Renaissance and Reformation Flashcards
History Kamil EMW Final
* Questions are ones he said would be mult. choice.
I put some from the Renaissance/Reformation old quizzes too.
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179251189 | *What sparked the Renaissance? | • Increased trade with Asia and other regions • Growth of large and wealthy city-states in Italy • Renewed interest in classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome • Rise of rich merchants who were patrons of arts • Increased desire for scientific and technological knowledge • Desire to beautify cities | |
179251190 | *What were the key differences between Northern and Italian artists? | • Northern artists (Flemish School) used oil paintings focused on landscapes and domestic life, fusing everyday with religion through symbolism, realistic views • Italian artists often showed mythological scenes, beautified things | |
179276253 | Diet of Worms | When Pope Leo X (1520) excommunicated Luther from Church, and he was summoned to appear before the Holy Roman Emperor and the German Diet (assembly) in city of Worms | |
179276254 | *Edict of Worms | Holy Roman Emperor in response to Diet of Worms declared Luther to be an outlaw and condemned his writings | |
179276255 | Ulrich Zwingli founded a church in Switzerland with basis of? | Theocracy | |
179276256 | Desiderius Erasmus' works were censored by Church because.... | They fanned the flames of discontent with Church | |
179276257 | *What did Gutenberg invent? Why was it revolutionary? | Printing press, with easier access to books, more people learned to read and more books were printed | |
179276258 | *Which countries supported Catholicism and Protestantism during Reformation/Counter Reformation? | • Catholicism: Spain, France, Portugal, Italy • Protestantism: England, Scotland, most of Germany | |
179276259 | *Council of Trent | During Counter-Reformation, examined criticisms of Catholic practices, addressed corruption of clergy and argued for the role of the church in salvation | |
179276260 | *Michelangelo (famous for & ID) | • Famous for statue of David and ceiling of Sistine Chapel and Pieta • 1400's, Born in Caprese, considered son of Florence • Learned in Medici school, father got support from Medicis • Studied anatomy to be more realistic • Characterized biblical figures • One of three main artists of High Renaissance | |
179276261 | *Giberti (famous for) | Created two bronze doors for baptistery in Florence | |
179276262 | *Da Vinci (famous for) | Last Supper, Mona Lisa, machine designs | |
179276263 | *Brunelleschi (famous for and ID) | • Italian artist and architect during 1300s-1400s • First to use perspective • Created/fixed Duomo (which is what he's famous for) that had brought shame to the golden city when original planner had been too ambitious • Learned much from techniques of ancient Romans | |
179276264 | Henry VIII | • Early 1500s-King of England • Desire to annul marriage led to conflict with pope and England's break with Roman Catholic Church and embrace of Protestantism • Established Church of England and named himself head of church and state (Act of Supremacy) | |
179276265 | Humanism | intellectual movement focused on study of worldly subjects, humanities | |
179276266 | Martin Luther | • German monk • Ninety Five Theses protests against Catholic Church • Led to calls for reform and Reformation • Translated Bible into German, allowing more people to read and interpret on their own | |
179276267 | Machiavelli | • Insisted that rulers must do whatever is necessary to stay in political power (regardless of morals) or serve your own purposes • Theorized that "the end justifies the means" • Wrote "The Prince" to explain how to attain/hold on to power | |
179276268 | Medici Family | • Family in Florence who ruled the city • Supported the arts • Banking business, most profitable in Europe • With nepotism, Giovanni de Medici became Pope Leo 10th • Sold indulgences and emptied papal coiffers with lavish living | |
179276269 | Protestant Reformation | • Early 1500s, movement from people who thought the Church had strayed too far from its spiritual roots • Split the Christian church in western Europe and led to establishment of many new churches | |
179276270 | *Raphael (famous for and ID) | • Famous for School of Athens a fresco and paintings of Madonna • Painter and architect • Known for vibrant colors • One of three main artists of High Renaissance | |
179276271 | Secularism | focus is worldly, not spiritual | |
179276272 | Realism | movement in art that sought to depict details of everyday life | |
179276273 | Individualism | theory stressing interests of individual | |
179276274 | Perspective | process of representing spatial relation of objects | |
179276275 | Renaissance Man | someone interested in variety of subjects | |
179276276 | Sfumato | blending one tone into another | |
179276277 | Chiarascuro | arrangement of light and dark parts | |
179276278 | Contrapposto | relaxed pose | |
179276279 | Fresco | applying paint on fresh coat of plaster | |
179276280 | Republic | political system in which citizens elect representatives to run government | |
179276281 | Counter-Reformation | • Catholic Church's series of reforms in response to spread of Protestantism • Inquisitions were set up also, which tried to stamp out Protestantism, abuse of power • Political power became separated from churches in result (rulers and merchants wanted church to be less involved in state and business) | |
179281948 | Ignatius of Loyola | Founded the Jesuits | |
179281949 | Teresa of Avila | Nun who reformed Carmelite order | |
179281950 | Sir Thomas More | Wrote Utopia | |
179281951 | Vernacular | everyday language of the people | |
179281952 | Jan Van Eyck (famous for) | Perfecting technique of oil painting, landscapes and domestic life | |
179281953 | Hans Holbein (famous for) | symbolism | |
179281954 | Pieter Brueghel the Elder (famous for) | using Italian techniques in work while focusing on peasant life | |
179281955 | Baldassare Castiglione | wrote The Courtier, how Renaissance men/women should act | |
179281956 | Christine de Pisan | Italian writer, talked about women's importance in society | |
179281957 | Francis of Sales | Worked to convert district of Savoy (france) back to Catholicism during Counter-Ref |