AP European History Quarter 1 Exam Flashcards
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222745579 | the Netherlands | Which nation or lands are associated with the customs of Joyeuse Entree? | |
222745580 | written by Henry VIII in which the Roman catholic Church's position on sacramental theology was supported | Defense of the Seven Sacraments was a tract... | |
222745581 | The Praise of Folly | Erasmus of Rotterdam was the author of... | |
222745582 | brought official recognition to Calvinism in the Holy Roman Empire and recognized the stattenssystem, the system in Europe of individual nation-states, each with its own agenda to pursue | The Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years War... | |
222745583 | Council of Trent | Which Church Council met on-and-off for twenty years and made some cosmetic corrections to the worst abuses of the Church? | |
222745584 | William II of Orange | What Dutch stadholder rose up in rebellion against Phillip II after the Council of Blood was established in the Netherlands? | |
222745585 | Every human creature is subject to the Roman pontiff and there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church | What is a concept found in the papal bull Unam Sanctum issued by Pope Boniface VIII in 1302? | |
222745586 | They had disillusions with the Church, and felt the Church might not be the true or only way to salvation | William Langland, the Lollards, John Wycliff, and John Huss all shared the same outlook on relgion. What was that? | |
222745587 | 1648 | What year was the Peace of Westphalia written, ending the Thirty Years War? | |
222745588 | when the papacy was in avignon, france | What statement best characterizes the Babylonian Captivity? | |
222745589 | secular government in which religion plays no part | What form of government would most likely win the approval of a politique? | |
222745590 | Jean Bodin | "In every society there must be one power strong enough to give law to all other, with their consent if possible, without their consent if necessary." Who is the man behind this theory called the "theory of sovereignty?" | |
222745591 | a court designed to end the influence in the English Courts of powerful nobles against the poor commoners | The English Star Chamber was... | |
222745592 | a labor system dealing with Central/South American Natives setting a required set of number of days of labor from the Natives for the Spanish land owners | The Encomienda System was... | |
222745593 | Jews | Ferdinand and Isabella's policies of Spanish nationalism led to the expulsion, from Spain, of large numbers of Spanish... | |
222745594 | the printing press | What was the most influential in the spread of Protestanism to the peasant population of Europe in the 16th century? | |
222745595 | The new merchant class of the Commercial Revolution was more interested in the secular world and less interested in religion, just like the pagan Italian Renaissance | What best characterized the relationship between the Commercial Revolution and the Italian Renaissance? | |
222745596 | England | What European nation, sailing and looking for a Northeast Passage, discovered the White Sea and began trading with Russia? | |
222745597 | to detect and stop heresy among the current clergy to prevent their conversion to Protestantism | What was the purpose of the Roman Inquisition during the period of the Catholic Reformation? | |
222745598 | Ignatius Loyola | "To arrive at complete certainty, this is the attitude that we should maintain: I will believe that the white object I see is black if taht should be the desire of the hierarchical Church, for I believe that linking Christ our Lord the Bridegroom and His Bride the Church, there is one and same Spirit, ruling and guiding us for our souls' good. For our Holy Mother the Church is guided and ruled by the same spirit, the Lord who gave the Ten Commandments." This passage is from... | |
222745599 | British Parliament | Who made the decision to authorize and then carry out the execution of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots? | |
222745600 | grace was bestowed on a select few individuals who were predestined to go to heaven and the rest were destined for hell | John Calvin argued in his book, Institutes of the Christian Religion, that... | |
222745601 | France | Where di the St. Batholomew's Day Massacre, an incident of the mass executions of Protestants by the Catholic ruler, occur? | |
222745602 | Lorenzo Valla | This Italian Renaissance humanist and writer was a founder of the idea of textual criticism, the requirement of going back to the original Greek textual sources to ensure the language of translations is correct. He was able to prove that the document "The Donation of Constantine" was a forgery. Who is the Humanist? | |
222745603 | economic, political, and religious tensions in the relations between the Netherlands and Spain | The 16th century revolt in the Netherlands against Philip II was largely inspired by... | |
222745604 | textiles | The Domestic System was the beginning seed of expanding production of goods. Which goods were produced in the Domestic System? | |
222745605 | the influx of gold and silver into Europe from the New World | A major cause of the Price Revolution of the 16th century was caused by.. | |
