AP final
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273170716 | Immunity | Innate/Acquired-Passive/Active-Humoral/Cell-mediated | |
273170717 | Antibody functions | Neutralization - Blocked sites, can't cause injury Agglutination - Clumping - IgM Precipation - Complement bonding, settle out of solution Opsonization - Abs coat foreign antigen to promote phag Complement fixation + Activation - lysis | |
273170718 | Phagocyte | Engulfs into a phagosome - adds lysosome - phagolysosome | |
273170719 | Macrophage | -Can be activated -Have antigen fragments for T-cell interactions | |
273170720 | Fixed Macrophage | -Kupffer Cells - Liver, break down RBCs -Alveolar Macrophages - pulmonary macrophage | |
273170721 | Neutrophil/Eosinophil | Diapedesis - Increased leukocyte movement towards damage site Chemotaxis - movement toward/away from chemicals Neutrophil - produce H2O2 and bleach, self-destructive Eosinophil - self-destructive, parasite phagocyte, weak | |
273706105 | Mast cell | Allergy association Release histamines | |
273706106 | Natural killer cell | Large lymphocyte referred to as a Third Population Cell (TPC) Detect surface protein change, lyse cell Innate immunity vs. tumors and virus cells Use Perforin to destroy cells | |
273706107 | Inflammation | Prevents spread of damaging agent Hyperemia - increased blood flow Edema - accumulation of fluids under the skin Histamines released Defensins - broad spectrum antibiotics | |
273706108 | Leukocytosis | Leukocyte mobilization, increased WBC count | |
273706109 | Margination | Injured cells - chemical release - bone marrow released neutrophils neutrophils line capillaries - innate response a.k.a. Pavementing | |
273706110 | Diapedesis | Increased leukocyte movement towards damage site | |
273706111 | Chemotaxis | Movement away from chemicals/ to chemicals Monocytes follow neutrophils | |
273706112 | Interferon | Released in response to pathogen presence Used for communication between immune cells Upregulation of MHC's Causes release of PKR | |
273706113 | Protein Kinase R | PKR inhibits viral replication | |
273706114 | Abscess | Collagen fibers enclose a sac of Neutrophils/Dead pathogens/ tissue cells = PUS | |
273706115 | Antimicrobial Proteins | IFN - Interferon - Communication, release of PKR, upreg MHC PKR - Protein Kinase R - inhibits viral replication | |
273774712 | Complement proteins | Plasma proteins attach - increase inflammation and promote lysis | |
273774713 | Classical pathway | Ab binds and exposes C region C3 is cleaved into C3a + C3b C3b causes insertion of membrane attack complex (MAC) MAC causes a lesion, then lysis Calls macrophages - opsonization (Complement) Humoral immunity - Ab usage | |
273774714 | MAC | Membrane attack complex Complement pathways | |
273774715 | C | Reactive complement protein, formed in the liver in repsonse to CI binding results in C3, increases deposition of C3 in bact wall | |
273774716 | Alternate Pathway | Complement does not require Ab MAC formed by other substances Nonspecific response | |
273774717 | Specific Bodily Defenses | Specificity - eliminates targets by producing spec. lymph/Ab Diversity - can recognize millions of antigens Self/Nonself recognition - Autoimmune Diseases Memory | |
273774718 | IgM / IgD | IgM - Agglutination, also antigen receptors on B-cells IgD - antigen receptor on B-cell, unknown usage | |
273774719 | IgA / IgE | IgA - found in secretions - milk/tears IgE - activation of mast cells, parasite protection | |
273774720 | IgG | Primary circulating antibody | |
273774721 | MHC | 1 - found on all nucleated cells, aside from RBCs Cytotoxic T cell 2 - macrophages and B lymphocytes also foreign antigens Helper T cell | |
