Works of Art Chapter 1
Art History [1]
Paleolithic [2]
Austria [3]
Stone Age [5]
Neolithic [6]
Venus [7]
Prehistory [8]
Archaeology [9]
Technology [10]
1. Deer Hunt 5750 BCE Neolithic (New Stone Age) Context: wall painting No known Patron nor Artist Prepared on a white background Human beings are more organized and depicted in motion, torsos are facing us and legs are in profile, shows the whole body 2. Hall of Bulls 15,000-13,000 BCE Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) Context: Cave wall, decoration No known Patron nor Artist Biggest bull is 11'6 3. Stonehenge 2550-1600 BCE Neolithic (New Stone Age) Context: astronomical observatory No known Patron nor Artist Scale: 97 feet diameter, largest one is 24 ft Salisbury, England 4. Venus Of Willendorf "Nude Woman" 28,000-25,000 BCE Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) Context: Fertility Material: limestone No known patron nor artist