Scarlet Letter Vocab Flashcards
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244412529 | THRONG | a great number of persons crowded together. | 0 | |
244412530 | EDIFICE | a large, usually impressive building. | 1 | |
244412531 | UTOPIA | a place or state of political or social perfection. Comes from a novel by Sir Thomas Moore abo ut a perfect socirty | 2 | |
244412532 | PORTAL | a doorway of imposing appearance. | 3 | |
244412533 | INDUBITABLY | unquestionably. | 4 | |
244412534 | ANTINOMIAN | one who rejects a socially established morality. | 5 | |
244412535 | HETERODOX | holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines. | 6 | |
244412536 | INFAMY | evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal. | 7 | |
244412537 | IMPROPRIETY | the quality or state of being improper. | 8 | |
244412538 | ROTUNDITY | rounded. | 9 | |
244412539 | BEHOOF | advantage, profit. | 10 | |
244412540 | ABASHED | to destroy the self-confidence of. | 11 | |
244412541 | SUMPTUARY | designed to regulate habits on moral or religious grounds. | 12 | |
244412542 | GENTILITY | the members of the upper class. | 13 | |
244412543 | EVANESCENT | tending to vanish like vapor. | 14 | |
244412544 | IGNOMINY | disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action. | 15 | |
244412545 | BRAZEN | marked by contemptuous boldness. | 16 | |
244412546 | INIQUITY | wickedness. | 17 | |
244412547 | CONTUMELY | rude language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt. | 18 | |
244412548 | COUNTENANCES | looks; expressions. | 19 | |
244412549 | FURROWS | wrinkles. | 20 | |
244412550 | HETEROGENEOUS | different in kind. | 21 | |
244412551 | ABATE | put an end to. | 22 | |
244412552 | WRITHING | (to twist in pain; to suffer keenly. | 23 | |
244412553 | INTERVOLUTIONS | twists between | 24 | |
244412554 | SOJOURN | a temporary stay. | 25 | |
244412555 | INIQUITY | wickedness. | 26 | |
244412556 | SAGAMORES | a subordinate chief of the Algonquian Indians of the north A tlantic coast. | 27 | |
244412557 | AMENABLE | willing to yield or submit: agreeable. | 28 | |
244412558 | PEREMPTORY | leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal. | 29 | |
244412559 | ALCHEMY | a power or pro cess of transforming something common into something precious. | 30 | |
244412560 | AVENGE | to exact satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the wrongdoer. | 31 | |
244412561 | INQUEST | inquiry, investigation. | 32 | |
244412562 | ASSIMILATE | to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group. | 33 | |
244412563 | UNCONGENIAL | unfriendly. | 34 | |
244412564 | PLEBEIAN | one of the common people. | 35 | |
244412565 | EMOLUMENT | advantage. | 36 | |
244412566 | COMMISERATION | to feel or express sympathy condole. | 37 | |
244412567 | CONTUMACIOUSLY | stubbornly disobedient: rebellious. | 38 | |
244412568 | TALISMAN | something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects. | 39 | |
244412569 | EFFICACY | effective as a means of remedy. | 40 | |
244412570 | IMBUED | inspired as with feelings, opinions, etc. | 41 | |
244412571 | MUTABILITY | subject to change. | 42 | |
244412572 | EPOCH | a point in time marked by the beginning of a new development or state of things. | 43 | |
244412573 | REGIMEN | to organize. | 44 | |
244412574 | GESTICULATION | expression through gestures. | 45 | |
244412575 | LABYRINTH | any intricate or perplexing set of difficulties: maze. | 46 | |
244412576 | LUDICROUS | amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity. | 47 | |
244412577 | EMINENCE | position of prominence or superiority. | 48 | |
244412578 | PRISTINE | uncorrupt by civilization. | 49 | |
244412579 | INTRINSIC | originating or situated within the body or part acted on. | 50 | |
244412580 | IMPERIOUS | commanding; dominant. | 51 | |
