Whap ch 35-39 test Flashcards
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376881227 | Iron Curtain | Churchill's metaphorical bounding between free and slave Europe | 0 | |
376881228 | Truman Doctrine | Intention of the US to help free people fighting | 1 | |
376881229 | NATO | Mutual defence, anti-commie counrty club | 2 | |
376881230 | Munich Conference | High point in appeasement | 3 | |
376881231 | Warsaw Pact | Soviet answer to NATO | 4 | |
376881232 | Jiang Jieshi | Guomindang leader | 5 | |
376881233 | Wannsee Conference | Final solution planning place | 6 | |
376881234 | Blitzkrieg | Surprising and swift German military strategy | 7 | |
376881235 | Benito Mussolini | Italian fascist leader | 8 | |
376881236 | Hiroshima | Site of first atomic bomb drop | 9 | |
376881237 | Yalta Conference | Allied meeting where Stalin's plan for soviet-occpied | 10 | |
376881238 | Nanjing | Scene of terrible Japanese atrocites in 1937 | 11 | |
376881239 | Marshall Plan | US effort to help rebuild Europe's economy | 12 | |
376881240 | Stalingrad | WWII soviet victory over Germans. | 13 | |
376881241 | Korean War Results | Encouagement for continuing policy of containment | 14 | |
376881242 | German Democratic Republic | formed out of the soviet own of occupied Germany | 15 | |
376881243 | Ho Chi Minh | North Vietnam leader | 16 | |
376881244 | Frantz Fanon | author of The Wretched of the Earth | 17 | |
376881245 | John Kennedy | US leader during Cuban Missile Crisis | 18 | |
376881246 | Gamal Abdel Nasser | Egyptian leader of the Aribic world post suez-crisis | 19 | |
376881247 | Jomo Kenyatta | Kenyan leader jailed during Mau Mau uprising | 20 | |
376881248 | Balfour Declaration | British took back palestinian homeland for jews | 21 | |
376881249 | Nikita Khrushchev | Soviet leader during the Cuban Misslie Crisis | 22 | |
376881250 | Joesph McCarthy | Commie catching US Senator | 23 | |
376881251 | Muhammad Ail Jinnah | Called for a Pakistan separate from India | 24 | |
376881252 | Bandung Conference | Nonalignment movement | 25 | |
376881253 | Kwame Nkrumah | First leader of the first Sub-Saharan Africa | 26 | |
376881254 | Jawaharlal Nehru | First prime minister for India | 27 | |
376881255 | The 1935 Nuremburg Laws | deprived German Jews of their citizenship | 28 | |
376881256 | The writer whose The Decline of the West proposed that European society had entered the final stage of its existence was | Oswald Spengler | 29 | |
376881257 | Mao Zedong's main rival after 1925 was | Jiang Jieshi | 30 | |
376881258 | A troubling economic problem in the 1920's was the depressed state of agriculture caused by | overproduction and falling prices | 31 | |
376881259 | Lenin's New Economic Policy of 1921 | implemented free market reforms | 32 | |
376881260 | In response to the Great Depression, economist John Maynard Keynes | urged the government to expand the money supply and undertake public works to provide jobs | 33 | |
376881261 | At the lowest point in the Great Depression ________% of the U.S. banks were out of business | forty four | 34 | |
376881262 | The Three Pirinciples of the People was the political philosophy of | Sun Yatsen | 35 | |
376881263 | Which of the following was NOT one of the foundations of Gandhi's philosophy | heavy industrialization | 36 | |
376881264 | Satayagraha was | Gandhi's philosophy of passive resistance | 37 | |
376881265 | According to Freud, the root of neurotic behavior was | a conflict between conscious and unconscious mental processes | 38 | |
376881266 | On Black Thursday, October 24, 1929 | The U.S. stock market crashed | 39 | |
376881267 | The May Fourth Movement | galvanized the Chinese against foreign interference | 40 | |
376881268 | One of the biggest results of artistic experimentation of the 1920's and 1930's was that | generally accepted standards that distinguished between "good" and "bad" art disappeared | 41 | |
