Dr. Kotlik AP World - Bentley 03 Flashcards
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414728035 | Ahmosis | An Egyptian ruler in the southern part of the country who ruled from 1550 to 1525 BCE; _____ used Hyksos weaponry;horse chariots in particularto defeat the Hyksos themselves. | 0 | |
414728036 | Amon-Re | Sun god (Re) believed by the Egyptians to be associated with another god (Amon), became the great lord of gods. | 1 | |
414728037 | Ancestor Worship | A religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. | 2 | |
414728038 | Aten | Monotheistic god of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton (r. 1353-1335 B.C.E.) and arguably the world's first example of monotheism. | 3 | |
414728039 | Bantu | African peoples who originally lived in the area of present-day Nigeria; around 2000 B.C.E. they began a centuries-long migration that took them to most of sub-Saharan Africa; the Bantu were very influential, especially linguistically. | 4 | |
414728040 | Cult of Osiris | Osiris becomes associated with the Nile, crops, mortality, and immortality after his wife, Isis, gathers his fallen body and allows the gods to restore him to life in the underworld. | 5 | |
414728041 | Hieroglyphics | An ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds. | 6 | |
414728042 | Hyksos | The people who invaded Egypt thus beginning the second Intermediate period during which the Hyksos ( a word meaning "foreigner) ruled as pharaohs in Lower Egypt and exacted tribute from the royal families in Thebes. | 7 | |
414728043 | Kush | An African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c. 100 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries. | 8 | |
414728044 | Nubia | An ancient region in the Nile River Valley, on the site of present-day southern Egypt and northern Sudan. Area south of Egypt; the kingdom of Kush in Nubia invaded and dominated Egypt from 750 to 664 B.C.E. | 9 | |
414728045 | Osiris | Egyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead. | 10 | |
414728046 | Patriarchy | Form of social organization in which the father rules the family or tribe, descent being traced through the father. | 11 | |
414728182 | Pharaohs | Egyptian kings considered to be gods on earth. | 12 |