Chapter 8 notes Environment: the Sciene Behind the Stories
Preeyam Roy Chapter 8 Notes 4/23/12 Period 2 Chapter 8: Human Population Central Case: China?s one-child policy China in 2006: 1/5 of 6.5 billion total population Mao Zedong ruled in 1950 540 million ppl Believed growth was desirable china grew 1970 ? improvement in food production, distribution health pop 790 million ppl(5.8 births per woman) Neg impacts on soil, water, air, forests The government instituted a one-child policy Education, marry later, have fewer kids (some only allowed one), contraceptions By 1975 growth rate from 2.8% to 1.8% 1979 ? more dramatic steps to enfore policy 1 child = better education, longer maternity leave, gov?t job, medical care More than 1 child = employment discrimination, scorn, fines growth rate plummeted The policy is now less strict