Personality Practice Quiz
Psychology [1]
psychology quiz [2]
Personality Quiz
1. What is the MMPI-2?
(A) An objective personality test
(B) A self-report inventory
(C) A test designed for people who have psychological disorders
(D) All of the above
2. According to Freud, during what stage does the superego emerge?
(A) Genital
(B) Oral
(C) Phallic
(D) Anal
3. Attributing one’s own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to someone else is called what?
(A) Reaction formation
(B) Projection
(C) Displacement
(D) Sublimation
4. What is the part of the personality that compels people to act in perfect accordance with moral ideals?
(A) The id
(B) The superego
(C) The pleasure principle
(D) The reality principle
5. Which theorist focused on the importance of the self-concept in personality?
(A) Carl Rogers
(B) Alfred Adler