Bilbo Baggins Essay
English [1]
The Hobbit [2]
Middle-earth [3]
film [4]
Fantasy [5]
Bilbo Baggins [6]
Hobbit [7]
Gollum [8]
Gandalf [9]
The Quest of Erebor [10]
One Ring [11]
Cherlin 1 Ross Cherlin Mr. Saad English 1 HP 28 November 2012 A Journey to Change From a hermit to a hero Bilbo Baggins fights in wars and finds ancient treasures. In the novel The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Bilbo Baggins starts out as just an average hobbit until Gandalf the great and some dwarves convinced him to join them on a life -changing journey. Hobbits were boring old people who just sat around and ate a lot of food until Bilbo decided to go on his adventure. Bilbo started out as a normal hobbit and ended up changing into a strong and adventurous hero.