273774722 | Helper T cell | CD4 receptor Recognize MHC 2 Attach to a foreign antigen on a macrophage | |
273774723 | Adaptive Immune System | ID - kill, remember | |
273774724 | Cytotoxic T cell | CD8 receptor Recognize MHC 1 Directly attaches to the targeted cell Needs IL2 to attack | |
273774725 | B cell | Humoral Immunity Produced in the bone marrow or Bursa of Fabricious | |
273774726 | T cell | Cell-mediated immunity Produced in the Thymus | |
273774727 | T-cell selection | In contact with self MHC in the Thymus, if they recognize it - retained, if not Apoptosis | |
273774728 | Apoptosis | Programmed cell death | |
273774729 | B-cell selection | Anergy - lack of reaction by the body's defenses to foreign antigens Self-reactive B-cells are inactivated B-cells should not recognize MHC1, if they do, DIE | |
273774730 | Clonal Deletion | When B/T cells are deactivated for expressing response to self-antigens | |
273774731 | Antigen-presenting cell | Cells which engulf antigens and present fragments on surface Dendritic cells Langerhans cells Macrophages Activated B-cells | |
273774732 | Dendritic Cell | Found in CT, secrete soluble proteins Antigen-presenting cell Activate T-cells | |
273774733 | Langerhans cell | Found in skin epidermis Antigen-presenting cell | |
273774734 | Macrophage | Secrete soluble proteins Antigen-presenting cell Activate T-cells | |
273774735 | Activated B-cell | Antigen-presenting cell | |
273774736 | CAM | Cell adhesion molecules found on endothelial cells Cause lymphocytes to leave the system Used in margination to line the endothelial cells with neutrophils | |
273774737 | Humoral Immunity Response | Step 1: Antigen binds to B-cell receptor, w/ help from macrophages and HT cells Step 2: Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells Ag binds to cells surface - internalized B cells grow and multiply (all identical) most progeny^ become Plasma cells and begin producing Ab | |
273881475 | Immunological Memory | 1: Prime immune response 3-6 day lag to produce plasma cells peaks at ~10 days 2. Secondary immune response peaks much quicker the second time | |
273881476 | Active acquired immunity | Post-exposure Vaccinations | |
273881477 | Passive acquired immunity | Artificial or natural transfer of immune system components from another individual Colostrum | |
273881478 | Immunoglobulins | Antibodies Make up the gammaglobulin portion of blood soluble proteins interact w/ epitope on antigens | |
273881479 | Epitope | Small, restricted site on an antigen Induces immune response through T cell or Ab binding | |
273881480 | Ab components (structure) | 4 polypeptide chains linked by disulfide bridge 2 light chains, 2 heavy Complement binding site Macrophage binding site Antigen binding site | |
273881481 | What kills the antigen? | Nonspecific defenses and activated T-cells destroy antigens | |
273881482 | Monoclonal antibodies | Fuse tumor cell and B lymphocytes to form Hybridomas Hybridomas - single type of antibody Can be used for - passive immunity, clinical testing, treating disease | |
273881483 | Hybridoma | Monoclonal antibody Tumor cell + B lymphocyte | |
273881484 | Cell-mediated response | INSIDE cell 2 major populations present: CD4 - Helper T cells (assist other T/B cells) CD8 - Cytotoxic T cells, destroy other cells | |
273881485 | T (DH) | Delayed Hypersensitivity T cell | |
273881486 | T(S) | Suppressor T cell Can help maintain tolerance to self-antigens Helps keep immune system in check | |
273881487 | Antigen recognition | T-cells NOT activated by free antigens MUST be antigenic epitopes on own body's cells MUST recognize foreign and self MHCs | |
273881488 | MHC 1 | Found on all nucleated cells CD8 recognize Endogenous antigens | |
