Unit VII - Between the Wars
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19341781 | assembly line | a type of manufacturing where the produce moves past the workers who each have a specific job - increases production but boring for the workers | |
19341782 | "talkies" | the first movies with sound | |
19341783 | League of Nations | created after WWI - it came before the United Nations - a group to allow all countries to try and solve differences peacefully | |
19341784 | Forbes Scandal | Charles Forbes, director of the Veterans bureau and a close friend of Harding receives millions of dollars as a result of corruption | |
19341785 | Teapot dome Scandal | Secy of State receives loans, cash and cattle for leasing US oil fields in Teapot Dome, WY- is convicted of accepting bribes and sent to jail | |
19341786 | mergers | a business practice where 2 companies become one which increases profits | |
19341787 | anarchists | those who want to abolish all forms of government | |
19341788 | ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union - created to provide legal defense for those whose civil rights have been violated | |
19341789 | Red Scare | fear of Communists and supposed conspiracies to overthrow the government, created a general mistrust of foreigners in the US | |
19341790 | Sacco & Vanzetti | accused of murdering 2 during a payroll robbery, these men were tried and convicted mainly because they were anarchists | |
19341791 | National Origins Act | US created quotas for the number of immigrants that it allowed into the country, the quotas were based on the country the immigrant came from | |
19341792 | Black Tuesday | the day the stock market crashed | |
19341793 | Hoovervilles | shantytowns where the homeless lived during the great depression - called Hoovervilles to mock then President Hoover | |
19341794 | Bonus March | jobless veterans marched on Washington DC trying to get the government to pay off on insurance policies promised after WWI | |
19341795 | recession | a period of difficult economic times not as severe as a depression - unemployment is high | |
19341796 | New Deal | FDR's plan to help the US recover from the Great Depression | |
19341797 | farm subsidies | paying farmers not to grow certain crops so as to reduce supply and increase price | |
19341798 | boondoggle | to waste time and money on pointless and unnecessary work | |
19341799 | Social Security Act | provides unemployment insurance, pensions and payments to the disabled | |
19341800 | "priming the pump" | pouring money into the economy to stimulate growth |