376881269 | The theory that the act of observation actually changed what was being observed is known as the | uncertainty principle | 42 | |
376881270 | The Long March | greatly strengthened Mao Zedong's leadership position | 43 | |
376881271 | The notion that space and time are relative to the person measuring them was first articulated in | Einstein's theory of general relativity | 44 | |
376881272 | The First Five-Year Plan was initiated by | Stalin | 45 | |
376881273 | The author of All Quiet on the Western Front was | Erich Maria Remarque | 46 | |
376881274 | The term fascism was first used by | Mussolini | 47 | |
376881275 | The term "lost generation" was coined by | Gertrude Stein | 48 | |
376881276 | The spread of photography | led many painters to believe that the purpose of painting was not to mirror reality but to create it | 49 | |
376881277 | During the Great Depression most nations | practiced economic nationalism | 50 | |
376881278 | By 1929 the price of a bushel of wheat was | at its lowest point in four hundred years | 51 | |
376881279 | The Russian Civil War that broke out after the revolution was between | Reds and Whites | 52 | |
376881280 | Discoveries in physics added to the anxiety of the 1920's and 1930's because | they called into question the established notion of truth | 53 | |
376881281 | In the years after World War I the idea of progress | was roundly attacked | 54 | |
376881282 | In a purely scientific sense the uncertainty principle proposes that | it is impossible to specify simultaneously both the position and velocity of a subatomic particle | 55 | |
376881283 | War Communism | was an unplanned course of nationalism | 56 | |
376881284 | The work of Walter Gropius | embodied the architectural principle that form must follow functions | 57 | |
376881285 | The Kristallnacht was | a Nazi arranged attack on thousands of Jewish stores & synagogues | 58 | |
376881286 | Which of the following was not one of the chief actions of Roosevelt's New Deal? | tighten the money supply | 59 | |
377185859 | Alexander Dubcek | Launched the "Prague Spring" | 60 | |
377185860 | Josip Broz | Leader of Yugoslavia | 61 | |
377185861 | Anwar Sadat | Egyptian leader who both fought with and facilitate peace with Israel | 62 | |
377185862 | Indira Gandhi | Indian leader who pushed for birth control and social class | 63 | |
377185863 | Ayatollah Khomeini | Leader of the islamic revolution in Iran | 64 | |
377185864 | Descamisados | Argentine poor who supported Juan Peron | 65 | |
377185865 | Mobutu Sese Seko | U.S backed dictator of Zaire | 66 | |
377185866 | Charles de Gaulle | French leader who streed clear of Soviet | 67 | |
377185867 | Yitzhak Rabin | Israeli leader who worked for peace with Egypt | 68 | |
377185868 | Deng Xiaoping | Chinese leader who implemented free market reform | 69 | |
377185870 | Taliban | Fundamentalist Islamic Organization | 70 | |
377185872 | Apartheid | South African policy of "separateness" | 71 | |
377185874 | Perestroika | restucturing | 72 | |
377185876 | Lech Walesa | Leader of Solidarity | 73 | |
377185878 | Rainbow Warrior | Greenpeace flagship | 74 | |
377185880 | Glasnost | opening of Soviet society to public criticism | 75 | |
377185883 | Daw Aung San Suu Kyi | Nobel Peace Prize winner from Myanmar known for her "gateside meetings" | 76 | |
377185885 | Nicolae Ceausescu | Romanian dictator swept from power in 1989 | 77 | |
377185887 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Russian reformer whose view of reform challenged traditional Soviet thought | 78 | |
377185890 | Benazir Bhuto | female leader of Pakkistan | 79 | |
377185892 | Erich Honecker | East German leader who criticized reforms | 80 | |
377185895 | Wangguan | net wall | 81 | |
377185897 | Boris Yeltsin | dismantled the Soviet communist party | 82 | |
377185899 | Velvet Revolution | brought an end to communist rule in Czechoslovakia | 83 |