222761650 | Thirty-Nine Articles | Elizabeth of England attempted to quiet religious controversies in her realm through a compromise creed of faith which made England finally and forever truly Protestant. What is the name of this document she issued? | |
222761652 | resumed annate payments to the papacy but continued to allow France to name its own priests and bishops | What did the Concordat of Bologna do? | |
222761653 | Spanish conquistador in the New World | "We come here to serve God and King, but also to get rich." This quote best represents the view of a... | |
222761655 | Edict of Nantes | Henry IV provided French Hugenots with the right to practice their religion through the... | |
222761657 | Worms | To what city's "Diet" or council was Martin Luther supposed to surrender himself so he could be held for charges of heresy against the Catholic faith? | |
222761658 | Ignatius of Loyola | Who wrote the work, The Spiritual Exercises? | |
222761660 | Act of Supremacy | The Protestant Reformation began in England with Parliament passing this act in 1534 which declared the English king to be the "Protector and Only Supreme Head of Church and Clergy of England." What act is this? | |
222761662 | he pursued an anti-Hapsburg foreign policy | Although Cardinal Richelieu was a leader of Catholic France, Richelieu supported Protestants everywhere, and especially in the Thirty Years War, because.. | |
222761664 | Portugal | With papal encouragement, Spain in 1494 agreed to the treaty of Torsedellias and recognized that one other nation had valid claims to parts of South and Central America. Which nation was it? | |
222761665 | 1588 | The Spanish Armada sailed for England in what year? | |
222761667 | It basically killed and disbanded the local guild system in England | During the time of Elizabeth I of England, Parliament passed the Statute of Artificers of 1563, putting into place for the first time government regulation that level of wages of apprentices and power over the admission of young men into apprenticeship into the various artisan crafts. What effect did this law have? | |
222761669 | it revived the classical Greek tradition of sculpture in the round | Renaissance sculpture differed from Medieval sculpture in that... | |
222761671 | it was elected monarchy, elected by only 7 or 8 the nearly 360 "states" of the Holy Roman Empire | The Holy Roman Emperor was a weak title and a weak monarchy compared to the rest of Europe's monarchies because... | |
222761673 | act only in their political interest at the time of the crisis or issue, regardless of previous arrangements or alliances | According to Machiavelli, an effective rule and his government.. | |
222761675 | Swedish king, Gustavus Adolphus | What European, Protestant monarch came to the forefront of the Protestant forces in the third phase of the Thirty Years War against the Holy Roman Emperor's Catholic forces? | |
222761676 | Henry IV | "Paris is worth a Mass," was said by... | |
222761678 | 1555 | When was the Peace of Augsburg which ended the Schmalkaldic League War? | |
222940553 | Prince Eugene of Savoy | The person considered to be the founder of modern Austria was... | |
222940554 | courts of law, each one being a supreme court for its region, which uphold certain "fundamental rights" which they said the king could not overstep and would not enforce royal edicts which they declared unconstitutional | In France, parlements are... | |
222940555 | Ottoman Empire | The janissaries fighting force is the military of which nation? | |
222940556 | William and Mary | "...That the raising or keeping of a standing army within the kingdom in the name of peace, unless it be with the consent of Parliament, is against the law...that no law shall be suspended by the king...no taxes shall be raised unless it be with the consent of Parliament..." The first English monarchs to accept and rule in accordance with this decree which was part of the Bill of Rights was... | |
222940557 | half sister Sophia | In order to seize the Russian throne, Peter the Great had to overthrow his... | |
222940558 | when military needs and military values permeate all other spheres of life in the nation | definition of militarism | |
222940559 | Each czar is to write a will and name his own successor; it may be hereditary or not | Peter the Great changed how the line of czars would be chosen after him. What was the new way of choosing a czar?` | |
222940561 | because everyone's armies were small, everyone had the same type of weapons, so small nations were militarily equal to large states | What is the one main fact that explains why small states were able to play an influential part of European affairs seemingly out of proportion to their size? | |
222940564 | Frederick William I | This Prussian leader begrudged every penny not spent on the Prussian army, was the first Prussian king to wear a military uniform as his daily clothes, created a special army unit of tall men, devised new forms of army discipline and maneuvering, invented a canton system of recruiting of soldiers and a cadet corps to train the sons of Junkers, and left his own son the best army in europe. Who was the Prussian leader? | |
222940566 | ottoman empire versus russia | Because of a war between these two, and the desires of the neighborhood to keep the balance of power, instead of the winner getting control of the loser's land, Poland was instead sacrificed, resulting in the 1st Partition of Poland. Which two warring powers ultimately cause the 1st Partition of Poland? | |
