Medical Terminology Flashcards
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296416257 | supine | lying face up | |
296416258 | prone | lying face down | |
296416259 | sagittal plane | divides the body into right and left sides that may or may not be equal | |
296416260 | midsagittal/median plane | divides the body down the middle into left and right sides | |
296416261 | frontal/coronal plane | divides the body into front and back sides | |
296416262 | transverse/horizontal plane | divides the body into top and bottom parts | |
296418227 | upper extremity | from the shoulder to the fingertips | |
296418228 | arm | from the shoulder to the elbow | |
296418229 | forearm | from the elbow to the wrist | |
296418230 | lower extremity | from the hip to the hips of the toes | |
296418231 | superficial | toward the surface | |
296418232 | deep | away from the surface | |
296418233 | anterior/ventral | toward the front | |
296418234 | superior/cranial | toward the top of the head | |
296418235 | inferior/caudal | away from the head/toward the tail end | |
296418236 | medial | toward the midline or median plane | |
296418237 | lateral | away from the midline or median plane | |
296418238 | proximal | toward the attachment to the truck or toward the center of mass | |
296418239 | distal | away from the attachment to the truck or away from the center of mass | |
296418240 | flexion | motion that shortens a limb | |
296418241 | extension | motion that lengthens a limb | |
296418242 | abduction | movement away from the median plane | |
296418243 | adduction | movement toward the median plane | |
296418244 | inversion | turning a body part inward | |
296418245 | eversion | turning a body part outward | |
296418246 | supination | turning a body part upward | |
296418247 | pronation | turning a body part downward | |
296418248 | arthr/o | joint | |
296418249 | ankyl/o | stiffness | |
296418250 | aque/o | water | |
296418251 | audi/o | hearing | |
296418252 | brachi/o | arm | |
296418253 | carp/o | wrist | |
296418254 | cephal/o | head | |
296418255 | crani/o | skull | |
296418256 | cost/o | ribs | |
296418257 | cervic/o | neck | |
296418258 | cirrh/o | yellow | |
296418259 | cyan/o | blue | |
296418260 | chondr/o | cartilage | |
296418261 | cerebr/o | cerebrum | |
296496126 | derm/o | skin | |
296496127 | erythr/o | red | |
296496128 | encephal/o | brain | |
296496129 | femor/o | femur | |
296496130 | gastr/o | stomach | |
296496131 | hepat/o | liver | |
296496132 | hem/o hemat/o | blood | |
296496133 | humer/o | humerus | |
296496134 | home/o | same, like | |
296496135 | heter/o | different | |
296496136 | ili/o | ilium | |
296496137 | ischi/o | ischium | |
296496138 | idi/o | peculiar, unknown | |
296496139 | kinesi/o | movement | |
296496140 | lamin/o | lamina of vertebra | |
296496141 | melan/o | black | |
296496142 | myel/o | spinal cord | |
296496143 | my/o | muscle | |
296496144 | neur/o | nerve | |
296496145 | noct/o | night | |
296496146 | ocul/o | eye | |
296496147 | orth/o | bone | |
296496148 | opt/o | vision | |
296496149 | ot/o | ear | |
296496150 | ox/o ox/i | oxygen | |
296496151 | pneum/o | air | |
296496152 | path/o | disease | |
296496153 | pattell/o | patella | |
296496154 | pod/o | food | |
296496155 | ranchi/o | spine | |
296496156 | rhin/o | nose | |
296496157 | sclera/o | spir/o | |
296496158 | sphygm/o | pulse | |
296496159 | spondyl/o | vertebra | |
296496160 | stern/o | sternum | |
296496161 | thromb/o | blood clott | |
296496162 | thorac/o | thoracic spine | |
296496163 | tibi/o | tibia | |
296496164 | ten/o tendin/o tend/o | tendon | |
296496165 | ton/o | tension | |
296496166 | vertebr/o | vertebra | |
296496167 | ante-, pre-, pro- | before, in front of | |
296496168 | a-, an-, im-, in- | without, not | |
296496169 | ab- | away from | |
296496170 | ad- | toward | |
296496171 | anti-, contra- | against | |
296496172 | brady- | slow | |
296496173 | bi- | two | |
296496174 | circum-, peri | around | |
296496175 | dia-, trans- | through, across | |
296496176 | dipl-, diple- | double | |
296496177 | dys- | painful, difficult | |
296496178 | epi- | above, upon | |
296496179 | ec-, ex | out, out from | |
296496180 | exto-, exo-, extra- | outside | |
