scarlet letter vocab Flashcards
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235742997 | abstruse | adj. hard to understand | 0 | |
235742998 | anathema | n. somone (or something) disliked and shunned | 1 | |
235742999 | antipathy | n. (intense aversion) extreme dislike | 2 | |
235743000 | apotheosized | v. to idolize, glorify | 3 | |
235743001 | asperity | n. harshness or severity (something hard to endure) | 4 | |
235743002 | augur | n. religious official who interprets omens | 5 | |
235743003 | bedizen | v. to dress up garishly and tastelessly | 6 | |
235743004 | beneficence | n. kindness, helpfulness, generosity | 7 | |
235743005 | capricious | adj. by whim or chance | 8 | |
235743006 | centrifugal | adj. moving away from centralization (such as that of authority) | 9 | |
235743007 | congenial | adj. suited to one's character or taste; outgoing and pleasant | 10 | |
235743008 | contumely | n. (rude expression) scornful and insulting language or treatment | 11 | |
235743009 | countenance | n. the appearance of a person's face; approval; v. give permission | 12 | |
235743010 | dauntless | invulnerable to fear or intimidation | 13 | |
235763919 | dearth | n. insufficient amount | 14 | |
235763920 | defunct | adj. no longer living (inactive) | 15 | |
235763921 | deleterious | adj. harmful (to living things) | 16 | |
235763922 | derisively | adv. mockingly, scornfully | 17 | |
235763923 | despotic | adj. absolute soveriegnty, dictatorly | 18 | |
235763924 | effluence | n. the process of flowing out (often immaterial or intangible) | 19 | |
235763925 | eldritch | adj. suggesting supernatural forces | 20 | |
235763926 | emblem | n. special design representing something | 21 | |
235763927 | enigma | n. something that baffles understanding (cannot be explained) | 22 | |
235763928 | escutcheon | n. a shield | 23 | |
235763929 | etherealized | v. to make something delicate or highly refined | 24 | |
235763930 | expiation | n. atoning for sin | 25 | |
235763931 | farthingale | n. a hoop worn beneath a skirt (to extend it horizontally) | 26 | |
235763932 | foundered | v. to sink | 27 | |
235775855 | ignominy | n. state of dishonor | 28 | |
235775856 | impute | v. attribute or credit to | 29 | |
235775857 | inauspicious | adj. suggest that the future is not promising | 30 | |
235775858 | incongruity | n. disaggreeing (being unsuitable and innappropriate) | 31 | |
235775859 | iniquity | n. absence of moral or spiritual values (an unjust act) | 32 | |
235775860 | inscrutable | adj. obscure nature, mysterious, enigmatic | 33 | |
235775861 | intrinsic | adj. belonging to something by nature (born with rather than learned) | 34 | |
235775862 | lurid | adj. shining with an unnatural red glow, horrible | 35 | |
235775863 | malefactress | n. a woman who violates the law (or does evil) | 36 | |
235775864 | malice | n. wanting to see others suffer, evilness | 37 | |
235775865 | manifest | v. demonstrate or display; adj clear or obvious | 38 | |
235775866 | mien | n. a person's look or manner | 39 | |
235775867 | mutability | n. tending to change, capable of changing | 40 | |
235775868 | necromancer | n. one who practices magic (and sorcery) | 41 | |
235775869 | nugatory | adj. of no real value | 42 | |
235783456 | penal | adj. subject to punishment | 43 | |
235783457 | phantasmagoric | adj. havinga fantastic or deceptive appearance (like something in a dream or created by imagination) | 44 | |
235783458 | physiognomy | n. the human face (facial features) | 45 | |
235783459 | pillory | n. wooden instrument of punishment (on a post with holes from hands and head) | 46 | |
235783460 | precocity | n. incredible intelligence | 47 | |
235783461 | preternatural | adj. out of ordinary (exceptional or abnormal, outside of nature;supernatural) | 48 | |
235783462 | primeval | adj. having existed from the begining (in an earliest or original stage or state) | 49 | |
235783463 | rankle | v. cause annoyance or resentment | 50 | |
235783464 | repugnance | n. intense disgust; inconsistant or incompatable ideas | 51 | |
235783465 | remonstrance | n. protesting | 52 | |
235783466 | scaffold | n. platform where criminals are held and sometimes executed | 53 | |
235783467 | scintillating | adj. animated, vivacious, clever (witty) | 54 | |
235783468 | scrofula | n. a form of tuberculosis | 55 | |
235783469 | spectral | adj. phantom-like | 56 | |
235783470 | talisman | n. a trinket (or piece of jewelry) thought to protect from evil | 57 | |
235783471 | transfiguration | n. the act of transforming (a change in appearance or character) | 58 | |
235902752 | transgressor | n. someone who violates a law or command | 59 | |
235902753 | tumultuous | adj. disorderly or noisy | 60 | |
235902754 | visage | n. the appearance conveyed by a person's face | 61 |