Scarlet Letter Vocab List 8 Flashcards
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43884573 | providence | divine control and direction by God; foresight | 0 | |
43884574 | dexterity | physical or mental skill, ability | 1 | |
43884575 | rustic | simple and unsophisticated, typical of country life; bucolic | 2 | |
43884576 | procure | to obtain, acquire, secure | 3 | |
43884577 | imbue | to infuse, dye, wet, permeate | 4 | |
43884578 | mutability | changeability, inconsistency, impermanence | 5 | |
43884579 | medium | a substance that is used to transmit or accomplish something | 6 | |
43884580 | untempered | unrestrained, unreasonable, exorbitant, extreme | 7 | |
43884581 | perpetuate | to be or make endless or eternal; live on | 8 | |
43884582 | despondency | discouragement, dejection, depression, desolation | 9 | |
43884583 | brood | to think about in a gloomy or serious way, ponder | 10 | |
43884584 | prolific | productive, fertile, generative, fecund, fruitful | 11 | |
43884585 | caprice | an impulsive mind, fickleness, whim | 12 | |
43884586 | intangibility | the quality of being imperceptible, impalpability | 13 | |
43884587 | delusive | imaginary, deceptive, misleading | 14 | |
43884588 | evoke | to summon or call forth, conjure, educe, elicit | 15 | |
43884589 | conjuration | a summoning of a devil or spirit by invocation; a magic trick or effect; spell; charm | 16 | |
43884590 | placidity | calmness, serenity, complacency, tranquility | 17 | |
43884591 | sportive | frolicsome, playful, merry | 18 | |
43884592 | anathema | curse, something shunned or disliked, ban, horror | 19 | |
43884593 | requite | to return or repay, reciprocate, compensate | 20 | |
43884594 | enmity | hostility, antagonism, ill-will, animosity, antipathy, rancor | 21 | |
43884595 | dearth | lack, scarcity, insufficiency, absence | 22 | |
43884596 | singularity | uncommonness, peculiarity, oddity | 23 | |
43884597 | adverse | unfavorable, causing hardship, opposing | 24 |