296496181 | endo-, intra- | in, within | |
296496182 | hypo-, infra-, sub- | under/below | |
296496183 | hemi-, semi- | half | |
296496184 | hyper- | excessive | |
296496185 | inter- | between | |
296496186 | intra- | wintin | |
296496187 | meso-, medi- | middle | |
296496188 | macro- | large | |
296496189 | micro- | small | |
296496190 | mono-, uni- | one | |
296496191 | multi-, poly- | manny | |
296496192 | mal- | bad | |
296496193 | pseudo- | false | |
296496194 | post- | after, behind | |
296496195 | para- | near, beside | |
296496196 | quadri- | four | |
296496197 | super-, supra | above, excessive | |
296496198 | syn-, sym- | joined, together | |
296496199 | tri- | three | |
296496200 | tachy- | rapid | |
296496201 | -ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ic, -ous, -tic | pertaining to | |
296496202 | -ia, -ism, -y | condition | |
296496203 | -iatry | treatment | |
296496204 | -ist | specialist | |
296496205 | -ole, -icle, -ula, -ule | small | |
296496206 | -algesia, -algia | pain | |
296496207 | -desis | fixation | |
296496208 | -esthesia | sensation | |
296496209 | -emsis | vomiting | |
296496210 | -gram | record | |
296496211 | -graph | instrument to record | |
296496212 | -malacia | softening | |
296496213 | -megaly | enlargement | |
296496214 | -pena | breathing | |
296496215 | -phoresis | carrying | |
296496216 | -penia | decrease | |
296496217 | -physis | growth | |
296496218 | -plasty | surgical repair | |
296496219 | -scope | instrument for examining | |
296496220 | -scopy | visual exam | |
296496221 | a.c. | before meals | |
296496222 | ACL | anterior cruciate ligament | |
296496223 | ADL | activities of daily living | |
296496224 | AFO | ankle foot orthosis | |
296496225 | AKA | above knee amputation | |
296496226 | amb | ambulate | |
296496227 | ax | axillary/armpit | |
296496228 | AP | anteroposterior | |
296496229 | AE | above the elbow | |
296496230 | ANS | autonomic nervous system | |
296496231 | AROM | active range of motion | |
296496232 | AAROM | active assisted range of motion | |
296496233 | b.i.d | twice daily | |
296496234 | BP | blood pressure | |
296496235 | BE | below the elbow | |
296496236 | BKA | below the knee amputation | |
296496237 | BM | bowel movement | |
296496238 | cath | catheter | |
296496239 | C/O | complaint of | |
296496240 | CA | cancer | |
296496241 | CBC | complete blood count | |
296496242 | CC | chief complaint | |
296496243 | cc | cubic centimeters | |
296496244 | CGA | contact guard assist | |
296496245 | CAD | coronary artery disease | |
296496246 | COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | |
296496247 | CO2 | carbon dioxide | |
296496248 | CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation | |
296496249 | CVA | cerebrovascular accident or stroke | |
296496250 | CVD | cerebrovascular disease | |
296496251 | CNS | central nervous system | |
296496252 | CT | computed tomography scan | |
296496253 | CV | cardiovascular | |
296496254 | CCU | coronary care unit | |
296496255 | CHF | congestive heart failure | |
296496256 | CDH | congenital dislocation of the hip | |
296496257 | CPT | carpal tunnel syndrome | |
296496258 | D/C or DC | discharge or discontinue | |
296496259 | Dx | diagnosis | |
296496260 | DDX | differential diagnosis | |
296496261 | DM | diabetes mellitus | |
296496262 | DNR | do not resuscitate | |
296496263 | DOE | dyspena on exertion | |
296496264 | DTR | deep tendon reflexes | |
296496265 | DVT | deep venous thrombosis | |
296496266 | Decub | decubitus (lying down) | |
296496267 | DJD | degenerative joint disease | |
296496268 | ECG or EKG | electrocardiogram | |
296496269 | EEG | electroencephalogram | |
296496270 | EMG | electromyography | |
296496271 | ER | emergency room | |
296496272 | ETOH | alcohol | |
296496273 | FWB | full weight bearing | |
296496274 | FWW | front wheeled walker | |
296496275 | Fx | fracture | |
296496276 | GI | gastrointestinal | |
296496277 | H & P | history and physical exam | |
296496278 | hr | hour | |
296496279 | h.s. | at bedtime | |
296496280 | H/O or h/o | history of | |
296496281 | HA | headache | |
296496282 | HTN | hypertension | |
296496283 | Hx | history | |
296496284 | Hgb, hbb, or Hb | hemoglobin | |
296496285 | HD | hip disarticulation | |
