Jerusalem Dates
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266196087 | 1000 BCE | David conquers Jerusalem | |
266196088 | 960 BCE | Temple is built by Solomon | |
266196089 | 722 BCE | Northern Kingdom is attacked by the Assyrian Army led by Tiglath-Pileser III | |
266196090 | 701 BCE | Sennacherib invades and seizes Jerusalem | |
266196091 | 586 BCE | Temple is destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar who causes mass exile of Jews | |
266196092 | 539 BCE | Cyrus of Persia conquers Babylon and allows exiles back into city | |
266196093 | 515 BCE | Dedication of the Second Temple | |
266196094 | 458 BCE | Ezra and Nehemiah return from exile | |
266196095 | 333 BCE | Alexander the Great conquers Persian Empire - beginning of Hellenistic Period (Seleucids and Ptolomies) | |
266196096 | 167 BCE | Maccabean Revolt against Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV | |
266196097 | 164 BCE | Maccabees take over the Temple | |
266196098 | 63 BCE | Pompey gains control, marking start of Roman Empire - Hasmonean Era | |
266196099 | 70 CE | Destruction of Jerusalem (1st Great Revolt), Vespasian declared Emperor | |
266196100 | 9th of Ab 70 CE | Temple is destroyed after Titus takes over for Vespasian | |
266196101 | 313 CE | Constantine's Edict of Milan legalizes Christianity | |
266196102 | 638 CE | Beginning of Umayyad Dynasty | |
266196103 | 691 CE | Completion of Dome of the Rock by Abd al-Malik | |
266196104 | 1099 CE | Crusaders conquer Jerusalem and convert Dome of the Rock into a Church; Godfrey de Bouillon is first ruler; Caliph al-Hakim orders destruction of Sepulcher | |
266196105 | 1187 CE | Beginning of the Ayyubid Dynasty; Saladin conquers Jerusalem and restores Dome of the Rock | |
266196106 | 1967 CE | Six Day War |