Chapter 2 Reading Notes
Chapter 1: New World Beginnings August 15th, 2012: Reading Assignment (Textbook Pgs. 6; 13-15; 24-35) Map 1.1 (Pg. 6) 25,000 years, ppl cross Bering land bridge (low water levels, Ice Age) from Eurasia to N. America ?Na. Americans? dispersed southward Columbus Comes upon a New World (Pgs. 13-14) October 12th, 1492 -> arrive at Bahamas Columbus: ?most successful failure? Thought America was the Indies, thus calling the Na. Americans ?Indians? When Worlds Collide (Pgs. 14-15) Columbus Exchange: New World -> Old World: Gold, Silver; corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans vanilla, chocolate; syphilis Old World -> New World: Wheat, sugar, rice, coffee; horses, cows, pigs; small pox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, diphtheria, scarlet fever