273881489 | MHC 2 | Found on mature B cells, some T cells, and APCS (Antigen presenting cells) CD4 recognize Exogenous antigens - after broken down in a phagolysosome | |
273881490 | Helper T-cells | Activate B cells to secrete Ab Activate T cells Cytokines must be present to activate other lymphocytes | |
273881491 | MHC 2 | T(h) binding causes macrophages to release IKN-1 Helper T cells to release Interleukin-2 - causes T(h) to grow and divide IK2^ TH^ IK2 helps to mediate immune recognition | |
273881492 | Tumor necrosis factor | T-cell produced cytokine that causes apoptosis | |
273881493 | IFN | T-cell produced cytokine that enhances abilities of macrophages | |
273881494 | Interleukin-2 | Stimulates B-cells to produce Ab | |
273881495 | T-cell independent antigens | Can stimulate B-cells w/o help from HT cells weak response | |
273881496 | T-cell dependent antigens | Require T-helper cells more potent than independent antigens | |
274013766 | Lethal hit sequence | 1. Cyt T cells release perforin and granzymes(cause apoptosis) - form lesion 2. w/ Ca present, perforin forms a transmembrane hole 3. Granzymes enter cell and degrade contents 4. Cyt T cells release lymphotoxin | |
274013767 | Other T cells | Suppressor T cells Gamma Delta T cells | |
274013768 | Suppressor T cell | Suppress activity of T/B cells | |
274013769 | Gamma Delta T cells | Found in Intestine Triggered when their T-cell antigen receptors are activated Similar to NK cells | |
274013770 | Autoimmune Diseases | Lupus/Rheumatoid Arthritis Insulin-dependent diabetes Rheumatic fever Graves disease MS | |
274013771 | Allergy types | 1. Hypersensitivities (Anaphylaxis) 2. Cytotoxic reaction 3. Immune complex hypersensitivity disease 4. Cell-mediated immune pathology | |
274013772 | Anaphylaxis | Type 1 allergic reaction First contact with allergen, no reaction IgE mediated allergy Mast cell and Basophil activation Histamines, Prostaglandins, etc. released | |
274013773 | Symptoms of allergies | Respiratory - Bronchial spasms, laryngeal edema GI - nausea, Diarrhea, cramps, vomiting Circ system - intestinal, hepatic vasodilation, hypotension (low BP) Skin - hives Treatment: Epinephrine to open bronchii | |
274013774 | Lupus/ Rheumatoid Arthritis | Systemic, constant inflammation of various parts of the body | |
274013775 | Graves Disease | Thyroid problems, autoantibodies | |
274013776 | Rheumatic Fever | Antibody cross-reactivity (heart, skin, joints, brain) | |
274013777 | MS | Immune system attacks the myelin sheathes around axons | |
274013778 | Insulin-dependent diabetes | Immune cells vs. pancreas | |
274013779 | Type 2 allergic reaction | Cytotoxic reaction Ab binds to antigens on body cells and stims phagocytosis and complement-mediated lysis ex. mismatched blood transfusions | |
274035757 | Immune complex hypersensitivity disease | Type 3 allergic reaction long term antigen exposure and response Ab-antigen complexes accumulate- stim. intense inflammation Activate complement cascade - attract neutrophils - lysosomal enzyme release varied symptoms | |
274035758 | Cell-mediated Immune Pathology | Type 4 allergic reaction Persistent activation of cell-mediated immunity Extensive cytotoxicity Granuloma formation Contact hypersensitivity (Poison oak, ivy) | |
274035759 | Granuloma | A collection of immune cells that have "walled off," a foreign substance or antigen | |
274035760 | Blood group immunology | Type A blood has A antigens B has B antigens and AntiA antigens Type O has neither A nor B antigens | |
274035761 | Rh factor | Rh negative mother can develop antibodies against Rh positive fetus | |
274035762 | Tissue grafts | MHC responsible for tissue rejection Cause cell-mediated immune response | |
