IB English HL A1 Vocab (ALL) Flashcards
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107756881 | frugal | miserly | |
107756882 | feign | pretend | |
107756883 | obstinate | stubborn | |
107756884 | tacit | quiet | |
107756885 | metafiction | stories within stories | |
107756886 | incipit | the beginning | |
107756887 | polysemic | many meanings | |
107756888 | staid | consistent | |
107756889 | overt | open | |
107756890 | stoic | unmoved | |
107756891 | anachronism | out of its time place | |
107756892 | moniker | a nickname | |
107756893 | prudence | with care | |
107756894 | pragmatic | practical | |
107756895 | auspicious | favorable | |
107756896 | cower | crouch down in fear | |
107756897 | malaise | sense of discomfort | |
107756898 | meritorious | worthy of reward | |
107756899 | cogent | persuasive | |
107756900 | copious | a lot | |
107756901 | epitome | an example of a class or type | |
107756902 | pedestrian | ordinary | |
107756903 | mundane | ordinary | |
107756904 | banal | ordinary | |
107756905 | lascivious | sexual | |
107756906 | ennui | bored | |
107756907 | furtive | secretive | |
107756908 | enigma | a puzzle | |
107756909 | hirsute | hairy | |
107756910 | magnamious | generous | |
107756911 | prosaic | plain | |
107756912 | collude | collaborate to decieve | |
107756913 | nonchalent | stoic | |
107756914 | cahoots | peril | |
107756915 | ubiquitous | widespread | |
107756916 | imply | say through hinting at | |
107756917 | infer | deduce | |
107756918 | allegory | metaphorical story | |
107756919 | polemic | evokes debate | |
107756920 | xenophobia | fear for foreign things | |
107756921 | verbose | wordy | |
107756922 | coerce | forefully persuaded/dominated | |
107756923 | forlorn | hopeless/dreary/sad | |
107756924 | colloquial | everyday language | |
107756925 | onus | responsibility | |
107756926 | din | noise | |
107756927 | denote | literal definition/synonym | |
107756928 | connotation | deeper meaning/associations | |
107756929 | insolent | disrespectful | |
107756930 | indolent | lazy | |
107756931 | hackneyed | overused/cliché | |
107756932 | trite | overused/cliché | |
107756933 | neologism | not in sequence (non-sequitor) | |
107756934 | laconic | being very concise | |
107756935 | avarice | greed | |
107756936 | affable | friendly | |
107756937 | amiable | friendly | |
107756938 | amicable | friendly | |
107756939 | culpable | guilty/blameworth | |
107756940 | epigraph | a leading thing (poem, quote etc) into a written piece | |
107756941 | visceral | gutteral/nearly instinctual | |
107756942 | antithesis | opposite | |
107756943 | salient | most important or prominent | |
107756944 | alturism | generous | |
107756945 | V | 5 | |
107756946 | L | 50 | |
107756947 | C | 100 | |
107756948 | D | 500 | |
107756949 | c | 100 | |
107756950 | clandestine | secretive | |
107756951 | vigilante | person who takes the law into their own hands | |
107756952 | Vex | annoying | |
107756953 | pontificate | to speak in a pompous manner | |
107756954 | ardor | passion/intensity | |
107756955 | arduous | laborious;difficult | |
107756956 | augury | an indication | |
107756957 | paradox | self-contradictory orabsurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. | |
107756958 | din | loud, pleasant, prolongned noise/instilled in someone thru repition | |
107756959 | abhorrent | inspiritng disgust and loathing | |
107756960 | vicariously | experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person | |
107756961 | adage | sayings | |
107756962 | aphorism | sayings | |
107756963 | maxim | sayings | |
107756964 | virtuso | person highly skilled in music or another art | |
107756965 | spartan | austere, harsh, bare, bleak | |
107756966 | harbinger | a person or thing that announces/signals the approach of another | |
107756967 | ephermeral | lasting for a very short time/temporary | |
107756968 | adacrity | the willingness to take bold risks | |
107756969 | abhor | regard with disgust/hatred | |
107756970 | tenet | a principle or belief held as true by a person or group | |
107756971 | aquit | free someone from a crimnal charge by a verdict of not guilty | |
107756972 | recluse | a hermit, person who lives a solitary life and avoids others | |
107756973 | exonerate | absolve someone from blame for a fault or wrongdoing | |
107756974 | accurue | received by someone in regular or increasing amounts of time | |
107756975 | flay | peel the skin (a corpse or carcass) | |
107756976 | prodigous | impressive or abnormal | |
107756977 | hamartia | a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero | |
107756978 | hubris | excessive pride (check in Greek Tragedy for further context) | |
107756979 | exposition | comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory | |
107756980 | enmity | being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something | |
107756981 | caesura | a break between words/stanzas/etc | |
107756982 | epithet | an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a characteristic of a person | |
107756983 | impious/pious | devotion to religion | |
107756984 | expiate | make amends or reparation for guilt or sin | |
107756985 | pathos | evoke pity or sadness | |
107756986 | sycophant | a servile flatterer, to act inferior to gain advantage | |
107756987 | deus ex machina | unexpected power or event; a holy intervention | |
107756988 | misanthropic | someone who does not like people | |
107756989 | diadem | tiara | |
107756990 | reticent | not revealting one's thoughts or feelings readily | |
107756991 | burgeoning | begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish | |
107756992 | zealous | great energy or enthusiasm ; avid; eager | |
107756993 | headonism | self indulgence, seek pleasure above all else | |
107756994 | vacillate | alternate or waver between different opinions | |
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