World of Music Midterm Study Guide
Music Theory [1]
Introduction to Music Dynamics- degrees of loudness or softness in music Timbre- tone color; quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another Pizzicato- plucking a string Vibrato- small fluctuations of pitch which make the tone warmer Woodwinds- single reeds: clarinet, saxophone - double reeds: oboe, English horn, bassoon Percussion- definite pitch: produces tones, xylophone - indefinite pitch: produces noise-like sounds, tambouring, cymbals Meter- organizes beats into regular groups Tempo- speed of the music Melody- a series of single notes that add up to a recognizable whole; a tune Phrase Structure- usually 2-4 shorter segments that make up melodies Cadence- a resting place at the end of a phrase Staccato- short, detached style