Weather (French) Flashcards
Weather vocab/phrases (French)
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567864243 | La météorologie | the weather forecast, weather, weather report | |
567864244 | La météo | weather report; forecast | |
567864245 | Quel temps faît-il? | What's the weather like?, How is the weather? | |
567864246 | Il fait beau. | The weather is beautiful., The weather is nice. | |
567864247 | It fait mauvais. | The weather is bad/nasty. | |
567864248 | Il fait chaud. | It is hot. | |
567864249 | Il fait froid. | it's cold (weather) | |
567864250 | Il fait frais. | it's cool (weather). | |
567864251 | Il fait du soleil. | It is sunny. | |
567864252 | Le soleil brille. | The sun is shining. | |
567864253 | Le ciel est clair. | The sky is clear. | |
567864254 | Il fait du vent. (Canada: Il vente.) | It is windy. | |
567864255 | Il y aura des vent faibles. | There will be light winds. | |
567864256 | Il y aura des vents modérés. | There will be moderate winds. | |
567864257 | Il y aura des vents forts. | There will be strong winds. | |
567864258 | Il y a des nuages. | It is cloudy (There are clouds) | |
567864259 | Il fait nuageux. | It is cloudy. | |
567864260 | C'est nuageux. | It is cloudy. | |
567864261 | Il pleut. | It is raining. | |
567864262 | Il y a de la pluie. | It's raining. - There is rain. | |
567864263 | le Nord-Pas-de-Calais | -Region along the France/Belgium border -Le fromage de chevre -La vieille region de Belgique, Flandres, est dans le Nord Pas-de-Calais. | |
567864264 | Il y a des pluies fortes. | It is raining hard. | |
567864265 | Il y a des pluies légères. | There is light rain. | |
567864266 | un bêcheur | snob | |
567864267 | Il y a des pluies fines. | It is drizzling; there is a drizzle. | |
567864268 | Il pleut à verse (à torrents) | pouring, it's raining hard | |
567864269 | Il tombe des cordes. | idiomatic expression (its raining cats and dogs) | |
567864270 | Il bruine. | it is drizzling | |
567864271 | Il y a de la bruine. | There's drizzling rain | |
567864272 | Il y a du crachin | drizzle | |
567864273 | Il fait du brouillard | It is foggy. | |
567864274 | Il y a des brumes. | There is fog | |
567864275 | Il tonne | It's thundering. | |
567864276 | Il y a du tonnerre | It's thundering. | |
567864277 | Il fait de l'orage | There's a thunderstorm | |
567864278 | Il y a des pluies d'orage | There's a thunderstorm | |
567864279 | Il gèle | It is freezing. | |
567864280 | Il tombe de la grêle | It is hailing | |
567864281 | la moitié ouest | the western half | |
567864282 | le mistral | The cold wind that blows down from the north of France. | |
567864283 | la tramontane | strong mountain wind, strong cold wind | |
567864284 | Il y a des éclairs. | There is lightning. | |
567864285 | Il y a de la gelée | There is frost | |
567864286 | Il y a du verglas | It's icy, slippery, There is (black) ice. | |
567864287 | Il y a du permagel | There is permafrost. | |
567864288 | pergélisol | permanently or perennially frozen ground. permafrost | |
567864289 | Il dégèle | It is thawing | |
567864290 | On dirait qu'il va pleuvoir | It looks like rain | |
567864291 | On dirait qu'il va neiger | it looks like snow | |
567864292 | Le ciel se couvre | the sky is becoming cloudy | |
567864293 | Le ciel est couvert | The sky is overcast. | |
567864294 | D'où vient le vent? | Which way is the wind blowing? | |
567864295 | Le vent vient du sud. | The wind is coming from the south | |
567864296 | Le vent change. | The wind is changing | |
567864297 | Le ciel est variable. | the sky is partly cloudy/partly sunny | |
567864298 | Il y aura des éclaircies | There'll be bright/sunny intervals | |
567864299 | Le temps est agréable | The weather is nice/agreeable. | |
567864300 | Le temps est chaud. | The weather is hot. | |
567864301 | Le temps est clair. | The weather is clear. | |
567864302 | Le temps est humide. | The weather is humid. | |
567864303 | Le temps est pluvieux. | The weather is rainy. | |
567864304 | Le temps est nuageux. | The weather is cloudy. (It is cloudy weather) | |
567864305 | Le temps est variable. | The weather is variable | |
567864306 | Le temps est orageux. | The weather is stormy. | |
567864307 | C'est une journée ensoleillée | It's a sunny day | |
567864308 | C'est une journée nuageuse. | It is a cloudy day | |
567864309 | C'est une journée pluvieuse. | It's a rainy day | |
567864310 | C'est une journée brumeuse. | It's a foggy day | |
567864311 | Il y a une chute de neige. | snowfall | |
567864312 | Il y a une tempête de neige. | There is a snow storm. | |
567864313 | Il y a une rafale. | there is a storm | |
567864314 | Il y a des orages. | There are thunderstorms. | |
567864315 | Il y a des pluies d' orages. | There are thunderstorms | |
567864316 | Il y a des tempêtes de vent. | there are windstorms | |
567864317 | Il y a des tornades. | There are tornadoes | |
567864318 | Il y a des averses. | There are showers. | |
567864319 | Il y a des giboulées. | There are sudden showers. | |
567864320 | C'est un temps à ondées. | Showery weather. | |
567864321 | le thermomètre | the thermometer | |
567864322 | Combien y a-t-il de degrés. | What is the temperature? | |
567864323 | Il fait 5 deg C | ... |