WHAP 5th six weeks vocabulary Flashcards
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348103310 | population revolution | huge growth in population in western europe beginning about 1730 | 0 | |
348103311 | american revolution | rebellion of the british american/atlantic seaboard colonies; ended with the formation of the independent United States | 1 | |
348103312 | french revolution | overthrow of the bourbon monarchy through a revolution beginning in 1789; created a republic and eventually ended with napoleon's french empire; the source of many liberal movements and constitutions in europe | 2 | |
348103313 | declaration of the rights of man and the citizen | adopted during the french revolution; proclaimed the equality of french citizens; became a source/ document for later liberal moements | 3 | |
348103314 | liberalism | political ideology that flourished in the 19th-cetury western europe; stressed limited state interference in private life, representation of the people in government; urged importance of constitutional rule and parliaments | 4 | |
348103315 | radicals | followers of a 19th century western europe political emphasis; advocated broader voting rights than liberals; urged reforms favoring the lower classes | 5 | |
348103316 | socialism | political ideology in 19th century europe; attacked private property in the name of equality; wanted state control of the means of production and an end to the capitalistic exploitation of the working class | 6 | |
348103317 | nationalism | european 19th century viewpoint; often allied with other "isms"; urged the importance of national unity; valued a collective ID based on ethnic origins | 7 | |
348103318 | factory system | intensification of all the processes of production at a single site during the industrial revolution; involved greater organization of labor and increased discipline | 8 | |
348103319 | louis pasteur | discovered germs and of the purifying process named after him | 9 | |
348103320 | benjamin disraeli | british politician; granted the vote to working class males in 1867; an example of conservative politicians keeping stability through reform | 10 | |
348103321 | otto von bismarck | conservative prime minister of prussia; architect of german unification under the prussian king in 1871; utilized liberal reforms to maintain stability | 11 | |
348103322 | karl marx | german socialist who saw history as a class struggle between groups out of power and those controlling the means of production; preached the inevitability of social revolution and the creation of a proletarian dictatorship | 12 | |
348103323 | revisionism | socialist thought that disagreed with marx's formulation; believed that social and economic progress could be achieved through existing political institutions | 13 | |
348103324 | feminist movements | sought legal and economic gains for women, among them equal access to professions and higher education; came to concentrate on the right to vote; won initial support from middle-class women | 14 | |
348103325 | mass leisure culture | an aspect of the later industrial revolution; decreased time at work and offered opportunities for new forms of leisure time, such as vacation trips and team sports | 15 | |
348103326 | charles darwin | biologist who developed the theory of evolution of the species; argued that all living forms evolved through the successful ability to adapt in a struggle for survival | 16 | |
348103327 | albert einstein | formulated mathematical theories to explain the behavoir of planetary motion and the movement of electrical particles; about 1900 issued the theory of relativity | 17 | |
348103328 | american exceptionalism | historical argument that the development of the united states was largely individualistic and that contact with europe was incidental to american formation | 18 | |
348103329 | sepoys | indian troops, trained in european style, serving the french and british | 19 | |
348103330 | raj | the british political establishment in india | 20 | |
348103331 | plassey (1757) | battle between the troops of the british east india company and the indian ruler of bengal; british victory gave them control of northeast india | 21 | |
353904417 | robert clive | architect of british victory at plassey; established foundations of the raj in north india | 22 | |
353904418 | presidencies | three districts that compromised the bulk of british-rule territories in india during the early 19th century; capitals at calcutta, madras, and bombay | 23 | |
353904419 | princely states | ruled by indian princes allied with the ra; agents of the east india company were stationed at their courts to ensure loyalty | 24 | |
353904420 | nabobs | name given to british who went to india to make fortunes through graft and exploitation; returned to britain to live richly | 25 | |