274809706 | Splanchnic | a.k.a. visceral | |
274809707 | Hepatic portal circulation | Blood flow directed to the liver | |
274809708 | 4 layers of GI tract | 1. Mucosa (3 sublayers) 2. Submucosa - Peyer's patches, Brunner's glands 3. Muscularis Externa - circ musc layer, sphincters, long mus 4. Serosa - (visceral peritoneum) | |
274809709 | Mucosa (3 sublayers) | 1. Epithelium - goblet cells, simp, colum epithelial 2. Lamina Propria - loose areolar CT, contains (MALT) 3. Musculara mucosa - sm. muscle, mucosa movement | |
274809710 | MALT | Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue | |
274809711 | Submucosa | Dense CT | |
274809712 | Muscularis externa | Circular muscle layer, sphincters, longitudinal muscle | |
274809713 | Serosa | Visceral peritoneum | |
274809714 | Nerve plexuses | Submucosal NP - controls activity of glands and sm. musc Myenteric plexus - b/w circ and long muscle Enteric nervous system | |
274809715 | Buccal cavity | Mouth | |
274809716 | Nasopharynx | Soft palate closes ____ when swallowing | |
274809717 | Tongue | Taste buds Serous/mucous glands Forms bolus | |
274809718 | Extrinsic Salivary glands | Parotid- near ear, biggest Submandibular Sublingual | |
274809719 | Stomach regions (4) | Cardiac Fundus Corpus Pylorus | |
274809720 | Pyloric region components | Pyloric antrum Pyloric canal Pyloric sphincter | |
274809721 | Obliques (stomach) | Muscle fibers in stomach Circular longitudinal transverse | |
274809722 | Enteroendocrine cells | Produce - serotonin gastrin histamine endorphins | |
274809723 | Duodenum | Hepatopancreatic ampulla - Common bile duct + panc duct HPA - empties into sphincter of oddi | |
274809724 | Sphincter of Oddi | Controls the release of bile into the duodenum Hepatopancreatic ampulla empties into ____ | |
274809725 | Ileum | Slows food due to increased % of segmental contractions | |
274809726 | Plicae circulares | Mucosal folds in the SI | |
274809727 | Brush border | Microvilli found in SI + kidney | |
274809728 | Central lacteal | Found in villi in SI absorbs broken down fats | |
274809729 | Crypts of Lieberkuhn | In folds of SI contain Paneth Cells - antimicrobial secretions - lysozyme | |
274809730 | Paneth cell | Found in SI in Crypts of Lieberkuhn secrete antimicrobial compounds - lysozyme | |
274809731 | Submucosa | Peyer's patches - macrophages located in SI Brunner's glands - secrete mucous | |
274809732 | Liver lobule | Functional unit of the liver | |
274809733 | Portal triad | Hepatic artery Hepatic portal vein Bile duct | |
274809734 | Hepatic plates | Process nutrients Store fat-soluble vitamins Detoxify | |
274809735 | Hepatitis / Cirrhosis | Liver infection / scarring of the liver | |
274809736 | Cystic duct | Gall bladder empties bile into the GI via ___ | |
274809737 | Pancreatic function | Acini cells located in Pancreas secrete zymogens - enzyme precursor CCK stimulates enzyme release | |
274809738 | Zymogen | Inactive enzyme precursor, activated by HCL in lysosomes: pepsinogen trypsinogen | |
274844807 | Large Intestine (parts) | Ascending Descending Transverse Sigmoid colon | |
274844808 | Haustra | Segments on LI no villi or plicae circulares | |
274844809 | Appendix | MALT component | |
274844810 | GI tract motility | Prehension Mastication Deglutition Egestion Regurgitation | |
274844811 | Deglutition / Egestion | Swallowing / Pooping | |
274844812 | Caudoesophageal sphincter | Vomiting reflex | |
274844813 | Receptive relaxation | Stomach Nitric Oxide - plays a part Enterogastric reflex - holds food, slows perist. low pH = diarrhea Enterogastrone reflex - senses 12-18carbons, releases Cholecystokinin to help digest | |
274844814 | Enterogastric reflex | Slows peristalsis Can be caused by low pH = diarrhea | |
