Ultrasound Terms Flashcards
General terms used for ultrasound images
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444109826 | Acoustic Enhancement | "Increased echo amplitude" or "posterior through transmission" visualized posterior to a structure that does not attenuate (decreased, stop, impede, or absorb) the sound beam. Considered a type of sonographic artifact. -- Bright posterior through transmission | |
444109827 | ALARA [low as reasonably achievable] | Prudent use of diagnostic sonogrpahy; dictates that the output level and exposure time to ultrasound is minimized while obtaining diagnostic data. | |
444109828 | Anterior [Ventral] | Situated at or directed toward the front. A structure in front of another structure. | |
444109829 | Acoustic Impedance | Resistance a material provides to the passage of a sound wave. "Bone portrays more _______ _______ than tissue." | |
444109830 | Acoustic Shadows | "Reduced echo amplitude" or echo "drop off" posterior to a structure that attenuates [decreases, stops, impedes or absorbs] the cound beam. Margins of the shadow are generally sharp and well defined. Considered a type of sonographic artifact. | |
444109831 | Anechoic | Appearance: - Echo-Free on an image - 0 echoes, Black | |
444109832 | Artifact | Are echo features or structures observed on images that are unassociated with the structure imaged | |
444109833 | Ascites | Accumulation of serous fluids anywhere in the abdominopelvic cavity. | |
444109834 | Attenuation | Decreased in the intensity of the sound beam as it passes through a structure, caused by absorption, scatter or beam divergence. | |
444109835 | Axial [short axis] [view or section] | At right angles to longitudinal sections | |
444109836 | Beam Divergence | Widening of the sound beam as it travels | |
444109837 | Calipers [electronic] | 2 or more measurement cursors that can be manipulated to calibrate the distance BTN echoes of interest on the screen. | |
444109838 | Color Flow Doppler | Doppler shift information in a two-dimensional presentation superimposed on a real-time gray scale anatomic cross-sectional image. | |
444109839 | Complex Mass | Abnormal mass w/in the body composed of both tissue and fluid. | |
444109840 | Contralateral | Situated on or affecting the opposite side. | |
444109841 | Contrast | A comparison to show differences. | |
444109842 | Coronal Scanning Planes | Any plane parallel to the long axis of the body and perpendicular to sagittal scanning planes. | |
444109843 | Coupling Agent | Substance used to reduce air BTN the transducer and surface of the skin. | |
444109844 | Crura of diaphragm | Right & Left crus or fibromuscular bands arising from the lumbar vertebrae that insert into the central tendon of the diaphragm. | |
444109845 | Cystic | Describes the sonographic appearance of the a fluid collection with in the body and does not meet the criteria to be considered a true cyst. | |
444109846 | Deep | Internal. Situated away from the surface. | |
444109847 | Depth of penetration | Maximum distance the sound beam travels from the transducer through a medium. | |
444109848 | Diffuse disease | Infiltrative disease throughout an organ that disrupts the otherwise normal sonographic appearance of the organ parenchyma. | |
444109849 | Distal | Situated farthest from the point of origin. | |
444109850 | Doppler (effect) | Change in observed sound frequency caused by relative motion between the source of the sound or reflector and the observer. | |
444109851 | Echogenic | Describes a structures that is able to produce echoes or echo pattern. Hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and anechoic are the terms used to qualify either an abundance or absence of echoes displayed by a structure in a sonographic image. | |
444109852 | Echopenic | Few echos. ex. Bile-filled gallbladder may appear _________. | |
444109853 | Echo Texture | Describes the sonographic appearance of soft tissue structures within the body. | |
444109854 | Extraorgan Pathology | Abnormal disease process that originates out side of an organ. | |
444109855 | Focal/ Multifocal Change | Disease process confined to isolated areas of an organ. | |
444109856 | Focal Zone | Point at which the sound beam is the narrowest and the resolution is the best. | |
444109857 | Gray Scale | Scale of achromatic colors having multiple gradations from white to black. | |
444109858 | Heterogeneous | Describes an irregular or mixed echo patterns of organ parenchyma on a sonogrpahic image. | |
444109859 | Homogeneous | Describes uniform or similar echo patterns of organ parenchyma on a sonogrpahic image. | |
444109860 | Hyperechoic | Comparative term used to describe an area in a sonographic image where the echoes are brighter relative to surrounding structure. --Lots of echoes BRIGHT WHITE | |
