AP Euro: Name that Period Flashcards
For each description, name the period that best applies
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784055536 | Reformation | Sola Scriptura, Council of Trent, Zwingli, Jesuits, Indulgences | |
784055537 | Russian Revolution | Cheka, war communism, Lenin, Bolsheviks, Red Army | |
784055538 | French Revolution | Assembly of Notables, the Convention, guillotine, Robespierre, Declaration of the Rights of Man | |
784055539 | Scientific Revolution | "Like cures like," Newton, Principia, Brahe, French Royal Academy | |
784055540 | Age of Religious Warfare | William the Silent, the Defenestration of Prague, the Dutch Revolt, the Edict of Nantes, the Schmalkaldic League | |
784055541 | Witchcraft Trials | Malleus Maleficarum, shift to individualism, Montaigne and religious skepticism, scapegoating, the test of reason | |
784055542 | Renaissance | Medici, Il Divino, Duomo, La Joconde, secularism | |
784055543 | Old Imperialism | Pizarro, 3Gs, Columbian Exchange, Eurocentrism, Commercial Revolution | |
784055544 | New Imperialism | White Man's Burden, Rhodes, "open door" policy, Boxer Rebellion, modernizers, Meiji Restoration | |
784055545 | Great War | War Guilt Clause, Princip, Schlieffen Plan, two-power rule, propaganda and censorship on the home front, "blank check" | |
784055546 | Interwar Europe | "Spirit" of Locarno, Gleichschaltung, Squadristi, Enabling Act, Great Depression, Spanish Civil War | |
784055547 | World War II | "Diplomatic Revolution," Anschluss, the Battle of Kursk, Churchill, Operation Overlord | |
784055548 | Age of Ideologies | Burke, Karlsbad Decrees, Anti-Corn Law League, Latin American revolts, Concert of Europe | |
784055549 | First Industrial Revolution | Turnip Townshend, factory system, urbanization, Great Exhibition, steam power, Factory Acts, iron | |
784055550 | Second Industrial Revolution | Steel, Daimler, electricity, cartels, interchangeable parts, assembly line, Taylorism, Swan, radio | |
784383809 | Renaissance | Patronage, humanism, Mirandola, Valla, The School of Athens | |
784383810 | Age of Religious Warfare | "Paris is worth a Mass," Guise, Catherine de Medici, War of the Three Henries, politiques | |
784383811 | Old Imperialism | Axial rudder, magnetic compass, Hudson, Treaty of Tordesillas, History of the Indies | |
784383812 | Absolutism & Constitutionalism | Junkers, "L'etat, c'est moi," Hobbes, Peter the Great, Janissaries | |
784383813 | Age of Ideologies | Metropolitan Police Act, 1848--year of revolt, Romanticism, Greek Revolt, Poor Law of 1834, Frankfurt Assembly | |
784383814 | Scientific Revolution | Paracelsus, Kepler, elliptical orbits, Cavendish, Uraniborg Castle | |
784383815 | Modernity | "New physics," Cubism, paradigm shift, eternal recurrence, "talking cure" | |
784383816 | Interwar Europe | NSDAP, World Cup, Guernica, Kristallnacht, NEP | |
784383817 | World War II | Blitzkrieg tactics, Axis Powers, Miracle at Dunkirk, Manhattan Project, VE Day | |
784383818 | Cold War | "Iron Curtain," containment, Marshall Plan, Secret Speech, denazification, Berlin Airlift | |
784383819 | Contemporary Europe | Velvet Revolution, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Maastricht Treaty, "Iron Lady," Dayton Peace Accords, IRA | |
784383820 | European Union | Schuman Plan, Treaty of Rome, Jean Monnet, euro, Copenhagen Criteria, sovereign debt issues | |
785822420 | Enlightenment | "Dare to know," philosophes, salons, Calas Affair, Voltaire, Joseph II | |
785822421 | Cold War | Kennan, Berlin Blockade, Suez Crisis, Prague Spring, martial law in Poland | |
785822422 | Renaissance | Petrarch, ad fontes, Christian humanism, Erasmus, portraiture | |
785822423 | Old Imperialism | Immunity, Price Revolution, Atahualpa, Dona Marina, encomienda | |
785822424 | Great War | "Over the top," Kiel Mutiny, Battle of Verdun, Article 231, Fourteen Points, Remarque | |
785822425 | Enlightenment | Frederick the Great, Rousseau, "invisible hand," salonnieres, elite movement, Wollstonecraft, Encyclopedia | |
785822426 | Absolutism & Constitutionalism | Dutch Republic, Oliver Cromwell, Jacobites, English Bill of Rights, Exclusion Bill, Petition of Right, boyars, "Westernization," Great Northern War, Peace of Utrecht |