Chapter 22 Progressives and Reformers Flashcards
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44265203 | partronage | practice of giving jobs to loyal supporters. | |
44265204 | civil service | all federal jobs except elected positions and the armed forces | |
44265205 | Gilded Age | period of time between 1870s and 1890s where reform was focused on political corruption. | |
44265206 | James Garfield | became president in 1881 and believed jobs should be given based on merit rather than as a political reward. | |
44265207 | Chester Arthur | was Garfield's Vice President and became President upon his death. Worked to reform the spoils system. | |
44265208 | Grover Cleveland | President that signed the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887. | |
44265209 | Interstate Commerce Act | law forbade practices such as pools and rebates. It also set up the Interstate Commerce Commission to oversee the railroads. | |
44265210 | Benjamin Harrison | became President in 1888 and signed the Sherman Antitrust Act. | |
44265211 | Sherman Antitrust Act | act prohibited trusts or other businesses from limiting competition. | |
44265212 | muckraker | journalist who exposed corruption and other problems of the late 1800s and early 1900s. | |
44265213 | public interest | the good of the people | |
44265214 | primary | election in which voters choose their party's candidate for the general election. | |
44265215 | initiative | process by which voters can put a bill directly before the state legislature by collecting signatures on a petition. | |
44265216 | referendum | process by which people vote directly on a bill. | |
44265217 | recall | process by which voters can remove an elected offical from office. | |
44265218 | graduated income tax | tax on earnings that charges different rates for different income levels. | |
44265219 | William Tweed | during 1860s and 1870s cheated New York out of more than $100 million dollars. His corruptions was exposed by cartoonist Thomas Nast. | |
44265220 | Ida Tarbell | muckraker that targeted the unfair practices of big business. She wrote articles about the Standard Oil Company demanding tighter controls on trusts. | |
44265221 | Upton Sinclair | shocked nation when he published "The Jungle", which revealed gruesome details about the meatpacking industry in Chicago. | |
44265222 | Progressives | reformers who wanted to improve American life in the late 1800s and 1900s | |
44265223 | John Dewey | Progressive educator that wanted schools to promote reform. He encouraged students to think, ask questions, and work together to solve problems. | |
44265224 | Robert La Follette | elected governor in 1900. He introduced a statewide program of progressive reforms called the Wisconsin Idea. | |
44265225 | Wisconsin Idea | one thing this reform program did was lower railroad rates. | |
44265226 | Sixteenth Amendment | this act gave Congress the power to impose an income tax. | |
44265227 | trustbuster | person who wanted to end all trusts. | |
44265228 | conservation | protection of natural resources. | |
44265229 | national park | natural or historic area set aside and run by the federal government for people to visit. | |
44265230 | Theodore Roosevelt | worked to break up trusts, conserve resources, and protect consumers. | |
44265231 | Square Deal | Theodore Roosevelt's promise that all groups should have an equal opportunity to succeed. | |
44265232 | Pure Food and Drug Act | passed in 1906, this act required ingredients to be listed on food and drug packages. | |
44265233 | William Howard Taft | was popular until he passed a bill that raised most tarriffs. Broke up more trusts that T. Roosevelt, supported the graduated income tax, approved new safety regulations for mines, and signed laws for 8 hour work day for gov't employees. | |
44265234 | Bull Moose Party | Roosevel and supporters were known as... | |
44265235 | Woodrow Wilson | took office in 1913. Introduced his New Freedom program. | |
44265236 | New Freedom | program introduced by Wilson which focused on breaking up trusts and lowering tariffs to create more competition from imports. | |
44265237 | Federal Reserve Act | passed in 1913 by Congress to regulate banking. | |
44265238 | Federal Trade Commission | created in 1914, it had the power to investigate companies and order them to stop using business practices that destroyed all competitors. | |
44265239 | suffragist | person who campaigned for women's right to vote. | |
44265240 | temperance movement | campaign against the sale of drinking of alcohol. | |
44265241 | Carrie Chapman Catt | was a school principal, reporter, and later the head of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Created a detailed plan for fighting the war for suffrage. | |
44265242 | Alice Paul | spoke to President Wilson regarding creating a constitutional amendment for women. | |
44265243 | Nineteenth Amendment | guaranteed women the right to vote. | |
44265244 | Florence Kelley | investigated conditions in sweatshops. Later became the first chief factory inspector for the state of Illinois. | |
44265245 | Frances Willard | 1874 became the leader of the Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). | |
44265246 | Carry Nation | swinging a hatchet, she stormed saloons smashing beer kegs and liquor bottles. Radical crusader. | |
44265247 | Eighteeth Amendment | 1917 law made it illegal to sell alcoholic drinks anywhere in the united states. | |
44265248 | barrio | neighborhood of Spanish speaking people | |
44265249 | mutualista | Mexican American mutual aid group. | |
44265250 | Ida B. Wells | African American journalist. Her newspaper "Free Speech" published shocking statistics about lynching. | |
44265251 | Booker T. Washington | stressed living in harmony with whites and to work patiently and move upward slowly. Promoted learning trades. | |
44265252 | W. E. B. Du Bois | disagreed with the theory that blacks could live in harmony with whites. Urged blacks to actively fight discrimination. | |
44265253 | NAACP | association that worked to gain equal rights for African Americans. | |
44265254 | George Washington Carver | discovered hundreds of new uses for peanuts. Wrote about crop rotation. | |
44265255 | Society of American Indians | group of artists, writers, ministers, lawyers, and doctors that worked for social justice and tried to educate others about their way of life. | |
44265256 | Gentlemen's Agreement | Agreement with Japan made in 1907 that curbed the number of workers coming to the United States. | |
44265257 | Elkins Act | outlawed rebates. | |
44265258 | Meat Inspection Act | passed in 1906 forced packers to open their doors to more inspectors. | |
44297703 | Thomas Nast | famouse cartoonist that exposed corruptions. | |
44297704 | Pendleton Act | created a Civil Service Commission to conduct exams for federal jobs. | |
45635656 | urbanization | the growth of cities. | |
45635657 | tenement | apartment with little sanitation or safety. | |
45635658 | slum | a poor, overcrowded neighborhood. | |
45635659 | social gospel | movement aimed at improving the lives of the poor. | |
45635660 | Jane Addams | social reformer who founded Hull House in Chicago. | |
45635661 | Hull House | settlement house that offered services to Chicago's poor. | |
45635662 | political machine | organization that influences enough votes to control a local government. | |
45635663 | Tammany Hall | famous New York City political machine. |