274844815 | Enterogastrone reflex | Senses 12-18 carbons, releases Cholecystokinin to help digest | |
274844816 | Electrical activity in GI tract | Two types: slow waves, spike | |
274844817 | Cells of Cajal | pacemaker cells in longitudinal sm. muscle creates the basal contraction rate | |
274844818 | Intracellular vs. Extracellular pH | Intra: 6.5 Extra: .8 caused by HCl from parietal cells | |
274844819 | Chief cells | pepsinogen (zymogen) ^ + HCl = pepsin | |
274844820 | Gastric secretion phases | Cephalic: neural via the vagus nerve Gastric: Gastrin release Intestinal: Secretin can cause pepsinogen secretion Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) stops acid release | |
274844821 | Cholecystokinin | Helps to digest 12-18carbons stimulates enzyme release from pancreas controls bile release | |
274844822 | Buffers in GI tract | Bicarbonate balances H+ loss stimulated by secretin | |
274844823 | Bile | Controlled by Cholecystokinin CCK | |
274844824 | Carbohydrate (Dig/Abs) | Monosaccarides are absorbed Starch digestion begins in mouth w/ amylase Pancreatic amylase 90% absorbed in first 2/3 of tract Glucose and galactose coupled with Na+ Atransport Mucosal digestion: Dextrinase, glucoamylase, maltase, etc. | |
274844825 | Amylase | Starch digestion | |
274844826 | What is coupled with Na+ transport in the GI tract? | Glucose + Galactose | |
274844827 | Protein (Dig/Abs) | Pepsin helps break down protein (Pepsin is inactivated in the Duodenum) Pepsin cleaves proteins between tyrosine | phenylalanine Brush border enzymes and pancreatic enzymes create small, ABSORBABLE, peptides, AAs, di-tri peptides ^^ absorbed like sugars In young animals - prior to closure of enterocytes can absorb proteins (Abs!) through colostrum | |
274844828 | Enterocyte | a.k.a. Intestinal absorptive cell Stay open for a short time in newborns - absorb proteins (Abs!) Colostrum absorb monoglycerides in lipid digestion | |
274844829 | Lipid (Dig/Abs) | SI: sole site of digestion Bile salts emulsify fat Lipase breaks tri into monoglycerides enterocytes absorb monos and reesterify them into tri Chylomicrons transport fats around the body (thru lymph sys) | |
274844830 | Bile salts | found in SI emulsify fats | |
274844831 | Chylomicron | ring structure that moves fats around the body through the lymphatic system | |
274844832 | Nucleic Acid (Dig/Abs) | Ribonuclease and Deoxynuclease Absorbed in SI | |
274844833 | Ribonuclease / Deoxyribonuclease | Break down their respective nucleic acids | |
274844834 | Vitamins (Dig/Abs) | Fat soluble vitamins - absorbed in SI along w/ fats Water soluble vitamins - absorbed in SI (B12 vitamin requires intrinsic factor, absorbed in ileum) | |
274844835 | B12 vitamin | Water-soluble vitamin, requires intrinsic factor absorbed in ileum | |
274888332 | Oxidation- reduction reactions | Crucial in metabolic processes | |
274888333 | Oxidation (Nut/Met) | Yields ATP | |
274888334 | Oxidase | Catalyzes the transfer of Oxygen | |
274888335 | Dehydrogenase | Removal of H+, leaving CO2 | |
274888336 | Coenzymes of oxidation | H+ acceptors NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) FAD (flavine adenine dinucleotide) | |
274888337 | NAD+ / FAD | Oxidation coenzymes | |
274888338 | ATP synthesis | Uses cellular respiration energy for: substrate level phosphorylation or oxidative phosphorylation | |
274888339 | Substrate level phosphorylation | Occurs in cytoplasm and mitochondrial matrix Phosphate goes from substrate -> ADP | |
274888340 | Oxidative phosphorylation | More important than sub phos chemiosmotic process H+ pumped into intermembrane mitoch space | |
