ib hl english vocabulary; first semester Flashcards
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110897231 | feign | fake | |
110897232 | obstinate | stubborn | |
110897233 | frugal | sparse/being careful/sparing | |
110897234 | miserly | hoarding | |
110897235 | overt | open/obvious | |
110897236 | stoic | emotionless | |
110897237 | tacit | unwritten/unspoken | |
110897238 | collude | collaborating for an unfair advantage (negative connotations) | |
110897239 | frame story | larger, (beginning) story | |
110897240 | metafiction | stories within stories | |
110897241 | author agency | giving credit to the author | |
110897242 | incipit | beginning of a text or story | |
110897243 | polysemic | having many meanings | |
110897244 | read | personal interpretation of a text | |
110897245 | foreground | bring to the front (verb) | |
110897246 | marginalize | push to the side (verb) | |
110897247 | narrative gaps | gaps in narration | |
110897248 | cower | cringe/hide yourself | |
110897249 | moniker | nickname | |
110897250 | pragmatic | practical | |
110897251 | auspicious | favorable | |
110897252 | prudent | careful | |
110897253 | malaise | uneasiness/discomfort | |
110897254 | anachronism | out of time/sync (wrong placement) | |
110897255 | cohesive | togetherness | |
110897256 | coherent | understandable | |
110897257 | cogent | persuasive | |
110897258 | pedestrian | ordinary, everyday | |
110897259 | banal | ordinary (b) | |
110897260 | mundane | ordinary (m) | |
110897261 | malevolent | evil | |
110897262 | epitome | essence, the very definition of | |
110897263 | epiphany | moment of realization/insight | |
110897264 | copious | a lot | |
110897265 | hyperbole | exaggeration | |
110897266 | staid | doesn't change much, static | |
110897267 | idiom | an expression having a meaning that isn't deducible from the individual words. ex. a piece of cake | |
110897268 | magnanimous | noble, generous, giving | |
110897269 | prosaic | prose, lacking poetic qualities | |
110897270 | nonchalant | casual | |
110897271 | ennui | boredom | |
110897272 | enigma | mystery, puzzle | |
110897273 | colloquial | casual, everyday (language) | |
110897274 | furtive | secretive | |
110897275 | ubiquitous | omnipresent, hard to miss | |
110897276 | in medias res | dropped in the middle of something (latin) | |
110897277 | hirsute | hairy | |
110897278 | allegory | extended metaphor, like a fable; usually has a hidden moral or political undertones | |
110897279 | bildungsroman | coming-of-age novel | |
110897280 | polemic | strong verbal or written attack against someone or something; debate, contrasting ideas | |
110897281 | archetype | the type of character or plot that you would recognize/is familiar; typical | |
110897282 | stock character | a static/flat character that still fulfills a certain role; stereotyped | |
110897283 | round character | a character that grows/develops | |
110897284 | coerce | persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by force or threats | |
110897285 | xenophobia | fear of something that is strange or foreign | |
110897286 | verbose | wordiness | |
110897287 | peripatetic | someone who is nomadic and walks everywhere | |
110897288 | onus | responsibility (connotation: burden) | |
110897289 | sage | wise | |
110897290 | non sequitur | not in sequence/out of place | |
110897291 | din | noise | |
110897292 | amicable | friendly (amic) | |
110897293 | amiable | friendly (amia) | |
110897294 | affable | friendly (aff) | |
110897295 | vex | disturb/annoy | |
110897296 | altruism | selflessness/not getting anything in return | |
110897297 | salient | most important/most crucial | |
110897298 | denotation | literal meaning of something | |
110897299 | connotation | nuances/what you associate something with | |
110897300 | hackneyed | overdone/overused | |
110897301 | trite | hackneyed | |
110897302 | insolent | rude | |
110897303 | indolent | lazy | |
110897304 | avarice | greediness | |
110897305 | visceral | relating to deep inward feelings/instinctive feelings | |
110897306 | culpable | blameworthy/guilty/deserving blame | |
110897307 | laconic | very precise/concise | |
110897308 | antithesis | opposite | |
110897309 | augury | an omen | |
110897310 | epigraph | quote/saying at the beginning of a story/chapter/novel/etc | |
110897311 | paradox | a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory | |
110897312 | pontificate | to preach/sermonize | |
110897313 | clandestine | secretive/furtive | |
110897314 | ardor | intensity of feelings | |
110897315 | vigilante | righteousness (someone who takes the law into their own hands) | |
110897316 | arduous | challenging/difficult | |
110897317 | harbinger | an omen/message / a person who signals the approach of another | |
110897318 | alacrity | haste | |
110897319 | abhor | loathe | |
110897320 | ephemeral | short, fleeting | |
110897321 | adage | a type of proverb/expression ex. an apple a day keeps the doctor away (ad) | |
110897322 | maxim | a type of proverb/expression ex. an apple a day keeps the doctor away (m) | |
110897323 | aphorism | a type of proverb/expression ex. an apple a day keeps the doctor away (ap) | |
110897324 | spartan | sparse, down to the bare essentials | |
110897325 | pine | yearn, really want | |
110897326 | virtuoso | master of something (professional) | |
110897327 | tenet | belief, ideology | |
110897328 | conscript | draft (ex. into the army) (by force) | |
110897329 | rapacious | avarice/greedy | |
110897330 | importune | beg | |
110897331 | prodigious | large | |
110897332 | flay | to skin | |
110897333 | intrepid | brave | |
110897334 | hamartia | the "fatal flaw" | |
110897335 | hubris | excessive pride, arrogance | |
110897336 | pedagogic | of or relating to teaching (pedagogne = teacher/mentor) | |
110897337 | exposition | background knowledge | |
110897338 | vacillate | go back and forth between a decision | |
110897339 | reticent | hesitant | |
110897340 | eponymous | when them main character of the book is also the title | |
110897341 | enmity | hostility | |
110897342 | lamentation | express sorrow | |
110897343 | ostracize | exclude/keep someone out | |
110897344 | supercilious | behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to other, expressive of contempt | |
110897345 | beseech | plead | |
110897346 | venerate | honor, respect | |
110897347 | slander | hurting someone's reputation verbally | |
110897348 | libel | written slander | |
110897349 | thwart | ruin someone's plans/efforts/ambitions | |
110897350 | tirade | rant (vocally) (t) | |
110897351 | diatribe | rant (vocally) (d) | |
110897352 | audacity | nerve/gall | |
110897353 | perjury | lying under oath | |
110897354 | waif | orphan | |
110897355 | besmirch | damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others | |
110897356 | dogged | adamant/willful | |
110897357 | glib | casual, offhand, lighthearted | |
110897358 | supplicate | become more humble | |
110897359 | apostrophize | address an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem to (someone or something). | |
110897360 | coronet | crown | |
110897361 | sycophant | someone who uses flattery to gain an advantage | |
110897362 | impious | unholy | |
110897363 | pious | religious | |
110897364 | expiate | atone for, amend | |
110897365 | epithet | name (moniker) ex. ivan the terrible | |
110897366 | vitriol | bitter, scathing attack | |
110897367 | pathos | sympathy, pity | |
110897368 | catharsis | cleansing, emotional relealse | |
110897369 | deus ex machina | any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an insoluble difficulty | |
110897370 | misanthrope | someone who hates all people/mankind | |
110897371 | zealous | passionate | |
110897372 | zealot | fanatic | |
110897373 | burgeoning | increasing/growing/blossoming | |
110897374 | denouement | falling action, closure | |
110897375 | proxy | a kind of substitute, a person authorized to act for another |