APUSH terms 1960 - Present Flashcards
By Carson Hodsdon
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730418883 | Miranda V Arizona | Supreme Court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police. | |
730418884 | Camp David Accords | A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt where Egypt agreed to recognize the nation state of Israel | |
730418885 | Jimmy Carter | President who stressed human rights. Because of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, he enacted an embargo on grain shipments to USSR and boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow | |
730418886 | Washington Outsiders | a candidate who has not served in Congress or has connections to special interest groups or lobbyists who seek to influence public policy in Washington. The term is regularly used in politics to symbolize a candidate's desire to bring change to Washington. | |
730418887 | Bay of Pigs | In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. When the invasion ended in disaster, President Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure. | |
730418888 | Economic Opportunity Act | law enacted in 1964 that provided funds for youth programs antipoverty measures, small-business loans, and job training. | |
730418889 | Malcolm X | 1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality | |
730418890 | SALT I Treaty | a five-year agreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, sighned in 1972, that limited the nations' numbers of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched missiles. | |
730418891 | Mayaguez Incident | Peace time military rescue operation conducted by American armed forces against Cambodia | |
730418892 | Gerald Ford | president 1974-77, Nixon's Vice president, only person not voted into the White House, appointed vice president by Nixon: became president after Nixon resigned | |
730418893 | Reaganomics | The federal economic polices of the Reagan administration, elected in 1981. These policies combined a monetarist fiscal policy, supply-side tax cuts, and domestic budget cutting. Their goal was to reduce the size of the federal government and stimulate economic growth. | |
730418894 | Voting Rights Act of 1965 | 1965; invalidated the use of any test or device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disenfranchised blacks; as more blacks became politically active and elected black representatives, it rboguth jobs, contracts, and facilities and services for the black community, encouraging greater social equality and decreasing the wealth and education gap | |
730418895 | Black Panthers | a militant Black political party founded in 1965 to end political dominance by Whites | |
730418896 | War Powers Act | Act that grants emergency executive powers to president to run war effort | |
730418897 | OPEC | an organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum | |
730418898 | Tet Offensive | 1968; National Liberation Front and North Vietnamese forces launched a huge attack on the Vietnamese New Year (Tet), which was defeated after a month of fighting and many thousands of casualties; major defeat for communism, but Americans reacted sharply, with declining approval of LBJ and more anti-war sentiment | |
730418899 | Peace Corps | a civilian organization sponsored by the United States government | |
730418900 | Cuban Missile Crisis | an international crisis in October 1962, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR. When the U.S. discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy demanded their removal and announced a naval blockade of the island; the Soviet leader Khrushchev acceded to the U.S. demands a week later. | |
730418901 | Affirmative Action | a policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities | |
730418902 | Lee Harvey Oswald | On November 22, 1963, he assassinated President Kennedy who was riding downtown Dallas, Texas. Oswald was later shot in front of television cameras by Jack Ruby. | |
730418903 | George Wallace | Racist gov. of Alabama in 1962 ("segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"); runs for pres. In 1968 on American Independent Party ticket of racism and law and order, loses to Nixon; runs in 1972 but gets shot | |
730418904 | Roe V Wade | (1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy | |
730418905 | War on Poverty | President Lyndon B. Johnson's program in the 1960's to provide greater social services for the poor and elderly | |
730418906 | Warren Commission | Commission made by LBJ after killing of John F. Kennedy. (Point is to investigate if someone paid for the assasination of Kennedy.) Conclusion is that Oswald killed Kennedy on his own. Commissioner is Chief Justice Warren. | |
730418907 | Hippies | a youth subculture (mostly from the middle class) originating in San Francisco in the 1960s | |
730418908 | Bakke V Board of Regents | US court case in which Bakke was denied to University of California Medical School twice to people less qualified based on race. Case determined that affirmative action is legal as long as filling quotas is not used. | |
730418909 | Supply-side Economics | An economic philosophy that holds the sharply cutting taxes will increase the incentive people have to work, save, and invest. Greater investments will lead to more jobs, a more productive economy, and more tax revenues for the government. | |
730418910 | Stagflation | a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation) | |
730418911 | Barry Goldwater | 1964; Republican contender against LBJ for presidency; platform included lessening federal involvement, therefore opposing Civil Rights Act of 1964; lost by largest margin in history | |
730418912 | Kent State | Ohio college where an anti-war protest got way out of hand, the Nat'l Guard was called in and killed 3 students (innocent & unarmed,wounded 9) in idiscriminate fire of M-1 rifles | |
730418913 | Equal Rights Amendment | constitutional amendment passed by Congress but never ratified that would have banned discrimination on the basis of gender | |
730418914 | Helsinki Accords | Political and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, by the Soviet Union and western European countries. (p. 839) | |
730418915 | SNCC | Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, college kids participate in Civil Rights, stage sit-ins and such | |
730418916 | John F Kennedy | president during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the cuban missile crisis. he was the president who went on tv and told the public about hte crisis and allowed the leader of the soviet uinon to withdraw their missiles. other events, which were during his terms was the building of the berlin wall, the space race, and early events of the Vietnamese war. | |
730418917 | Gulf of Tonkin Resolution | The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress passed on August 7, 1964 in direct response to a minor naval engagement known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. It is of historical significance because it gave U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of military force in Southeast Asia. | |
730418918 | Ronald Reagan | first elected president in 1980 and elected again in 1984. He ran on a campaign based on the common man and "populist" ideas. He served as governor of California from 1966-1974, and he participated in the McCarthy Communist scare. Iran released hostages on his Inauguration Day in 1980. While president, he developed Reagannomics, the trickle down effect of government incentives. He cut out many welfare and public works programs. He used the Strategic Defense Initiative to avoid conflict. His meetings with Gorbachev were the first steps to ending the Cold War. He was also responsible for the Iran-contra Affair which bought hostages with guns. | |
730418919 | Martin Luther King Jr. | U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964) | |
730418920 | Gideon V Wainwright | a landmark case in United States Supreme Court history. In the case, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that state courts are required under the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution to provide counsel in criminal cases for defendants unable to afford their own attorneys. | |
730418921 | Great Society | President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education. | |
730418922 | Vietnamization | President Richard Nixons strategy for ending U.S involvement in the vietnam war, involving a gradual withdrawl of American troops and replacement of them with South Vietnamese forces | |
730418923 | Huey Newton | militant founder/leader of the Black Panthers | |
730418924 | Stokely Carmichael | a black civil rights activist in the 1960's. Leader of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. He did a lot of work with Martin Luther King Jr.but later changed his attitude. Carmichael urged giving up peaceful demonstrations and pursuing black power. He was known for saying,"black power will smash everything Western civilization has created." | |
730418925 | Michael Harrington | Author who wrote The Other American. He alerted those in the mainstream to what he saw in the run-down and hidden communities of the country. | |
730418926 | Civil Rights Act of 1964 | This act made racial, religious, and sex discrimination by employers illegal and gave the government the power to enforce all laws governing civil rights, including desegregation of schools and public places. | |
730418927 | Lyndon Johnson | 36th President of the United States | |
730418928 | Ralph Nadar | leader of the consumer movement... lawyer who investigated car saftey, meatpacking, and other industries | |
730418929 | Betty Friedan | United States feminist who founded a national organization for women (born in 1921) | |
730418930 | Rachel Carson | United States biologist remembered for her opposition to the use of pesticides that were hazardous to wildlife (1907-1964) | |
730418931 | Southern Christian Leadership Conference | An organization founded by MLK Jr., to direct the crusade against segregation. Its weapon was passive resistance that stressed nonviolence and love, and its tactic direct, though peaceful, confrontation. |