Psychology AP Unit 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
Psychology AP Unit 6 Vocab words
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595731854 | Double-Approach Avoidance conflict | the type of conflict that causes vacillation and indecision | |
595731855 | Hypothalamus | brain part that Cannon discovered causes "Flight or fight" | |
595731856 | Pressure | expectations to do a job or deadline | |
595731857 | Regression | reverting back to a younger state of mind to protect oneself from emotional trauma | |
595731858 | Limbic System | Stress found to cause a deficiency here | |
595731859 | Type A personality | personality that is competitive, aggressive and impatient | |
595731860 | Identification Mechanism | defense mechanism in which one mimics or befriends someone with an image of power | |
595731861 | Biopsychosocial | Psychology concerned with psychosocial factors related to physical well being | |
595731862 | General Adaptation Syndrome | Selye's discovery that we respond the same regardless of the type of stress | |
595731863 | SRRS | Social Readjustment Rating Scale that measures life changes accumulated and lead to illness | |
595731864 | Change | noticeable alterations in one's life requiring readjustment | |
595731865 | rationalization | explaining things away to avoid guilt | |
595731866 | intellectual | defense mechanism in which one becomes cold and emotionally detached | |
595731867 | Conflict | when 2 or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression | |
595731868 | Alarm Reaction | initial stage of General Adaptation Syndrome, when fight-or-flight response begins | |
595731869 | Exhaustion | stage of Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome when one crashes or becomes ill because one's resources for fighting prolonged stress are depleted | |
595731870 | Reaction Formation | acting in the opposite way of how one really feels | |
595731871 | Frustration | Blocking of a goal | |
595731872 | Aggression | frustration leads to this | |
595731873 | Stress | circumstances that threaten one's well-being and tax coping abilities | |
595731874 | hostility | Type A personalities who demonstrate this form of aggression are candidates for heart disease | |
595731875 | Resistence | coping efforts begin at this stage of Selye's model as the parasympathetic system kicks in | |
595731876 | Psychosomatic | These types of diseases have an organic basis, but are aggravated by psychological factors (hives) | |
595731877 | eustress | stress perceived as positive | |
595731878 | hans salye | coined the term stress and studied physiological responses to prolonged stress | |
595731879 | Catharsis | purging of emotional tension or "blowing off steam" | |
595731880 | Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict | 2 bad choices, stuck between a rock and a hard place | |
595731881 | Dissociation Fugue | when one's explicit memory is entirely irretrievable and identity is lost; may involve unexpected travel due to loss of identity | |
595731882 | Agoraphobia | fear to go to public places | |
595731883 | DSM Axis | the American Psychiatric Association's widely used system for classifying psychological disorders | |
595731884 | OCD | symptoms of this are hoarding, perfectionism, counting, rituals, etc | |
595731885 | PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; an anxiety disorder resulting from having witnessed or been confronted by the threat of death, or injury, marked by emotional flashbacks following the crisis | |
595731886 | Compulsions | repetitive and unwanted action that can be resisted only with difficulty; usually associated with an obsession | |
595731887 | Deviance | criteria for determining abnormality based upon one's breaking away from cultural norms | |
595731888 | Dissociative Identity Disorder | occurrence of 2 or more identities in the same individual, each of which is sufficiently integrated to have a relatively stable life of its own and recurrently to take full control of the person's behavior | |
595731889 | Sociopath | someone with an anti-social personality disorder is called this | |
595731890 | Borderline Personality | The crazy girlfriend that sabotages their own relationship or become overly clingy and have an unstable self-image | |
595731891 | Personality | Mental retardation and this DSM category are under Axis II | |
595731892 | Paranoid Schizophrenia | one may become suspicious and avoid taking medication | |
595731893 | Serotonin | Prozac inhibits the reuptake of this neurotransmitter by the pre-synaptic neuron so that more goes to post-synaptic neuron | |
595731894 | Etiology | the apparent causation and developmental history of an illness | |
595731895 | catatonic schizophrenia | Schizophrenia marked by disturbed motor movements | |
595731896 | Insanity | legal status excusing one's actions due to mental illness | |
595731897 | delusions | false beliefs often of persecution or grandeur that may accompany schizophrenia | |
595731898 | Dopamine | overproduction of this is responsible for schizophrenia | |
595731899 | Psychosomatic | physical ailments with a genuine organic basis causes in part by psychological factors (ulcers) | |
595731900 | hypochondria | the sustained conviction in the absence of medical evidence that one is ill | |
595731901 | conversion | a somatoform disorder chacterized by the loss of the body not due to any physical disorder, but apparently due to psychological conflicts when psychological trauma manifests as a physical ailment | |
595731902 | Dysthymic | Disorder in which one exhibits moderate symptoms of depression | |
595731903 | Delusions of Granduer | belief that one is more important than they really are | |
595731904 | psychosocial | a dysfunctional family life would be an example of this Axis IV characteristic | |
595731905 | Bipolar | an affective disorder characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania | |
595731906 | schizophrenia | means "split mind" not "split personality" | |
595731907 | symptoms | DSM axis listing disorder categories and syndromes | |