274888341 | Carbohydrate -> ___ | Glucose Entry into cell via fac. diff. modulated by insulin trapped within cell by hexokinase irreversible reaction^, helps maintain glucose gradient | |
274888342 | Oxidation of glucose via -> ___ | Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain and oxidative phosphorylation | |
274888343 | Glycolysis | 10 steps glucose -> 2 pyruvic acid molecules Yields 2 ATP/glucose occurs in cytosol ANAEROBIC | |
274927533 | Critical Glycolysis enzymes | Hexokinase - traps glucose in cell Phosphofructokinase - (PFK) - catalyzes the rate-determining reaction. ATP inhibits, AMP stims lactate dehydrogenase - oxidizes NAD+, so glycolysis can continue. MUST HAVE if no oxygen present | |
274927534 | PFK | Phosphofructokinase - catalyzes the rate of glycolysis ATP inhibits AMP stimulates | |
274927535 | Glycolysis equation | Glucose + 2NAD+ + 2ADP + 2Pi <-> 2NADH + 2Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2H2O + 4H+ | |
274927536 | Metabolism in the Liver | In absence of Oxygen, lactic acid -> glucose -Energy source -Stored as glycogen ^ a.k.a. glycogenesis / glycogenolysis | |
274927537 | Lactic acid | Converted to glucose in the absence of oxygen | |
274927538 | Gluconeogenesis | Glucose synthesis from other nutrient sources - Propionic acid synthesized into glucose in ruminants | |
274927539 | Propionic acid | Synthesized into glucose in ruminants | |
274927540 | Krebs cycle | Oxidation Decarboxylation - pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction w/ coA to form Actetyl coenzymeA *essentially Pyruvate -> ACOa -> ATP | |
274927541 | Electric Transport Chain | Aerobic respiration H combined with O2 ^ energy used to phosphorylate ADP cristae - electron transporters molecules involved: Flavoprotein (FMN) Coenzyme Q cytochromes NADH, FADH2 -> reduced to oxidized form -> highly exergonic | |
274927542 | Cristae | Electron transporters for E. Transport Chain | |
274927543 | ATP harvest | to pyruvate -> 2 ATP pyruvate through Krebs cycle -> 2ATP E transport chain -> 34 ATP | |
274927544 | Glycogenesis + Glycogenolysis | When sufficient energy is reached energy - fat Glucose-6-P + mutase -> Glucose 1-P | |
274927545 | Mutase | Enzyme required for glycogenesis Glucose-6-P + mutase -> Glucose 1-P | |
274927546 | Gluconeogenesis | Forming sugar from non-carb sources | |
274927547 | Lipid Metabolism | Oxidation of glycerol and fatty acids - 1 glycerol converted to 18ATP Beta Oxidation: fatty acids -> 2-carbon acetic acid fragments (beta carbon is oxidized) Acetic acid fuses to CoenzymeA -> Krebs Cycle | |
274927548 | Lipogenesis and Lipolysis | Triglyceride synthesis occurs when ATP and glucose levels are high AcetylCoA molecules condensed to form fatty acids Glyceraldehyde phosphate converted to form glycerol | |
274927549 | Lipolysis | Breaking stored fats into glycerol and fatty acids Liver, card muscle, resting skel muscle, prefer fat Before kreb cycle -> AcetylCoA combines w/ oxaloacetate insufficient oxaloacetyl CoA -> ketone bodies (ketogenesis) | |
274927550 | Ketogenesis | Fatty acid breaks down to form Ketone bodies when oxaloacetylCoA is short | |
274927551 | Renal sinus | Renal pelvis, calyces, Bvessels, nerves, fat | |
274927552 | 3 external kidney layers | Renal capsule Adipose capsule Renal fascia | |
274927553 | 3 internal kidney layers | Cortex Medulla Pelvis | |
274927554 | Afferent vs. Efferent Arterioles | Afferent -> to kidneys Efferent -> from | |
274927555 | Peritubular capillaries | Supply blood to the nephron via the PCT and DCT | |
274927556 | Vasa Recta | Capillary beds that reside in the medulla (branch of the Efferent arterioles) parallel to the loop of henle | |
274927557 | Nephron | (85% in cortex) Glomerulus and Renal tubule Renal corpuscle: Glomerulus + Bowman's capsule | |
