SAT Vocab List
English [1]
sat vocab [2]
vocab list [3]
Unknown SAT Vocab Words: ? ??1) Tyro- a beginner/ novice 2) Pariah- an outcast 3) Sequestration- confiscation 4) Abject - extremely bad / unpleasant 5) Ablate- wear away through erosion/ vaporization?6) Ablution- ceremonial act of washing/cleansing 7) Abscess- swollen area 8) Abscond- leave hurriedly (avoid detection) 9) Accolade- award/privilege granted as special honor 10) Accost- approach boldly/aggressively?11) Accouter- provide w/ military equipment?12) Acrophobia- fear of heights?13) Adduce- cite as evidence?14) Adipose- fatty