CH 05 - Buddhism
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54580475 | Buddha | "Awakened One"; Born near India-Nepal border as Siddharta Gautama to a wealthy family; had it all; Gods arranged for him to see "four sights": a bent old man, a sick person, a dead person, and a monk seeking lasting happiness rather than temporal pleasure; at the age of 29 he renounced his wealth, left his family, embarked on a wandering life in pursuit of a very difficult; while he satin deep meditation under a tree he realized the cause of suffering and the means of ending it; he was supposedly radiant with light; quickly began teaching what he had learned; died after eating poisonous mushrooms / spoiled pork | |
54580476 | Sangha | Monastic order that developed from the Buddha's early disciples; | |
54580477 | Stupas | Dome-shaped reliquaries to commemorate the Buddha's final liberation | |
54580478 | Nirvana | Liberation; the goal of spiritual liberation | |
54580479 | First Noble Truth | Life inevitably involves suffering, is imperfect and unsatisfactory | |
54580480 | Second Noble Truth | Suffering originates in our desires | |
54580481 | Third Noble Truth | Suffering will cease if all desires cease | |
54580482 | Fourth Noble Truth | There is a way to realize this state: The Noble Eightfold Path | |
54580483 | Dukkha | Suffering and frustration | |
54580484 | Right Understanding | First Noble Path; Comprehending reality correctly through understanding of the Four Noble Truths | |
54580485 | Right Thought/ Motives | Second Noble Path; Uncover "unwholesome" emotional roots from behind our thinking, and to weed them out | |
54580486 | Right Speech | Third Noble Path; Relinquish the propensity to lie, gossip, speak harshly, or engage in divisive speech | |
54580487 | Right Action | Fourth Noble Path; Avoid destroying life, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and intoxicants | |
54580488 | Right Livelihood | Fifth Noble Path; Being sure that one's way of making a living does not violate the five precepts | |
54580489 | Right Effort | Sixth Noble Path; Cut off unwholesome states in the past, present, and future | |
54580490 | Right Mindfulness | Seventh Noble Path; Way to liberation is through disciplining the mind | |
54580491 | Right Meditation | Eighth Noble Path; Mental discipline to the quieting of the mind itself | |
54580492 | Samsara | Reincarnation | |
54580493 | Arhant | "Worthy One" | |
54583129 | Canon | Authoritative collection of writings; compiled by a community of monks after Buddha's death | |
54583130 | The Triple Gem | 1) The Buddha (Enlightened one); 2) The Dharma (His teachings); 3) The Sangha (Community) | |
54583131 | Vipassana | Meditation: Insight | |
54587658 | Samatha | Meditation: Calm | |
54587659 | Ukkah | Meditation: Suffering | |
54587660 | Anicca | Meditation: Impermanence | |
54587661 | Anatta | Meditation: No eternal Self | |
54587662 | Tahna | Meditation: Desire | |
54587663 | Mahaparinibbana Sutta | Scripture that describes Buddha's cremation and despersal | |
54587664 | Mahayana | "The Great Vehicle" | |
54587665 | Bodhisattva | A being who is dedicated to liberating others from suffering | |
54587666 | The Three Bodies of Buddha | 1) Enlightened wisdom of a Buddha; 2) Bliss, or celestial aspect that communicates the Dharma to bodhisattvas; 3) Transformation, Buddha manifests in various forms to help liberate suffering beings | |
54587667 | Sunyata | Voidness or emptiness | |
54587668 | Zen | Claims to preserve the essence of the Buddha's teachings through direct experience; triggered by mind-to-mind transmission of the Dharma | |
54587669 | Buddha-Nature | The true nature of one's own mind | |
54587670 | Zazen | Sitting meditation | |
54587671 | Satori | Flash of insight | |
54587672 | Kensho | Burst of insight | |
54587673 | Pure Land Buddhism | The most widespread Buddhist school in East Asia | |
54587674 | Amitabha | (Amida in Japan); an ancient prince who vowed to attain enlightenment; after he did he hused his pure virtue to prepare a special Pure Land to which devotees return after death | |
54587675 | Lotus Sutra | Large compilation of parables, verses, and descriptions of innumerable beings who support the teachings of Buddha | |
54596028 | Vajrayana | Most elaborate path of Buddhism; A Tibetan king became interested, sent men to learn about it, and then declared it the nation religion | |
54596029 | Lamas | Qualified teachers | |
54596030 | Deity Yoga | Meditating in the form of a Buddha; lots of self mind control; influencing how/ what one thinks | |
54596031 | mandalas | Visual aids to concentration and illumination | |
54596032 | Vesak | The most important festival; celebrates Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death (all of which occurred on the same day) | |
54596033 | Magha Puja Day | Also known as Sangha Day; is a festival that occurs in March; commemorates a major event early in Buddha's teachings when he went to Rajagaha city to address 1,250 arhants | |
54596034 | Buddhadasa Bhikkhu | A renowned Thai monk; born in 1906, died in 1993; a great critic of capitalism, teaching that it increases egoism and selfishness, thus causing distress to the individual and society |