WHAP Unit VI Vocabulary Chapters 36, 39, 40 Flashcards
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370482855 | Indian National Congress | A movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor. (p. 663) | 0 | |
370482856 | Muslim League | an organization formed in 1906 to protect the interests of India's Muslims, which later proposed that India be divided into separate Muslim and Hindu nations | 1 | |
370482857 | Ahisma | Hindu belief in nonviolence & reverence for all | 2 | |
370482858 | Satyagraha | "Truth force," a term used by Gandhi to describe peaceful boycotts, strikes, noncooperation, and mass demonstrations to promote Indian independence. | 3 | |
370482859 | Mahatma | "Great Soul", title given to Mohandas Gandhi by the Indian people | 4 | |
370482860 | Gandhi | Indian nationalist and spiritual leader who developed the practice of nonviolent disobedience that forced Great Britain to grant independence to India (1947). He was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic. | 5 | |
370482861 | Amritsar | To protest the Rowlatt act, 10,000 Hindus and Muslims went to the capitol of Punjab in 1919. They fasted, prayed, and gave speeches. However, British Genderal Dyer thought they were openly defying the ban, and open fired at them without warning | 6 | |
370482862 | The India Act | This act was to give India the institutions of a self-governing state, to achieve freedom from British rule. -This act did not work though because the princes of India did not want to give up power or consent to changes. -Also there was disputes between Hindus and Muslims over the majority of the government and the great depression only worsened these arguments because the economy worsened. | 7 | |
370482863 | M. Ali Jinnah | Lead the muslim civilization, Prime ministaar of pakistan | 8 | |
370482864 | Sun Yatsen | Chinese physician and political leader who aimed to transform China with patriotic, democratic, and economically progressive reforms., leader of Chinese Nationalist Party (Guomindang); allied with Chinese Communist Party in national liberation front against conservatives and imperialists; used Guomindang's armies to create strong central government | 9 | |
370482865 | May 4th Movement | On May 4th, 1919, students in Peking protested Japan being given the Shantung province and all around China. It was an intellectual revolution of young, educated people in China, that was also a protest of China's weak government and their reaction to the Treaty of Versailles. This movement allowed the KMT to come back and have power, and it also gave rise to the CCP. | 10 | |
370482866 | Mao Zedong | This man became the leader of the Chinese Communist Party and remained its leader until his death. He declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and supported the Chinese peasantry throughout his life. | 11 | |
370482867 | Northern Expedition | a campaign to unite China and defeat the warlords. in 6 months, the KMT and CCP defeated 34 warlords. Received food from peasants. KMT and CCP co-operated, together defeating northern warlords and imperialists. The solders on the Northern Expedition asked peasants not to pay rent / debts | 12 | |
370482868 | Long March | The 6,000-mile (9,600-kilometer) flight of Chinese Communists from southeastern to northwestern China. The Communists, led by Mao Zedong, were pursued by the Chinese army under orders from Chiang Kai-shek. (789) | 13 | |
370482869 | Muhammad Ali Jinnah | Indian Muslim politician who founded the state of Pakistan. A lawyer by training, he joined the All-India Muslim League in 1913. As leader of the League from the 1920s on, he negotiated with the British/INC for Muslim Political Rights (816) | 14 | |
370482870 | Jawaharlal Nehru | Indian statesman. He succeeded Mohandas K. Gandhi as leader of the Indian National Congress. He negotiated the end of British colonial rule in India and became India's first prime minister (1947-1964). | 15 | |
370482871 | Nonalignment | The policy of some developing nations to refrain from aligning with either the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. | 16 | |
370482872 | Mohandas Gandhi | A philosopher from India, this man was a spiritual and moral leader favoring India's independence from Great Britain. He practiced passive resistance, civil disobedience and boycotts to generate social and political change. | 17 | |
370482873 | Ho Chi Minh | 1950s and 60s; communist leader of North Vietnam; used geurilla warfare to fight anti-comunist, American-funded attacks under the Truman Doctrine; brilliant strategy drew out war and made it unwinnable | 18 | |