274927558 | Bowman's capsule | Encloses glomerulus First step of filtration | |
274927559 | Podocyte | Part of nephron long extensions, cover glomerulus capillaries | |
274927560 | Renin | Increases H2O and NaCl absorption in the kidneys | |
274927561 | Juxtaglomerular apparatus | DCT lies against arterioles (Aff and Eff) | |
274927562 | Juxtaglomerular cell | Enlarged, sm. muscle, line arterioles mechanoreceptors secrete renin near Macula Densa cells (osmoreceptors) | |
274927563 | Macula Densa cell | Osmoreceptor lie near juxtaglomerular cells | |
274927564 | Kidney physiology | 1% BW - 20-25% Oxygen usage | |
274927565 | Net Filtration Pressure | Glomerular hydrostatic pressure: main driving force ^ opposed by colloid osmotic pressure and capsular hydrostatic pressure | |
274927566 | Glomerular hydrostatic pressure | Main driving force of net filtration | |
274927567 | Kidney filtration pressures | Glomerular hydrostatic vs. Colloid osmotic Capsular hydrostatic | |
274927568 | Glomerular filtration rate | Directly proportional to NFP (normally constant) | |
274927569 | Renal Auto-regulation | Kept constant by altering Afferent/Efferent arteriole tones | |
274927570 | Sympathetic control of filtration | Constriction of afferent arterioles affects FR Causes JG cells to secrete renin Low BP -> upregulation of renin | |
274927571 | Other factors controlling GFR | Vasodilation: NO, PG, Kallikrein releases bradykinin Vasoconstriction: endothelin, TXA2 | |
274927572 | Sodium Reabsorption | Passive into cell (carrier-mediated, fac. diffusion) Passively enters peritubular capillarise | |
274927573 | Water Reabsorption | Na+ and Cl- entering cells causes water to enter into tubule cell. | |
274927574 | Solvent drag | When water moves, it drags solutes into tubules | |
274927575 | Secondary Active Transport | Na+ - K+ pump creates gradient - helps transport glucose, AAs, lactate, vitamins | |
274938474 | PCT | Most active reabsorption site glucose, lactate, AAs 65% of Na+ is cotransported with^ H2O, HCO3, Cl-, K+ absorbed URIC ACID absorbed | |
274938475 | Loop of Henle | Water can leave Descending, but NOT Ascending limb. Na+, water, Cl-, K+ absorbed in thin segment Thick is impermeable to water and urea Reabsorbs K+, Cl-, Na+ More dilute Ascending | |
274938476 | Thick segment (LoH) | impermeable to water and urea reabsorbs K+, Cl-, and Na+ | |
274938477 | Thin segment (LoH) | Water can leave Descending, NOT ascending limb. | |
274938478 | DCT | absorbs NA+, Cl-, H20 secretes K+ and H+ absorption of H2O reliant on Anti diuretic hormone (ADH) absorption of Na+ controlled by Aldosterone | |
274938479 | ADH | Antidiuretic hormone regulates absorption of H2O in DCT | |
274938480 | Aldosterone | regulates absorption of Na+ Due to: low BP, low plasma Na+, inc K+ Increases Na+ absorption FROM DCT | |
274938481 | ANP | Atrial natriuretic peptide High BP causes release Decreases Na+ absorption from DCT | |
274938482 | Parathyroid hormone | Regulates Ca++ absorption | |
274938483 | Collecting Duct | Permeable to water, not NaCl Loses water to hyperosmotic interstitial fluid Bottom of duct is permeable to urea | |
274938484 | Tubular secretion | H, K, ammonium, creatinine | |
274938485 | Urine concentration regulation | Osmotic concentration from cortex to medulla ^^^inc Loop of Henle <> Vasa Recta countercurrent systems | |
274938486 | Renal clearance | Vol of plasma from which a particular substance is completely cleared by kidneys | |
274938487 | Inulin | Determines GFR not reabsorbed or secreted RC rate inulin = GFR RC value for inulin< insulin, then it is reabsorbed | |
274938488 | Alkalosis | Greater than 7.45 pH | |
274938489 | Acidosis | Less than 7.35 pH |