353904421 | charles cornwallis | british official who reformed east india company's corruption during the 1790s | 26 | |
353904422 | tropical dependencies | western european possessions in africa, asia, and the south pacific where small numbers of european settlers made up the majority of the population | 27 | |
353904423 | settler colonies | colonies where minority european populations lived among majority of the population | 28 | |
353904424 | white dominions | a type of settlement colony where european settlers made up the majority of the population | 29 | |
353904425 | white racial supremacy | belief in the inherent superiority of whites over the rest of humanity; peaked in period before world war 1 | 30 | |
353904426 | boer republics | independent states established during the 1850s in the south african interior by afrikaners | 31 | |
353904427 | cecil rhodes | british entrepreneur in south africa; manipulated the political situation to gain entry to the diamonds and gold discovered in the boer republics | 32 | |
353904428 | boer war | 1899-1902 ; fought between the british and afrikaners; british victory and post-war policies left africans under afrikaner control | 33 | |
353904429 | james cook | his voyages to hawaii from 1777-1779 opened the islands to the west | 34 | |
353904430 | toussaint l'overture | leader of the slave rebellion on the french island of st. dominigue in 1791; led to creation of independent republic of haiti in 1804 | 35 | |
353904431 | gran columbia | existed as an independent state until 1830 when columbia, venezuela and ecuador became seperate independent nations | 36 | |
353904432 | caudillos | leaders in independent latin america who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies; sometimes seized the national government | 37 | |
353904433 | centralists | latin american politicians who favored strong, centralized national governments with broad powers; often supported by conservative politicians | 38 | |
353904434 | federalists | latin american politicians who favored regional governments rather than centralized administrations; often supported by liberal politicians | 39 | |
353904435 | positivism | a philosophy based on the ideas of auguste comte; stressed observation and scientific approaches to the problems of society | 40 | |
353904436 | modernization theory | the belief that the more industrialized, urban, and modern a society became, the more social change and improvement were possible as traditional patterns and attitudes were abandoned / transformed | 41 | |
353904437 | panama canal | the united states supported an independence movement in panama, then part of columbia, in return for the exclusive rights for a canal across the panama isthmus | 42 | |
353904438 | tanzimat reforms | western style reforms within the ottoman empire between 1839 and 1876; included a european influenced constitution in 1876 | 43 | |
353904439 | abdul hamid | ottoman sultan (1878-1908) who tried to return to despotic absolutism; nullified constitution and restricted civil liberties | 44 | |
353904440 | ottoman society for union and progress | young turks; intellectuals and political agitators seeking the return of the 1876 constitution; gained power through a coup in 1908 | 45 | |
353904441 | mamluks | rulers of egypt under the ootmans; defeated by napoleon in 1798; revealed the vulnerability of the muslim world | 46 | |
359120374 | Muhammad Ali | controlled Egypt following the French withdrawl; began a modernization process based on Western models, but failed to greatly change Egypt; died in 1848 | 47 | |
359120375 | Suez Canal | built to link the Mediterranean and Red Seas; opened in 1869; British later occupied Egypt to safeguard their financial and strategic interests | 48 | |
359120376 | Compradors | wealthy group of merchants under Qing; specialized in import-export trade on China's south coast | 49 | |
359120377 | Lin Zexu | Chinese official charged during the 1830's with ending opium trade in Southern China ; set off events leading to Opium War | 50 | |
359120378 | Opium war | fought between Britain and Qing China beginning in 1839 to protect the British trade in opium; british victory demonstrated western superiority over china | 51 | |
359120379 | taiping rebellion | massive rebellion in southern china in 1850s and 1860s led by Hong Xinquan; sought to overthrow Qing dynasty and Confucianism | 52 | |
359120380 | Cixi | conservative empress who dominated last decades of Qing dynasty | 53 | |
359120381 | boxer rebellion | popular outburst aimed at expelling foreigners from China; out down by intervention of western powers | 54 | |
359120382 | sun yat-sen | (1866-1925); chinese revolutionary leader, of scholar-gentry background | 55 |