1950s Culture FRQ
US History [1]
Activism [3]
Literature [5]
Rosa Parks [6]
Boycott [7]
Youth culture [8]
Beat Generation [9]
culture [10]
FRQ Annie Hawkins p. 1 The 1950s in the US is a time that has been painted over with images of the American dream and disguised in nostalgia as a time when everyone fit the roles that society gave to them- the docile and hardworking housewife, the obedient children, the happy businessman husband, all of them white, content, and living in a carbon copied house with a white picket fence. This, however, was not the case with everyone living in America by a long shot. At the time, there were a great number of groups of people working against the generally accepted values and roles of the times, two of the larger of which were the youth and civil rights activists.