Prefixes 13-20 Flashcards
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48626928 | Amoral | without the ordinary ability to distinguish right from wrong; neither moral nor immoral | 0 | |
48626929 | Anecdote | a brief, amusing, and usually biographical narrative - originally unpublished and thus not generally known | 1 | |
48626930 | Anomaly | literally, not the same, and thuse anything that represents a departure from the normal or usual; an exception | 2 | |
48626931 | Contraband | anything that is against the law to buy and sell, especially something imported or exported | 3 | |
48626932 | Contretemps | an unfortunate or inopportune happening; an awkward or embarrassing mishap | 4 | |
48626933 | Controvert | to argue against; to dispute, contradict, or deny; to debate | 5 | |
48626934 | Countermand | to cancel or revoke, as a previous order; a command reversing an earlier one | 6 | |
48626935 | Disarray | a condition or situation of confusion, untidiness, or disorder | 7 | |
48626936 | Dyspeptic | characteristic of one who suffers from impaired (bad) digestion, and thus grouchy or gloomy | 8 | |
48626937 | Eugenics | the study or practice of improving the hereditary qualities of the human (or other) species through genetic control | 9 | |
48626938 | Euphemism | a mild word or expression used in place of a distasteful or unpleasant one, as "passing" for "death" | 10 | |
48626939 | Euthanasia | literally, a good death, and thus the practice of suppressing the pain of a dying person; by extension, in recent times, the painless killing of a terminally ill person; mercy killing | 11 | |
48626940 | Isometric | having an equal measure, as in a method of physical exercise where one set of muscles is tensed against antother set exerting equal pressure | 12 | |
48626941 | Ignoble | not noble, and thus possessing a low or base character; dishonorable | 13 | |
48626942 | Illegible | not legible, and thus impossible to read or make out the meaning of | 14 | |
48626943 | Immutable | not susceptible to change, and thus never changing, wavering, or vacillating | 15 | |
48626944 | Impromptu | not planned or prepared for; without advance preparation; offhand; a speech or other performance done without preparation; done without preparation | 16 | |
48626945 | Inclement | showing no mercy; harsh, severe, or stormy | 17 | |
48627133 | Incognito | not known, disguised, under an assumed name; a person living or traveling under a disguise or an assumed name | 18 | |
48627134 | Irrational | rot rational, and thus lacking the power to think clearly; senseless or absurd | 19 | |
48627135 | Irresolute | not resolute, and thus wavering, indecisive, or vacillating | 20 | |
48627136 | Heterogeneous | composed of elements or items that are unlike; dissimilar | 21 | |
48627137 | Homogeneous | composed of elements that are similar or alike; uniform | 22 | |
48627138 | Megalith | a huge stone, especially one like those used in prehistoric monuments | 23 | |
48627139 | Megalomania | a mental disorder including delusions of grandeur and infantile feelings of personal importance; the desire always to do big things | 24 | |
48627875 | Megalopolis | an extremely large urban area including several cities in close proximity | 25 | |
48627876 | Misconstrue | to interpret incorrectly; to confuse; to misunderstand | 26 | |
48627877 | Miscreant | villainous and evil; and evil person; a criminal | 27 | |
48627878 | Misnomer | the act or instance of wrongly naming or labeling something; the inappropriate name itself | 28 | |
48627879 | Misogamist | a person who hates the institution of marriage | 29 | |
48627880 | Malady | a bad condition; a disease or disorder; any unwholesome condition; a disease | 30 | |
48627881 | Malaise | a vague feeling of (approaching) illness; a general "down" feeling that may cause depression | 31 | |
48627882 | Malefactor | literally, to do evil, and thus an individual who is an evildoer or a criminal | 32 | |
48627883 | Malevolent | wishing bad (evil) things to happen to other people; showing ill will | 33 | |
48627884 | Malfeasance | misconduct, especially by a person in public office; wrongdoing; an unlawful act | 34 | |
48634834 | Malign | to speak evil of; to defame or slander; showing ill will; baleful | 35 | |
48634835 | Malodorous | having a bad odor; stinking | 36 | |
48634836 | Macrocosm | the greater world or universe; a total system | 37 | |
48634837 | Microfiche | a sheet of film containing reduced pages, as from books, newspapers, or magazines | 38 | |
48634838 | Nonentity | the state of not existing, or something that exists only in the imagination; a person or thing of virtually no importance | 39 | |
48634839 | Nonpareil | not equaled; without equal, and thus unrivaled | 40 | |
48634840 | Pseudonym | literally, a false name, and thus a name assumed, as by a writer; a pen name | 41 | |
48634841 | Pseudoscience | an area of study that is questionably scientific, such as | 42 | |
48666320 | Undaunted | not afraid, discouraged, disheartened, or intimidated; fearless or intrepid | 43 | |
48666321 | Unflappable | not easily excited or upset, especially when others are; always calm | 44 | |
48667992 | Bilateral | involving two parties, sides, or opinions - as in an agreement or action taken | 45 | |
48667993 | Binary | made up of two things or two parts; dual; something made up of two parts or components | 46 | |
48667994 | Demitasse | a small cup of strong black coffee, or the cup itself | 47 | |
48667995 | Dilemma | a choice between (two) equally unacceptable alternatives | 48 | |
48667996 | Dubious | literally, moving in two directions, and thus doubtful or causing doubt; suspicious, questionable, or shady | 49 | |
48668516 | Hemiplegia | paralysis on only one side of (half) the body, as from a stroke | 50 | |
48668517 | Semiliterate | barely able to read and write; able to read but not to write; a person with poor language skills | 51 | |
48668518 | Kilowatt | a unit of electrical power, equal to one thousand watts | 52 | |
48668519 | Millisecond | a thousandth part of a second | 53 | |
48668520 | Monologue | a long (and often boring) speech by one person | 54 | |
48668663 | Polyglot | involving elements from several languages; a confusion of languages; a multilingual person; something written or spoken in several languages | 55 | |
48668664 | Tripartite | including three divisions or parts | 56 | |
48668665 | Unilateral | involving only one side or party; done by one party alone, usually without considering the opinions of others who might be affected | 57 |