Viruses and Bacterias Flashcards
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135421370 | Epidemiology | the study of factors determining and influencing the frequency and distribution of disease and their causes in human populations | |
135421371 | virus | non-living parasitic particle that can only reproduce inside a host cell | |
135421372 | capsid | protein coat of a virus around a strand of genetic material | |
135421373 | envelope | bilipid membrane around the capsid of a virus | |
135421374 | Lytic infection | virus invades cell and replicates itseld over and over until the cell burst; virus is virulent because it destroys cells they infect | |
135421375 | Lysogenic infection | virus inserts its DNA into the host, but does not replicate right away. temperate | |
135421376 | Retroviruses | contain RNA instead of DNA. once inside the cell they produce a DNA copy from their RNA with reverse transcriptase | |
135421377 | Vaccination | used to prevent diseases caused by viruses. no cure for viral infections. composed of weakened form of the virus | |
135421378 | cancer | oncogenic viruses disrupt the normal cell cycle | |
135421379 | Ebola | Hemorrhagic fever. liquefies the internal organs. blood seeps from body. fruit bat carries it | |
135421380 | Marburg | hemorrhagic fever. liquefies internal organs. monkeys had it | |
135421381 | HIV | retrovirus thats causes AIDS. Blood pathogen that works against the immune system | |
135421382 | Cold | respiratory illness cause by viruses. adenovirus, mild, runny/stuffy nose | |
135421383 | Flu | respiratory illness cause by viruses. influenza virus. can lead to hospitalization, pneumonia, death. fever, body aches, tiredness, dry cough | |
135421384 | Smallpox | easily spread. vaccine eradicated the disease. victims are covered with yellow painful blisters. | |
135421385 | West Nile Virus | spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. mosquitoes become infected by biting sick birds. victims get headaches, high fevers, convulsions, vision loss, or neurological problems | |
135421386 | Polio | infects spinal cord causing paralysis. mostly children and young adults. | |
135421387 | Chicken Pox/Shingles | caused by varicella-zoster herpesvirus. skin rash and fever. chicken pox only once, but can reappear as shingles. | |
135421388 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome | RNA virus in China | |
135421389 | Hantavirus | common in rodents in the Southwest, USA. people who inhaled dried feces/urine became sick and some died | |
135421390 | Rabies Virus | carried in mammal saliva. works on central nervous system. fever,headache to depression, inability to swallow causing suffocation | |
135421391 | Hepatitus | inflammation of the liver A,E-fecally contaminated food B,C,D- sexual contact/infected blood | |
135421392 | Swine Flu | name comes from genes it shares with pig flu, avian and human genes. more problems for older people. | |
136007061 | methanogenes | bacteria that convert hydrogen and CO2 into energy | |
136007062 | thermoacidophiles | bacteria that live in acidic high temperatures | |
136007063 | halophiles | bacteria that live in high salt content | |
136007064 | conjunction | haring of DNA between two bacteria | |
136007065 | transduction | a virus carries DNA between bacteria | |
136007066 | Cocci | round shaped bacteria | |
136007067 | Bacilli | rod shaped bacteria | |
136007068 | Spirilla | spiral shaped bacteria | |
136007069 | Gram positive | absorb purple stain in large peptidoglycan cell wall | |
136007070 | gram negative | absorb pink stain have small complicated cell wall |