296496286 | HEP | home exercise program | |
296496287 | HMP | hot moist pack | |
296496288 | HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus (disk) | |
296496289 | I & D | incision and drainage | |
296496290 | I & O | intake and output | |
296496291 | IM | intramuscular | |
296496292 | IMP | impression or diagnosis | |
296496293 | inj | injection | |
296496294 | IU | international units | |
296496295 | IV | intravenous | |
296496296 | ICF | intracelluar fluid | |
296496297 | IDDM | insulin dependent diabetes mellitus | |
296496298 | jt | joint | |
296496299 | K | potassium | |
296496300 | kg | kilogram | |
296496301 | KD | knee disarticulation | |
296496302 | lb | pound | |
296496303 | LBP | low back pain | |
296496304 | LLQ | left lower quadrant | |
296496305 | LUQ | left upper quadrant | |
296496306 | lt | left | |
296496307 | LTG | long term goal | |
296496308 | MCL | medical collateral ligament | |
296496309 | ml | milliliters | |
296496310 | MS | musculosketal | |
296496311 | MRI | magnetic resonance imaging | |
296496312 | mg | milligrams | |
296496313 | MVP | mitral valve prolapse | |
296496314 | MI | myocardial infarction (heart attack) | |
296496315 | MS | multiple sclerosis | |
296496316 | N/V | nausea or vomiting | |
296496317 | Na | sodium | |
296496318 | NKA | no known allergies | |
296496319 | noe | night | |
296496320 | NPO or n.p.o. | nothing by mouth | |
296496321 | NWB | non weight bearing | |
296496322 | NSAID | nonsteriodial anti-inflammatory drug | |
296496323 | NIDDM | non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus | |
296496324 | O2 | oxygen | |
296496325 | OOB | out of bed | |
296496326 | ORIF | open reduction, internal fixation | |
296496327 | ORTH or Ortho | orthopedics | |
296496328 | oz | ounce | |
296496329 | OA | osteoarthritis | |
296496330 | P | pulse | |
296496331 | pc | after meals | |
296496332 | po or per os | by mouth | |
296496333 | post | after | |
296496334 | prn | as needed | |
296496335 | pp | after meals | |
296496336 | PCL | posterior cruciate ligament | |
296496337 | PEDS | pediatrics | |
296496338 | PERRLA | pupils equal round reactive to light and accommodation | |
296496339 | Plt | platelets | |
296496340 | PWB | partial weight bearing | |
296496341 | PA | posteroanterior | |
296496342 | PE | physical exam | |
296496343 | PNS | peripheral nervous system | |
296496344 | PROM | passive range of motion | |
296496345 | q | every | |
296496346 | q.d. | every day | |
296496347 | q.i.d. | four times a day | |
296496348 | qh | every hour | |
296496349 | q2h | every two hours | |
296496350 | q4h | every four hours | |
296496351 | qAM | every morning | |
296496352 | qhs | every bed time | |
296496353 | qod | every other day | |
296496354 | qPM | every evening | |
296496355 | qs | as much as is sufficent | |
296496356 | R/O | rule out | |
296496357 | ROM | range of motion | |
296496358 | ROS | review of systems | |
296496359 | RDS | respiratory disease syndrome | |
296496360 | RA | rheumatoid arthritis | |
296496361 | rt | right | |
296496362 | RW | rolling walker | |
296496363 | SL | sublingual | |
296496364 | s/p | status post | |
296496365 | SOB | shortness of breath | |
296496366 | stat | immediately | |
296496367 | SNS | sympathetic nervous system | |
296496368 | sono | sonogram | |
296496369 | Sx | symptoms | |
296496370 | SD | shoulder disarticulation | |
296496371 | STG | short term goal | |
296496372 | T | temperature | |
296496373 | tid | three times daily | |
296496374 | THR | total hip replacement | |
296496375 | THA | total hip arthroplasty | |
296496376 | TKA | total knee arthroplasty | |
296496377 | TKR | total knee replacement | |
296496378 | TDWB | touch down weight bearing | |
296496379 | TTWB | toe touch weight bearing | |
296496380 | TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration | |
296496381 | TIA | transient ischemic attack | |
296496382 | TBI | traumatic brain injury | |
296496383 | UA or u/a | urinalysis | |
296496384 | URI | upper respiratory infection | |
296496385 | UTI | urinary tract infection | |
296496386 | VSS | vital signs stable | |
296496387 | Wt | weight | |
296496388 | w/c | wheelchair | |
296496389 | WBAT | weight bearing as tolerated | |
296496390 | 2 | secondary to, resulting from |