projection | a projection of the globe onto a flat map using a grid of lines of latitude and longitude | |
297685405 | Distortion | a change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map | |
297685406 | Graduated Symbol Map | uses different size dots to represent different ammounts | |
297685407 | Dot Distribution Map | Maps is which a dot represents a certain number of a population | |
297685408 | Choropleth Map | a thematic map that uses, tones or colors to represent data as average values per unit area | |
297685409 | Isoline Map | Map displaying lines that connect points of equal value; for example, a map showing elevation levels | |
297685410 | Cartogram Map | map where the size and shape of the landmass is determined by specific data (Ana C.) | |
297685411 | Hierarchical Diffusion | The spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places | |
297685412 | Contagious Diffusion | The rapid, widespread diffusion of a feature or trend throughout a population. | |
297685413 | Relocation Diffusion | The spread of a feature or trend through bodily movement of people from one place to another. | |
297685414 | Stimulus Diffusion | The spread of an underlying principle, even though a specific characteristic is rejected. | |
297685415 | Core Countries | the industrialized capitalist countries on which periphery countries and semi-periphery countries depend. | |
297685416 | Periphery Countries | Less developed. Dependent upon core countries (pop. growth was 6.1 bil in 2000 in periphery countries, where core countries have stayed pretty much the same) | |
297685417 | Hearth | The area where an idea or cultural trait originates | |
297685418 | Possibilism | The theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives. | |
297685419 | Environmental Determinism | the view that the natural environment has a controlling influence over various aspects of human life including cultural development | |
297685420 | Site | The physical character of a place or location. | |
297685421 | Toponym | The name given to a portion of Earth's surface. | |
297685422 | Longitude | an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator | |
297685423 | Latitude | an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator. |