Evolution and Genetics: The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritence Flashcards
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320602651 | Chromosome Theory of Inheritence | Mendelian genes have specific loci positions along chromosomes, it is the chromosomes that undergo segregation and independent assortment | |
320602652 | Wild type | The phenotype that is most commonly observed in natural populations | |
320602653 | Mutant Phenotypes | Alternatives to the wild-type, most commonly caused by changes/mutations in alleles | |
320602654 | Sex-linked Genes | a gene located on either sex chromosome | |
320602655 | Hemizygous | Male can't be homozygous/heterozygous for sex-linked genes/male only expresses at one locus | |
320602656 | Duchene Muscular Dystrophy | affects 1 in 3500 males results from absence of key muscle protein | |
320602657 | Hemophilia | absence of one or more proteins required for blood clotting | |
320602658 | Linked Genes | Genes located on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited together in genetic crosses | |
320602659 | Genetic Recombination | The production of offspring with combinations of traits that differ from those found in either parent | |
320602660 | Parental Types | Offspring expected to inherit a phenotype that matches one of the parental phenotypes | |
320602661 | Recombinant Types | Offspring with new combinations | |
320602662 | Crossing Over | The reciprocal exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromatids during prophase 1 of meiosis | |
320602663 | Genetic Map | An ordered list of genetic loci along a particular chromosome | |
320602664 | Nondisjunction | Members of a pair of homologous chromosome don't move apart properly during meiosis 1 or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II-one gamete receives extra copy, another one has no copy | |
320602665 | Aneuploidy | May involve more than one chromosome-the zygote will have an abnormal number of chromosomes | |
320602666 | Monosomic | Fertilization involving a gamete that has no copy of a particular chromosome will lead to a missing chromosome in the zygote 2n-1 | |
320602667 | Trisomic | If a chromosome is present in triplicate in the zygote 2n+1 | |
320602668 | Polyploidy | Organisms have more than two complete chromosome sets in all somatic cells: triploidy 3n or tetraploidy 4n: common in plant kingdom | |
320602669 | Deletion | Occurs when a chromosomal fragment is lost—missing genes | |
320602670 | Duplication | The deleted fragment may become attached as an extra segment to a sister chromatid | |
320602671 | Inversion | A chromosomal fragment may also reattach to the original chromosome but in reverse orientation | |
320602672 | Translocation | Chromosomal breakage is for the fragment to join a nonhomologus chromosome | |
320602673 | Linkage Map | A genetic map based on recombination frequencies |