medical terminology Flashcards
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202541983 | aden/o | gland | |
202541984 | arthr/o | joint | |
202541985 | bi/o | life | |
202541986 | carcin/o | cancerous | |
202541987 | cardi/o | heart | |
202541988 | cephal/o | head | |
202541989 | cerebr/o | brain (largest part) | |
202541990 | cyst/o | urinary bladder | |
202541991 | cyt/o | cell | |
202541992 | dermat/o | skin | |
202541993 | electr/o | electricity | |
202541994 | encephal/o | brain | |
202541995 | eneter/o | intestines (usually small intestines) | |
202541996 | erythr/o | red | |
202541997 | gastr/o | stomach | |
202541998 | gnos/o | knowledge | |
202541999 | gynec/o | woman, female | |
202542000 | hemat/o | blood | |
202542001 | hepat/o | liver | |
202542002 | lapar/o | abdomen | |
202542003 | leuk/o | white | |
202542004 | nephr/o, ren/o | kidney | |
202542005 | neur/o | nerve | |
202542006 | onc/o | tumor | |
202542007 | ophthalm/o | eye | |
202542008 | oste/o | bone | |
202542009 | path/o | disease | |
202542010 | psych/o | mind | |
202542011 | rhin/o | nose | |
202542012 | sarc/o | flesh | |
202542013 | thromb/o | clot | |
202542014 | -al, -ic | pertaining to, pertaining to | |
202542015 | -algia | pain | |
202542016 | -cyte | cell | |
202542017 | -ectomy | removal, excision | |
202542018 | -emia | blood condition | |
202542019 | -gram | record | |
202542020 | -ism | condition;process | |
202542021 | -itis | inflammation | |
202542022 | -logist | specialist in the study of | |
202542023 | -logy | process of study | |
202542024 | -oma | tumor, mass | |
202542025 | -osis | abnormal condition | |
202542026 | -scope | instrument to visually examine | |
202542027 | -scopy | process of visual examination | |
202542028 | -sis | state of | |
202542029 | -tomy | process of cutting; incision | |
202542030 | a-, an- | no, not | |
202542031 | dia- | complete, thorough | |
202542032 | endo- | within | |
202542033 | exo- | outside | |
202542034 | hyper- | too much, excessive | |
202542035 | hypo- | below, less than normal | |
202542036 | pro- | before | |
202542037 | re- | back | |
202542038 | retro- | behind | |
202542039 | trans- | across, through |