444109861 | Hypoechoic | Comparative term used to describe an area in a sonographic image where the echoes are not as bright relative to surrounding structures. --Not so many echoes GRAY - DARK | |
444109862 | Inferior (caudal) | Toward the feet. Situated below or directed downward. A structure lower than another structure. | |
444109863 | Infiltrative Disease | Diffuse disease process that spreads throughout an entire organ. | |
444109864 | Interface | Boundary between two materials or structures. -- bright sonographic appearance of fat. | |
444109865 | Intraorgan Pathology | Abnormal disease process that originates within an organ. | |
444109866 | Intraperitioneal | Abdominopelvic structures enclosed in the sac formed by the parietal peritoneum. | |
444109867 | Ipsilateral | Situated on or affecting the same side. --Spleen and left kidney are ___________. | |
444109868 | Isogenic / Isosonic | Comparative term used to describe an area in a sonographic image where the echo patterns are equal in echogenicity. | |
444109869 | Lateral | Pertaining to the right or left of the middle or midline of the body. Describes a structure situated at, on or toward the side. | |
444109870 | Localized Disease | Represents a circumscribed mass or multiple masses. | |
444109871 | Long axis (view or section) | Represents the longest length of a structure. | |
444109872 | Longitudinal | Pertains to length; running lengthwise. | |
444109873 | Mass | Circumscribed disease process. -- A cyst is a ______. | |
444109874 | Medial | Situated at, on or toward the middle or midline of the body. | |
444109875 | Medium | Any material through which sound waves travel. | |
444109876 | Mesentary | A double fold of peritoneum that connects intraperitoneal organs to the abdominal cavity wall. | |
444109877 | Mirror Image Artifact (non-doppler) | Sonographic image of the structure is duplicated in an atypical position and appears as a mirror image of the original. | |
444109878 | Necrotic | Degeneration or "death" of tissue. -- Many complex masses are __________. | |
444109879 | Neoplasm | New, abnormal growth of existing tissues; either benign or malignant. | |
444109880 | Orthogonal | Right angles; perpendicular. | |
444109881 | Paranchyma | Tissue composing an organ. | |
444109882 | Peritoneum | Thin sheet of tissue that lines the peritoneal cavity and secretes serous fluid. | |
444109883 | Pleural Effusion | A collection of fluid inside the lungs. | |
444109884 | Posterior (dorsal) | Situated at or directed toward the back. A structure behind another structure. | |
444109885 | Proximal | Situated closest to the point of origin or attachment. | |
444109886 | Retroperitoneum | Area of the abdominopelvic cavity located behind or posterior to the peritoneum. | |
444109887 | Reverberation | Image artifact cause when sound waves pass through and beyond a structure whose acoustic impedance is noticeably different than an adjacent structure, causing a huge amount of reflection back to the transducer. | |
444109888 | Reverberation | ____________ is a common artifact seen on images when scanning intercostally. Generally, an image of a structure (in this case a rib) is repeated, with the repeated image taken at an equal distance from the other. | |
444109889 | Midsagittal and Parasagittal scanning planes | Any plane parallel to the long axis of the body and perpendicular to coronal scanning planes. | |
444109890 | Septations | Thin, membranous includsion with in a mass. | |
444109891 | Solid Mass | Abnormal mass within the body composed of one thing, tissue. | |
444109892 | Sonogram | Pictorial record with ultrasound | |
444109893 | Sonologist | Physician who interprets a sonogram. | |
444109894 | Superficial | External. Situated toward the surface | |
444109895 | Superior (cranial) | Toward the head. | |
444109896 | Systemic | Pertains to the body as a whole | |
444109897 | TGC (time-gain compensation) | Increase in receiver gain with time to compensate for loss in echo amplitude, usually due to attenuation, with depth. | |
444109898 | Through Transmission | "Increased echo amplitude" or "acoustic enhancement" visualized posterior to a structure that does not attenuate (decrease, stop, impede or absorb) the sound beam. Considered a type of sonographic artifact. | |
444109899 | Transmission | Term implying passage of energy through a material. | |
444109900 | Transverse scanning plans | Any plane perpendicular to the long axis of the body. | |
444109901 | True Cyst (simple cyst) | Abnormal mass within the body composed of fluid. | |
444109902 | Ultrasound | Sound at frequencies above 20 kilohertz or above the range of human hearing. |