222940568 | For the first time, the monarchy threatened to grant nobility onto several members of the House of Commons as a move to elevate them into the House of Lords to ensure the passage of the treaty in the House of Lords, which had been trying to block ratification of the treaty | The peace treaty ending the War of the Spanish Succession had an unusual effect on English history and the relationship of the monarchy to the Parliament. What is that unusual effect? | |
222940570 | it vindicated the principle of "rule of law" over arbitrariness by destroying the idea of divine right monarchy | The Glorious Revolution was significant because... | |
222940573 | Charles VI of Austria wanted to ensure all Austrian lands would be kept together and inherited by his daughter Marie Theresa | Why was the Pragmatic Sanction first issued in 1713? | |
222940575 | 1688 | The Glorious Revolution happened in... | |
222940577 | France and Louis XIV | Jansenism, a Calvinist-type heresy in the CC, was a problem for which nation and leader? | |
222940580 | Ivan IV "the Terrible" | Who was the first Russian ruler to use the title of Czar? | |
222940582 | Puritans in Parliament | James I's statement "No bishop, no king," at the Hampton Court Conference was a defiant reply to the... | |
222940584 | Oliver Cromwell | Following the execution of Charles I, England was governed by... | |
222940586 | from the king's own property income | For the first 100 years of Prussia's rise to importance, how did the Prussian government get money to run the government of Brandenburg/Prussia? | |
222940589 | Louis XIV of France | Which leader of which nation said "I am the state," meaning that he/she was claiming the status as the sovereign ruler of the nation, and thus has, within the territorial boundaries of the nation, a monopoly over the administration of justice and the use of force; with this monopoly he/she can prevent private persons from passing legal judgments on others and prevent private armies, because either of these would constitute rebellion against the crown? | |
222940591 | Test Act required all officeholders to take communion in the Church of England | In response to Charles II's issuance of the "declaration of Indulgences" on Dissenters, Parliament passed the Test Act. What did this act say, do, or require? | |
222940593 | gave Russia a "window on the West" on the Baltic Sea | As a consequence of the Great Northern War, Peter the Great... | |
222940595 | James I | Who is the author of the work, The True Law of Free Monarchy? | |
222940597 | Holy Roman Empire | Ius eundi in partes, the "right of sitting apart" in the legislative body when it came to religious matters, was seen in which nation? | |
222940598 | They comprised an elite military guard. | What best characterizes the Russian streltsi? | |
222940599 | crippling the French economy further when the richer Huguenots that made up a significant portion of the business community simply moved to nations where they could continue to practice their faith | Louis XIV's revocation of the Edict of Nantes had the economic consequence of... | |
222940600 | Frederick II "the Great" | Which Prussian leader used his army and invaded Silesia, lands that were protected by the Pragmatic Sanction, thus sparking a succession war? | |
222940601 | was the only written Constitution England has ever had, devised during England's commonwealth era | The Instrument of Government (1653) | |
222940602 | the Junker aristocracy | hohenzollern authority in ruling Prussia depended on the cooperation and support of... | |
222940603 | achieve the necessary votes to execute the king | a major result of Pride's Purge was to... | |
222940604 | Dutch's William III of Orange | Which nation's leader was the main engineer of the balance of power against the Universal Monarchy being pursued by Louis XIV of France? | |
222940605 | the liberum veto's ability to explode the Polish Diet, making government and governing impossible | What statement best explains the political and military decline of Poland by the late 18th century, making it such an easy target for partition by its neighbors? | |
222940606 | owned significant amounts of land which provided a private income | After the passage of an act in 1710, elections for the British House of Commons was limited to those who... | |
222940607 | the Mongolian Golden Horde | until grad duke of muscoy ivan II "the great" led russian resistance and overthrew it, Russian national development was thwarted for over two centuries by... | |
222940608 | their defeat by the Russians at the Battle of Poltava | Sweden emerged as a powerful European nation in the 17th and early 18th century until... | |
222940609 | weaken Dutch carrying trade and encourage that of England | The english Navigation acts were designed to... | |
222940610 | Frederick William the Great Elector | The rise of Prussia as a power began with which leader? | |
222940611 | the Prussian army | What was considered the first "all Prussian" institution? | |
222940612 | made each parish responsible for their own poor, requiring the poor to be condemned to remaining in their parish and unable to move to seek employment outside their parish | The act of settlement of 1662, a new poor law for britain... |