244412581 | FOLIO | a book of the largest size. | 52 | |
244412582 | TOME | a volume forming part of a larger work. | 53 | |
244412583 | ANNALS | historical record s: chronicles. | 54 | |
244412584 | EXPATIATING | enlarging in discourse or writing. | 55 | |
244412585 | ANTIQUATE | obsolete. | 56 | |
244412586 | BENEVOLENCE | desiring to do good to others. | 57 | |
244412587 | EMACIATED | to make very thin, as to lack of nutrition or to disease. | 58 | |
244412588 | APPELLATION | an identifying name or title. | 59 | |
244412589 | INTRICACIES | having many interrelated parts or facets: intricate. | 60 | |
244412590 | COUNTENANCE | to extend approval or toleration o f. | 61 | |
244412591 | PARISHIONER | a member or inhabitant of a parish. | 62 | |
244412592 | PROPOUND | to offer up for discussion or consideration. | 63 | |
244412593 | DIABOLIC | devilish. | 64 | |
244412594 | SEXTON | an official charged with maintaining church property. | 65 | |
244412595 | DEEM | to believe or judge. | 66 | |
244412596 | ASPIRATION | strong desire, longing, or ambition: goal. | 67 | |
244412597 | PROPAGATE | publicize. | 68 | |
244412598 | ABASEMENT | to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem. | 69 | |
244412599 | IMP | a small demon: fiend. | 70 | |
244412600 | PIETY | reverence to God. | 71 | |
244412601 | MALICE | desire to see another suffer. | 72 | |
244412602 | LATENT | present and capable of becoming though not now visible or active: dormant. | 73 | |
244412603 | ODIOUS | exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance. | 74 | |
244412604 | MACHINATION | a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end. | 75 | |
244412605 | LORE | traditional knowledge or belief. | 76 | |
244412606 | ETHEREALIZED | celestially. | 77 | |
244412607 | ATTESTATION | to be proof of: manifest. | 78 | |
244412608 | AVOWAL | an open declaration or acknowledgment. | 79 | |
244412609 | IMPALPABLE | incapable of being felt by touch. | 80 | |
244412610 | VENERATION | commanding respect because of great age or associated dignity. | 81 | |
244412611 | SOMNAMBULISM | sleepwalking. | 82 | |
244412612 | EXPIATION | to atone for; to make amends for. | 83 | |
244412613 | DEFUNCT | dead or inactive. | 84 | |
244412614 | MALEVOLENCE | arising from intense or vicious ill will, spite, or hatred. | 85 | |
244412615 | ERUDITE | possessing or displaying erudition; learned. | 86 | |
244412616 | REPLETE | fully or abundantly provided or filled complete | 87 | |
244412617 | PAUPER | a very poor person. | 88 | |
244412618 | GIBE | to tease with taunting word s. | 89 | |
244412619 | MEED | a fitting return or recompense. | 90 | |
244412620 | DESPOTS | a ruler with absolute power and authority. | 91 | |
244412621 | FOLIAGE | a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches. | 92 | |
244412622 | SEMBLANCE | outward and often specious appearance or show. | 93 | |
244412623 | IMBIBED | to receive into the mind and retain.. | 94 | |
244412624 | ETHEREAL | celestial, heavenly. | 95 | |
244412625 | CHASM | a marked division, separation, or difference. | 96 | |
244412626 | ORACLES | a person (as a priest) through whom a deity is believed to speak. | 97 | |
244412627 | DEITY | Supreme Being: God. | 98 | |
244412628 | WROUGHT | deeply stirred: excited. | 99 | |
244412629 | APOTHEOSIS | elevation to divine status. | 100 | |
244412630 | INTIMATIONS | the act of making known: announce. | 101 | |
244412631 | CONJECTURE | a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork. | 102 | |
244412632 | RECLUSE | marked by withdrawal from society: solitary. | 103 | |
244412633 | PENITENCE | regret for sin or wrongdoing. | 104 | |
244412634 | ESCUTCHEON | a protective or ornamental shield. | 105 | |
244412635 | SABLE | the color black: dark. | 106 | |
244412636 | GULES | the heraldic color red. | 107 |