Sentence Structure
English [1]
Sentence Structure Mattthew Gartner pd.1 #1 Snot erupted from my dad's nose. The soap jumped out of my hand. The sauce exploded out of the bottle. #2 The coffee maker brewed the coffee. The pizza slicer cut the pizza. The car designer made a new car. #3 How are cars made? Why do people ignore other people? Who makes good cars? #4 Loudly, the boy screamed. Softly, the girl sang. Peacefully, the baby slept. Joyfully, the girl laughed. #5 Above the cat was a large fan. By the dog was his water bowl. Past the big green field is a little brown house. #6 My computer, which is an Acer, is black. My homework, which is due Monday, is halfway done. My dog, whose name is Bruno, is a Great Dane. #7 Because my dad drives trucks, he owns a Dodge Ram.