370482874 | Balfour Declaration | Statement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917 favoring the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. | 19 | |
370482875 | Sykes-Picot | Britain's secret commitment which agreed that Britain and France would divide the Ottoman Empire among European nations. France would get Lebanon and Syria and Britain would get Iraq and Palestine and a sphere of influence over the Arabian Peninsula. | 20 | |
370482876 | Abdel Nasser | In 1952, he and other Egyptian Officers staged a coup. He became president of Egypt, and he strongly advocated Pan-Arabism as well as non-alignment with US or Soviet Union | 21 | |
370482877 | Great Leap Forward | China's second five-year plan under the leadership of the impatient Mao, it aimed to speen up economic development while simultaneously developing a completely socialitst society. This plan failed and more than 20 million people starved between 1958 and 1960. | 22 | |
370482878 | Cultural Revolution | Campaign in China ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation.(p. 848) | 23 | |
370482879 | Deng Xiaoping | Fourth leader after the emporer; created the 4 modernizations, was leader when Gorbachev of the U.S.S.R came, was leader during Tiananmen Square, created the 4 Special Zones. Communist., Communist Party leader who forced Chinese economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong. (p. 862) | 24 | |
370482880 | Tiananmen Square | Site in Beijing where Chinese students and workers gathered to demand greater political openness in 1989. The demonstration was crushed by Chinese military with great loss of life. | 25 | |
370482881 | Palestinian Liberation Movement (PLO) | Organization created in 1964 under the leadership of Yasser Arafat. Its goal was to destroy Israel & create a Palestinian State in its place. | 26 | |
370482882 | Yasser Arafat | head of Fatah and PLO; most openly hostile of all Arabian leaders; changed thinking in 1993; ageed to the Oslo Accords; died of natural causes | 27 | |
370482883 | Yitzhak Rabin | Israel's old prim minister, The Israeli prime minister who agreed to grant the Palestinians their own land. In 1995 he was killed by Jewish extremists | 28 | |
370482884 | Hezbollah | a Lebanon terror organization founded in 1982 by Shiete Muslims. A major weapons supplier to Hamas It cooperates with Al Qaeda. In 1946 christians were 40% of the population. Sunni were 27% - by the 1980s the Shiite's were the majority in Beruit in 11983 the marine barracks was bombed. 241 marines were killed while they slept. This marked the dawn of modern day terrorism. | 29 | |
370482885 | Hamas (my powerpoint) | a militant Islamic fundamentalist political movement that opposes peace with Israel and uses terrorism as a weapon. | 30 | |
370482886 | Reza Pahlavi | Leader of Persia who sought to modernize the country by making public schools, building roads and railroads, extending women's rights, and promoting industrial growth. He held all of the power of the country that he later called Iran in 1935. | 31 | |
370482887 | Ayatollah Khomeini | Iranian religious leader of the Shiites; when Shah Pahlavi's regime fell Khomeini established a new constitution giving himself supreme powers (1900-1989) | 32 | |
370482888 | Saddam Hussein | - Was a dictator in Iraq who tried to take over Iran and Kuwait violently in order to gain the land and the resources. He also refused to let the UN into Iraq in order to check if the country was secretly holding weapons of mass destruction. | 33 | |
370482889 | Mahmud Ahmadinejad | the sixth and current President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the main political leader of the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran, a coalition of conservative political groups in the country., Elected 2005. No religions training but very conservative. Engineer, working class embraces him. Holocaust denyer, gives "right" to attack Israel. Populist candidate, not religiously consevative but was loyal to the Ayatollah so he would not get veto'd. Unemployment, gas shortage, inflation increased. Opposed by US. Re-elected in 2009, GREEN MOVEMENT! | 34 | |
370482890 | PEMEX | Mexican Petroleum; a government agency that runs the oil industry in Mexico, Petróleos Mexicanos | 35 | |
370482891 | Juan Peron | President of Argentina (1946-1955, 1973-1974). As a military officer, he championed the rights of labor. Aided by his wife Eva Duarte Per?n, he was elected president in 1946. He built up Argentinean industry, became very popular among the urban poor. (823 | 36 | |
370482892 | Sandinista | This was the Cuban sponsored Communist government of Nicaragua that fought the Contra. They were opposed by the U.S. government in the 1980s. | 37 | |
