Ap World History Chapter 36 Flashcards
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357057569 | in the decades following World War I, nationalism was most powerful in Asia in the regions of? | India and China | 0 | |
357057570 | the most influential organization dedicated to the end of British rule in India was? | Indian National Congress | 1 | |
357057571 | Satyagraha was? | passive resistance developed by ghandi (truth and firmness) | 2 | |
357057572 | the India Act of 1937? | gave India the institutions of a self-governing state. allowed for the establishment of autonomous legislative bodies in the provinces of British India | 3 | |
357057573 | Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of? | Pakistan | 4 | |
357057574 | the Great Depression aggravated the tense situation between Muslims and Hindus in India in part because..? | Muslims constituted the majority of indebted tenant farmers, who found themselves increasingly unable to pay rents/debts. Landlords=mainly Hindus | 5 | |
357057575 | Bal Gangadhar Tilak was? | a fiery Indian nationalist who galvanized public support for India's independence movement | 6 | |
357057576 | the May Fourth Movement? | all classes of Chinese protested against foreign, especially Japanese, interference | 7 | |
357057577 | the former teacher and librarian that became the leader of the Chinese communist movement was? | Mao Zedong | 8 | |
357057578 | Sun Yatsen's plan for China included all of the following except? | DID: elimination of special privileges for foreigners, national reunification, economic development, democratic republic government based on universal suffrage DID NOT:. the establishment of a communist, totalitarian government | 9 | |
357057579 | Mao Zedong's main rival after 1925 was? | Jiang Jieshi | 10 | |
357057580 | the nationalist government of China was challenged by all of the following except? | was: nationalists controlled only part of china-warlords took remainder, early 1930s communist revolution was still major threat, Guomindang faced increasing japanese aggression | 11 | |
357057581 | the Long March? | troops and personnel of the Red Army and CCP walked 10,000 kilometers to a remote area of Shaanxi province and established headquarters at Yan'an | 12 | |
357057582 | Maoism was? | a form of Marxist-Leninism grounded in the conviction that peasants rather than urban proletarians were the foundation of a successful revolution | 13 | |
357057583 | the Great Depression led Japan to? | a giant economic slump- economic contraction set the stage for social unrest and radical politics | 14 | |
357057584 | the Mukden incident | (Japanese blew up some rail and accused the Chinese of doing it)- became the pretext for war between Japanese and Chinese troops | 15 | |
357057585 | Manchukuo was the? | puppet state that Japan created-but really they had absorbed Manchuria into its empire | 16 | |
357057586 | Africans were participants in World War I because? | many belligerents were colonial powers who ruled over africa | 17 | |
357057587 | All of the following African colonies were compelled by European colonial powers to participate in World War I except? | Spanish-controlled territories | 18 | |
357057588 | the two economic goals pursued by European colonial powers in Africa following World War I were | 1. wanted to make sure that the colonized paid for the institutions (bureaucracies, judiciary, police, etc) that kept them in subjugation 2. developed export-oriented economies characterized by the exchange of unprocessed raw materials for manufactured goods from abroad | 19 | |
357057589 | Pan-Africanism is an idea that advocated? | the unification of all people of African descent into a single African state | 20 | |
357057590 | one of the greatest proponents of Pan-Africanism was? | Marcus Garvey | 21 | |
357057591 | Jose Carlos Mariategui? | was a young Marxist intellectual who felt concern for the poor and Indias who were 50% of Peru's populations. Established the Socialist Party of Peru | 22 | |
357057592 | which of the following are US policies towards Latin America? | Dollar Diplomacy- "dollars for bullets", Good Neighbor Policy | 23 | |
357057593 | This Mexican president nationalized his country's oil industry, thus posing a challenge to the United States policy of non-intervention in Latin American affairs? | Lazaro Cardenas | 24 |