595731908 | Historianic personality disorder | excessively dramatic or emotional attention are symptoms of this | |
595731909 | Cyclothymic | marked by moderate bipolar swings in mood | |
595731910 | Bulimia | out-of-control eating followed by self-induced purging | |
595731911 | ventricles | these have been found to be larger in brains of schizophrenics | |
595731912 | anxiety | disorder marked by neurotic tendencies and apprehension | |
595731913 | GAF | Global Assessment of Functioning, DSM's classification of one's overall functioning on a scale of 1-100 | |
595731914 | Cognitive Behavioral therapy | CBT, therapy approach focused on internalized sentences and realistic thinking | |
595731915 | enzymes | neurotransmitters left over in the synapse are taken up again or broken down by these | |
595731916 | reuptake | when the presynaptic neuron absorbs leftover neurotransmitters not taken into postsynaptic neuron | |
595731919 | Systematic Desensitization | a technique used in behavior therapy to treat phobias and other behavior problems involving anxiety, step by step process | |
595731920 | Behaviorist therapy | cutting to chase therapy, approach that sees disorders as primarily learned; tend to be quicker and cheaper | |
595731923 | Rational-Emotive Therapy | cognitive approach in which one tries to get their emotions under rational control | |
595731926 | Transference | when patients start relating to the therapist in ways that mimic critical relationships in their lives | |
595731929 | mirror | humanists function like this, reflecting statements back to their CLIENTS with enhanced clarity | |
595731932 | Biomedical Therapy | physiological interventions such as drugs, psychosurgery and shock therapy | |
595731935 | insight therapy | therapies that involve verbal interactions | |
595731937 | tardive Dyskinesia | side effect of antipsychotic drugs marked by involuntary writhing and tic like movements | |
595731939 | leison/ablation | psychosurgery involving ablation or damaging brain tissue | |
595731941 | Aaron Beck | proposed that depression is caused by "errors" in thinking | |
595731943 | Thorazine | common antipsychotic drug that decreases dopamine | |
595731946 | Lithium | mineral drug for the treatment of bipolar disorder | |
595731948 | antianxiety drugs | tranquilizers, valium, xanax, etc for relieving apprehension | |
595731950 | humanist | insight therapy approach that is unconditionally positive | |
595731952 | Self-Congruence | roger's term for one whose self-concept is aligned with their experience | |
595731954 | Remission | recovery from a disorder without any formal treatment | |
595731956 | Affective/mood disorders | treated with Lithium and SSRI drugs | |
595731958 | Aversion | therapy in which you classically condition the patient to have a negative reaction to a stimulus | |
595731960 | Counter-conditioning | reversing the process of classically conditioning fear such as through systematic desensitization | |
595731962 | Eclectic | borrowing from a variety of therapy styles | |
595731964 | Biofeedback | bodily functions are monitored so that one can better control physiological processes anxiety, blood pressure, etc | |
595731966 | SSRI | class of antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin by blocking reuptake | |
595731968 | Tranquilizers | anxiolytic drug with possible side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, and addiction | |
595731970 | Albert Ellis | Cognitive Psychologist who developed rational emotive therapy | |
595731973 | 1% | 1% of world population suffers from schizophrenia | |
595731975 | ECT | acronym for shock treatment, good for depression | |
595731977 | Resistance | patient's changing the subject or becoming defensive during psychoanalysis | |
595731979 | distress | stress viewed as negative | |
595731981 | repression | defense mechanism, burying into unconscious; traumatic events buried | |
595731982 | Projection | defense mechanism, if one is in denial they may project onto others | |
595731983 | Fantasizing | defense mechanism, daydreaming to fulfill a desire, solve problems. i.e. playing back a bad game in your head and making it good | |
595731984 | Displacement | defense mechanism, redirecting emotions on something isnt causing it | |
595731985 | Compensation | defense mechanism, going to extremes to make up for inferiority | |
595731986 | Sublimation | redirecting libido (sex drive) into more socially acceptable creative constructs | |
595731987 | Axis I | General Symptoms | |
595731988 | Axis II | Personality | |
595731989 | Axis III | Medication taking? | |
595731990 | Axis IV | Environmental situation | |
595731991 | Axis V | Global Assessment of functioning (GAF) | |
595731992 | Somatoform Disorders | all in head, no physical ailments i.e. in cambodia parents witnessed the brutal murders of their children by Pol Pot, in result all the parents became blind | |
595731993 | Psychoanalysis Therapies | dream analysis, hypnosis, goal to gain insight into unconscious, resistance, free association, neo-freudian approach, transference, projective tests(ink blots) | |
595731994 | Humanist Therapies | Focus on meaning and purpose, positive side of us, client centered, unconditionally positive, goal to get self actualization (Maslow) and achieve self-congruence (Rogers), mirroring, | |
595731995 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapies | analyzing thoughts (Aaron Beck), Optimism, Rational Emotive Therapy (Albert Ellis) | |
595731996 | Gestalt Therapies | Experiential Awareness -emphasizing the "live in today not tomorrow or past" Psycho drama - role play Relational Interactivity - Big picture is your pattern of relationships, we focus on connections | |
595731997 | Behaviorist Therapies | Token Economy, Aversion, Systematic Desensitization, omission training (based on negative punishment) | |
595731998 | Biomedical therapies | Physical, biology, chemistry, leison/ablasion, biofeedback(ex. watching your own pulse), ECT (shock therapy for depression last resort), Pharmacology, SSRI's, Lithium, Antipsychotic drugs etc |