AP Gov -- Famous Court Cases Flashcards
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657684456 | Marbury v Madison, 1803 | Judicial review established | |
657684457 | McCulloch v Maryland, 1819 | Federal "implied powerse" supreme; federal banks allowed | |
657684458 | Gibbons v Ogden, 1824 | Commerce Clause gives Congress broad powers | |
657684459 | Dred Scott v Sanford, 1857 | Slaves are not citizens, but property | |
657684460 | Munn v Illinois, 1876 | Feds can regulate businesses crossing state lines | |
657684461 | Plessy v Ferguson, 1896 | "Separate but equal" allowed for state laws | |
657684462 | Schenk v U.S., 1919 | "Clear and present danger" test to limit speech | |
657684463 | Gitlow v New York, 1925 | Limits on "anarchy," but free speech "incorporated" | |
657684464 | Near v Minnesota, 1931 | No "prior restraint" of freedom of the press | |
657684465 | Korematsu v U.S., 1944 | Government can intern (detain) citizens in emergencies | |
657684466 | Brown v Board of Ed., 1954 | Overturned Plessy in public schools | |
657684467 | Roth v U.S., 1957 | Obscenity is not free speech | |
657684468 | Mapp v Ohio, 1961 | Warrants needed for evidence to be used (exclusion). | |
657684469 | Baker v Carr, 1962 | State apportionment must be "one man, one vote" | |
657684470 | Engel v Vitale, 1962 | No school-led daily prayer in public schools | |
657684471 | Gideon v Wainright, 1963 | States must provide attorneys in state courts | |
657684472 | Heart of Atlanta v U.S., 1964 | Commerce Clause applies to private business/interstate activities | |
657684473 | Griswold v Connecticut, 1965 | Information about birth control is a privacy right | |
657684474 | Miranda v Arizona, 1966 | Police must explain rights at time of arrest | |
657684475 | Terry v Ohio, 1968 | Police can search and seize with probable cause | |
657684476 | Lemon v Kurtzman, 1971 | Some government aid to church schools is allowed (Lemon Test). | |
657684477 | N.Y. Times v U.S., 1971 | No prior restraint of the stolen Pentagon Papers | |
657684478 | Miller v California, 1973 | Community standards determine obscenity | |
657684479 | Roe v Wade, 1973 | First trimester abortions legal as medical privacy | |
657684480 | U.S. v Nixon, 1974 | Executive privilege does not extend to criminal cases | |
657684481 | Gregg v Georgia, 1976 | Death penalty upheld within 8th amendment | |
657684482 | Buckley v Valeo, 1976 | Campaign money limits, but independent and personal money allowed | |
657684483 | Regents v Bakke, 1978 | No racial quotas allowed, but race can be considered | |
657684484 | New Jersey v TLO, 1985 | School searches without warrants possible | |
657684485 | Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier, 1988 | School newspapers can be edited by teachers, administrators | |
657684486 | Texas v Johnson, 1989 | Flag burning is a form of political free speech | |
657684487 | Planned Parenthood v Casey, 1992 | States can put some restrictions on Roe rights | |
657684488 | Santa Fe ISD v Doe, 2000 | No school-led prayers at extracurricular events | |
657684489 | Gratz v Bollinger, 2003 | Affirmative action at colleges okay but limited |