370482893 | Organization for African Unity (OAU) | • Established in 1963, became AU in 2002 • Nkrumah, a huge nationalist, pushed for its formation • 1964 resolution on border issues: to respect the lines already there • Africa's borders had been fixed since colonial times | 38 | |
370482894 | Apartheid | Laws (no longer in effect) in South Africa that physically separated different races into different geographic areas. | 39 | |
370482895 | African National Congress (ANC) | An organization dedicated to obtaining equal voting and civil rights for black inhabitants of South Africa. Founded in 1912 as the South African Native National Congress, it changed its name in 1923. Eventually brought equality (809) | 40 | |
370482896 | Nelson Mandela | Born 1918. 11th President of South Africa. Spent 27 years in prison after conviction of charges while he helped spearhead the stuggle against apartheid. Received Nobel Peace Prize in 1993., first black president of South Africa | 41 | |
370482897 | Free Trade | a system of trade policy that allows traders to trade across national boundaries without interference from the respective governments | 42 | |
370482898 | GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; international trade organization ehtat encourages free trade by lowering tariffs and other trade restrictions | 43 | |
370482899 | WTO | The World Trade Organization - an international body that enforces agreements that reduce barriers to international trade; successor to the GATT | 44 | |
370482900 | Multinationals | large corporations that have operations in several countries | 45 | |
370482901 | Little Tigers | earliest and most successful imitators of the Japanese model for economic development; they were Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan; turned disadvantages into advantages through a program of export-driven industrialization; corporations from these 4 states undercut original Japanese products w/ lower-costing versions; the original 4 were later joined by Indonesia, Thailand, & Malaysia | 46 | |
370482902 | European Union | an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members. | 47 | |
370482903 | OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; international cartel that inflates price of oil by limiting supply; Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and UAE are prominent members | 48 | |
370482904 | ASEAN | The Association for the Southeast Asian Nations formed in 1967 to promote the prosperity and political stability of its member nations. Currently Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are members. Other countries in the region participate as "observer" members. | 49 | |
370482905 | NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a pact that unites Canada, Mexico, and the United States in one of the world's largest free-trade zones. It builds on a free-trade agreement between the United States and Canada that became effective in 1989 | 50 | |
370482906 | Globalization | The trend toward increased cultural and economic connectedness between people, businesses, and organizations throughout the world. | 51 | |
370482907 | Trafficking | when a family sends a child or an adult to a labor recruiter in hopes that the labor recruiter will send money, and the family member will earn money to send home | 52 | |
370482908 | Terrorism | the use of violence by non-governmental groups against civilians to achieve a political goal by instilling fear and frightening governments into changing policiesthe calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature | 53 | |
370482909 | NGO | Non govermental organization's are aimed at third world or developing countries with the goal of eradicating some of the problems in the country | 54 | |
370482910 | United Nations | International organization founded in 1945 to promote world peace and cooperation. It replaced the League of Nations. | 55 | |
370482911 | Human Rights | the rights possessed by all individuals by virtue of being human, regardless of their status as citizens of particular states or members of a group or organization | 56 | |
370482912 | Indira Gandhi | Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister. She was also prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977. | 57 | |
370482913 | Benazir Bhuto | Effective female political leader in Pakistan. Active in women's rights (Council of Women World Leaders). Like many other leaders of the time, she thought the Taliban could stabilize Afganistan. | 58 | |
370482914 | Aung San Suu Kyi | (1945-) Burmese political leader; she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for her efforts to promote democracy in the country of Myanmar (Burma). | 59 |