Ch.10 Intelligence, Testing & Individual Differences Flashcards
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25430500 | intelligence | those attributes that center around skill at information processing, problem solving, and adapting to new or changing situations | |
25430501 | Stanford- Binet test | test for determining IQ | |
25430502 | IQ test | designed to meaure intelligence on an objective, standardized scale | |
25430503 | mental age | age level of most advanced items that could be answered correctly on IQ test | |
25430504 | Wechsler Intelligence Tests | improvement on Stanford-Binet IQ test | |
25430505 | perceptual reasoning cluster | tasks assembling blocks solving mazes, reasoning about pictures (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) | |
25430506 | verbal comprehension cluster | define vocab, explain sentence meaning, identify word similarity (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) | |
25430507 | working memory cluster | recall series of numbers, put random sequence of numbers in order (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) | |
25430508 | fluid reasoning | completing verbal analogies (5th edition Stanford-Binet) | |
25430509 | knowledge | defining words, detecting absurdities in pictures (5th edition Stanford-Binet) | |
25430510 | quantitative reasoning | math problems (5th edition Stanford-Binet) | |
25430511 | visual-spatial processing | assembling a puzzle (5th edition Stanford-Binet) | |
25430512 | working memory | repeating a sentence (5th edition Stanford-Binet) | |
25430513 | intelligence quotient (IQ score) | index of intelligence that reflects the degree to which a person's score diviates fr the average score of others the same age | |
25430514 | aptitude test | designed to measure a person's capacity to learn certain things or perform certain tasks | |
25430515 | achievement test | measure of what a person has accomplished or learned in a particular area | |
25430516 | test | systematic procedure for observing behavior in standard situation and describing it with the help of a numerical scale or category system | |
25430517 | norm | description of the frequency at which particular scores occur | |
25430518 | reliability | the degree to which a test can be repeated with the same results | |
25430519 | split-half method | correlation coefficient calculated between each person's scores on two comparable halves of the test (measuring reliability) | |
25430520 | test-retest | same group of people take same test twice (measuring reliability) | |
25430521 | validity | the degree to which test scores re interpreted correctly and used appropriatly | |
25430522 | content validity | deree to which content of the test is a representative sample of what the test is supposed to measure | |
25430523 | predictive calidity | test scores correclated with a criterion that cannot be measured until some time in the furutre | |
25430524 | construct validity | extent to which scores suggest a test is actually measuring what it claims to measure | |
25430525 | developed ability | what intelligence has been concluded to be. Partly influenced by genetics, life experiences, and culture | |
25430526 | blooming period | time of rapid academic growth | |
25430527 | psychometric approach | way of studying intelligence that emphasizes analysis of the products of intelligece, especially scores on IQ tests | |
25430528 | g (generalized intelligence) | general intelligence factor that Spearman postulated as accounting for positive correlations between people's scores on cognitive ability tests | |
25430529 | s | group of special abilities that Spearman saw as accompanying general intelligence (g) | |
25430530 | fluid intelligence | basic reasoning and problem solving | |
25430531 | crystallized intelligence | specific knowledge gained as a result of applying fluid intelligence | |
25430532 | information-processing approach | focuses on mental operations, such as attention and memory, that underlie intelligent behavior | |
25430533 | analytic intelligence | logical, would help you solve a physics problem | |
25430534 | creative intelligence | the intelligence you would you to compose music | |
25430535 | practical intelligence | intelligence used if stranded or lost somewhere | |
25430536 | triarchic theory of intelligence | Sternberg's theory that describes intelligence as having analytic, creative, and practical dimensions | |
25430537 | multiple intelligences | all people possess a number of intelligences with a different set of skills | |
25430538 | linguistic intelligence | good vocab and reading comprehension | |
25430539 | logical-mathematical intelligence | skill at math and certain kinds of reasoning | |
25430540 | spatial intelligence | understanding relationships between objects | |
25430541 | musical intelligence | abilities with rhythm, tempo, sound | |
25430542 | body-kinesthetic intelligence | skill at dancing, athletics, hand-eye coordination | |
25430543 | intrapersonal intelligence | self-understanding | |
25430544 | interpersonal intelligence | ability to understand and interact with others | |
25430545 | naturalistic intelligence | ability to see patterns in nature | |
25430546 | emotional intelligence | capacity to perceive emotions and link them to thoughts | |
25430547 | creativity | the capacity to produce new, high-quality ideas or products | |
25430548 | divergent thinking | ability to think along many alternative paths to generate many different solutions to a problem | |
25430549 | creative skills | willingness to work hard, persistence at problem solving, ability to break problem-solving habits, willingness to take risks | |
25430550 | convergent thinking | ability to apply logic and knowledge to narrow down the number of possible solutions to a problem or perform some other complex task | |
25430551 | Down syndrome | extra 21st chromosome | |
25430552 | Familial retardation | no obvious genetic or environmental cause | |
25430553 | metacognition | knowledge of what strategies to apply and when to apply them, and how to use them in new situations | |
25430554 | mainstreaming | teaching those with mental disabilities in classrooms with children that don't have disabilities | |
25430555 | learning disability | significant discrepancy between a person's measured intelligence and their academic performance | |
25430556 | dyslexia | difficulty understanding the meaning of what is read | |
25430557 | dysphasia | difficulty understanding spoken word or recalling words for speech | |
25430558 | dysgraphia | problems with writing | |
25430559 | dyscalculia | difficulty understanding quantity or basic principles of arithmetic |